
The forgotten kingdom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ``If you have to leave me, do me a favor and keep this ... to remind you of me, and when you remember me... let it be as a happy memory, something you are fond of.´´ - ??? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ilya_07 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

A warm welcome

A cold breeze took over the room, there was a small fog on the floor which sent shivers down my spine. I turned around slowly and there was the man from the train, he smiled at me. Here he looked more.. real? yet it still felt like a dream, only when he took my hand did I come back to reality. "We meet again m'lady," I swear this guy... "Uh .. hi! I think this is yours," I handed him the pocket watch, "Why, thank you.. you went through so much trouble to get here.. would you take on my offer to stay here for the night?" Stay.. here? This place looks very abandoned.. "I.. uh, thank you for the offer.. but I need to get back to my aunt-" he nodded apologetically, "I believe that is no longer possible.."

"what do you mean..?" I asked, I admit. I was anxious. "The train you came with only goes in one direction m'lady.." One.. direction? This is the stupidest thing I've heard of. "No offense.. but I will be going now-" "going where? I think I've been clear on the 'one direction' matter." he tilted his head, I patted his shoulder and walked past him towards the door. "jesus.. this day only gets weirder.." I opened the door, what the.... It was nighttime.. I am pretty sure it was noon when I got here- "see m'lady.. it is getting dark, you should stay here." He said in a sweet dreamlike voice. A little dark won't stop me. "No.. It's fine- I can cope with a little darkness." I walked away, he wasn't following me.. at least that's what I think. I walked through the gate and made my way along the path, after a short while I found myself at the end of the road with nothing in front of me... nothing... no abandoned station, no sign and no train tracks. "see m'lady.. I told you." he was behind me, I could swear he wasn't following me- "perhaps you'd best stay for dinner? I'd be more than happy to help you out with this problem tomorrow." Well... he has got a point. It's not like I can do anything now, "alright.." I sighed, " thank you.. " he looked a bit confused, "By no means, I should be the one thanking you! This pocket watch is very important to me and if you hadn't brought it here.. I'd be very sad.." well... at least I'm glad I didn't go all that way for nothing. "well then shall we go?" I nodded slowly and followed behind him, well- this is kinda awkward.. no one is talking and it is just weird.., "what is this place?" I decided to break the silence, "This is Inividia" his replies were very short and straight to the point, "I've never heard of it... and it kinda looks uhm.. abandoned" He didn't seem to get hurt by my comment so that is a good sign I guess. "Indeed, this place has been forgotten over the years, but by no means is it abandoned." we reached the gate and ... the city was filled with people- the houses no longer looked abandoned and the streets very lively filled with children who were paying. Kinda weird to let your children play in the dark, but I guess nothing is a surprise by now looking back at all the nuisance. The people seemed nice, they immediately smiled at us and .. bowed? I gave him a suspicious look and he leaned in next to my ear and whispered, "It'll all be clear later.. m'lady.." well that definitely putts me at ease. I glanced at him, "I sure hope so.." I sighed looking at the people. There were cheers and happy laughs among the crowd. "Is there an event going on...? The city seems very . . festive" I asked him as we reached the stairs, "Hm? Not that I know of, the town is always like this." He opened the door. There was a .. butler? in front of us, he bowed and smiled at us. "Welcome back master Inividia" Inividia.?.. Isn't that the name of this city-? I looked up at him with wide eyes. "I- " he sighed, "Ais.. would you be so kind and prepear dinner? Me and out guest will be waiting in the common room" Ais bowed and left with no words, I need answers. He took my hand and led me to a room which had a fire place, a couch and a small table in it. It looks very cozy- Please, feel at home." his hand gestured for me to sit down, and that's exactly what I did. He sat down across from me, "I guess we haven't had a proper introduction... I am Melchior Inividia, but please call me Mel." Melchior..? "alright..Mel.. I am Evelyn- I don't exactly have a nickname.. so you can call me whatever you'd like" he smiled at me, "I'd like to know.. what is this place exactly?"

"well you see... this place existed a long time ago.." existed? As in it is no longer real? He continued his explanation, "I am the oldest prince of Inividia but I was never crowned." I mean. I ain't big on history but uh ... it kinda sounds sad that he never got the chance to rule? I guess. "It ... must be terrible" I didn't know what to say, he just seems sad right- "Oh no, it is fine it was a long time ago.."

"How long ago exactly..?" He seems... out of place, maybe I shouldn't have asked this... "Master Inividia your dinner has been served" well that ends our conversation I guess, not like I really care about what is going on. Ill be home tomorrow, Oh. I need to text my aunt- we wanted to have a sleepover but this situation is stopping me.. maybe she knows a way out. I took my phone out and- It. Is. Broken. How am I supposed to contact her?- Mel turned around and looked at me apologetically, "I am so sorry.. soany bad things have been happening to you cause of me.." now I feel bad, but still, I am mad. "It is not your fault Mel, it was my choice to come.. here.." Now I am truly helpless in a city I know nothing about, with a dude who seems to be way older than he looks, in a castle surrounded by dying roses and lots of creepily happy people. Oh. And don't forget that any contact I may have had with the 'outside world' is gone. Great. Time to eat.