

Everyone was running around and hiding in panic. Fighting was going on everywhere. Sounds of many attacks and spells could be heard everywhere. The whole planet was under attack. There were people, with the royal symbols of the Black planet, White planet and Yellow planet. The citizens where hiding. There were many warships, and most of the buildings were destroyed. Smoke and fire were coming from everywhere. The whole planet was in ruins.

The army was not able to keep up. The king of the planet knew that they would lose the war soon. They had not expected such a surprise attack.

The king shouted, "Everyone, this battle cannot be won by us, so just run away."

One woman, with pink hair, fighting nearby screamed, "It is not possible father. We will not run away and fight till our deaths."

Another woman, with the same hair, said, "Yes father, sister is right. We will not flee!"

All the soldiers agreed with the princesses and continued to fight. The princesses were very strong. They were packing a strong punch in their attacks, and the opponents were having a hard time with them. The king himself was very strong, and was able to defeat waves of enemies with just one attack. But the king knew that this was pointless. So, he decided to take a drastic action.

"I am going to cast the forbidden spell now." The king shouted. "Everybody, hope you find a good person as your host and help them to grow stronger. Make them strong enough so that they do not fall like us."

"Father no!" Both the princesses shouted. "You cannot throw away your life like that." The whole army was shocked by this. They could not let the king die, as it was their duty to protect him. But the king had made up his mind, after seeing the chaos around him.

"Go to the blue planet and make them realise their forgotten power once more. Remember, you will not have your own bodies, but will merely be souls who can power your hosts. The pink planet will not just die in battle, but bring about a new force to take care of these people. The pink planet will love on."

"Father noooo…..."

A big white light was radiated by the pink planet that day. All the native people on the planet died away. Their souls were transported far-far away to the blue planet, Earth.

The souls went inside numerous bodies. As the number of souls was much greater, some bodies got numerous souls. The princesses went inside a sleeping man. All humans on the planet got some souls and started to radiate some kind of white light. This only lasted for about 5 minutes, but it was such a beautiful sight, that whoever saw it in the planet, was stricken with wonder. The white light which came out of the humans, was just like a beautiful star.

Everyone felt very weird, as something had just gone inside their body. Soon people started to use magic. Some used fire, some used water. Electric, ice, wind, stone, grass, and all other kinds of magic.
