
Chapter 194

"It pains me to see you seated by the window so much and I am almost tempted to convince Victor to take you closer to him. It is a battle each time I see you. I'm sure he is fine," Madeline said, joining Rose by the window. "He would be happy to know you miss him. Your love grows with each passing day."

Rose welcomed her mother sitting by the window with her. "I was thinking about the friends I made thanks to working for him. I think of Janice and how I have not gotten the chance to speak to them. I started to be close to a soldier named Mary. She was my guard at first."

"A woman amongst soldiers. I would love to meet her. Once we hear news about the palace then we can consider going closer to Zayne. I am eagerly awaiting news just like you but for a different reason. I shouldn't say this to you but I am hoping James dies. Then I wouldn't need to worry about where you go around the kingdom," said Madeline.