
the forgotten love story

Hi welcome to my story on how I fell in love with an idiot. Am Jane Lee and the idiot I fell in love with name is Brandon Michael, rich handsome and you could say he's Mr Right to the right girl right. But to me his just weird,awkward and amazing when I first met him but you have to remember the devil was once angle me right

_kidzx · 都市
5 Chs


"So what are you going to do?" stated Mary trying not to go back to sleep.

"I don't know yet because that's what I'm trying to figure out, and it's giving me and headache," rubbing my head.

"Again really, did you even have lunch today or breakfast?" Mary asked," I didn't have time to cause of the amount of paperwork I saw on the deck this morning, I believe that this old fart is trying to bury me alive with paper "sadly dying inside.

"I am not even going to comment on that as long as you don't and up in my emergency room, I am fine with it" said Mary laughing.

"Do you want me to give you your birthday present a bit early this year? Asked Mary. "Really what is it? I really want to know but why though?" trying to hide my excitement.

"Well the hospital gave me a weekend pass for a hotel you like," Mary said, "No way? Are you serious? When is it? Still in disbelieve.

"I love you, come on tell when?" I ask.

"Its next weekend but you'll have to promise me that after you go there you'll quit your job and do something else ok, Mary said.

"Well this case is the last one I have for this month, can it wait till then? I ask.

"No!" I have given you many chances to quit this job so it's the last time am going to do this for you to make up your mind," "it's the hotel or no hotel it's your choice, but I have to hear it now or am going to hang up.

"Okay, I get it".