
The Forgotten Children

This is the tale of eight orphaned children, each bearing a dark and harrowing past. They were transformed into instruments of death, assassins, and spies, their true names replaced with new ones they now called each other. Behind their training lay the shadowy government project known as Tokumei, employing them as covert assassins, their hands stained with blood for the sake of the state. The children were aware, yet the depths of this organization remained shrouded in mystery.

Poru_R · アクション
12 Chs

Shattered Bonds

Nineteen years ago, young Hana had just returned from a successful assassination mission. Her expression was as cold as the icy rain that fell outside the facility. She had executed her orders without hesitation, as she had been trained to do. The lifeless eyes that stared back at her in the mirror revealed the toll her actions had taken.

Inside the dimly lit facility, Hana walked through sterile corridors filled with the hushed whispers of secrets and hidden agendas. The facility was her home and the only one she had ever known. But it was also a place that had stripped away her innocence and replaced it with the cold efficiency of a weapon.

As she entered her stark, windowless room, the memories of her mission replayed in her mind, each detail etched into her memory. She had taken a life, extinguishing it like a candle in the dark. It was a necessary act, she was told, to protect the interests of those who controlled her.

Hana sat on the edge of her plain, unadorned bed, her gloved hands trembling slightly. She was a skilled assassin, but with each mission, a piece of her humanity slipped away. She had no choice but to carry out her orders, no matter how morally ambiguous they might be.

In the silence of her room, Hana's thoughts turned to the other children in the facility. She wondered if they, too, felt the weight of their actions as heavily as she did. Were they, too, losing their innocence in this cold and unforgiving place?

As Hana stared at her reflection in the small, cracked mirror, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. She knew that the facility held more secrets than she could imagine and that her role within it was far from over. The chilling realization that she was a pawn in a much larger game filled her with a sense of dread that would linger long after the mission was over.

Two days went by, and all the seven children were summoned to the hall. They were introduced to a new member, a young boy, the same age as Hana. "I want to introduce you to number 8." The person in charge of them announced. This boy will soon be known as Daichi.

As Daichi was brought into the laboratory, Hana couldn't help but notice the absence of expression on his face. Unlike the others, whose emotions ranged from fear to uncertainty as they entered the sterile and imposing facility, Daichi remained eerily impassive.

It was a stark contrast to the rest of the subjects, who had displayed a myriad of emotions upon their arrival—confusion, fear, and sometimes even tears. But Daichi's face remained a blank slate, devoid of any visible reaction.

The scientists and instructors had high expectations for Daichi. They had heard reports of his exceptional abilities, and his training sessions had only reinforced their belief in his potential. He excelled in every aspect of their rigorous training regimen, displaying a level of skill and precision that was unmatched.

Hana, along with the other children, watched Daichi with a mixture of awe and envy. He moved through the training exercises with a calm and unwavering demeanor, his every move calculated and precise. It was as if he had been born for this as if he had been trained for it from the moment he had entered the facility.

But what struck Hana the most was his lack of emotion. While the others struggled and sometimes broke down under the pressure of their training, Daichi remained stoic. There was no anger, no fear, and no defiance in his eyes—only an unsettling emptiness.

Hana couldn't help but wonder what had brought Daichi to this point, what had made him so different from the rest of them. She had become accustomed to the emotional detachment that had been instilled in her, but Daichi was a mystery she couldn't unravel.

One evening, as the subjects were confined to their quarters, Hana found Daichi looking up at the moon. The room was dimly lit, and the silence hung heavy between them.

After a long moment, Hana initiated the conversation, her voice soft but filled with curiosity. "What are you doing?"

Daichi turned to Hana and replied, "The moon is bright."

Hearing his reply, Hana also looked up at the moon. "My name is Hana." Daichi stared at her, "I'm… Number 8." Hana chuckled, "We definitely have to give you a name. Let me think." With her finger pressed to her chin, she continued. "Ah! Daichi. Hachi (eight in Japanese), Daichi. You are now Daichi."

Surprisingly, Daichi gave her a soft smile and said, "Daichi, I like that."

Hana composed herself, she was surprised that Daichi could even smile. "You're different, Daichi."

Daichi's gaze remained fixed on a distant point in the room. "Different how?"

Hana struggled to find the right words. "You're... colder. Emotionless, almost. It's like nothing fazes you."

Daichi finally turned to look at her, his eyes holding a glimmer of something she hadn't seen before—hope. "Maybe that's the way to survive in this place."

Hana studied him, her curiosity piqued. "Survive? What do you mean?"

He leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you ever wonder why we're here?"

Hana, taken aback by the question, looked at him with uncertainty. "What do you mean?"

Daichi's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes holding a glimmer of something she hadn't seen before—hope. "We're all trained to be something we're not, to do things that go against our nature. But maybe... maybe we don't have to be what they want us to be."

Hana felt a flicker of something unfamiliar—a spark of defiance. She had never heard anyone speak like this before, and it left her with a newfound sense of determination.

Their conversation continued late into the night, as they shared their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for a future beyond the confines of the laboratory. In those stolen moments, a bond formed between them, one that defied the cold and calculated world they were trapped in.

Daichi's words stayed with Hana long after that night. And as the years passed, she couldn't help but wonder if he had been right all along—if there was a way for them to break free from the shadows that had consumed them and reclaim their lives.

Back in her cozy Kyoto apartment, Hana sat hunched over her laptop, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she worked tirelessly to crack the code within the flash drive. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the computer screen, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Hours turned into minutes as Hana delved deeper into the complex encryption, her determination unyielding. She unlocked file after file, revealing the locations of the main characters—Ryo, Kenji, Takeshi, Yuji, and even herself.

But as she continued to decipher the code, her heart skipped a beat when she stumbled upon Daichi's last known location—Sendai. It was a piece of information that sent a shiver down her spine, and a mix of relief and worry washed over her.

The realization that Daichi was still alive and that she now knew where to find him filled Hana with a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that reuniting with him was not only a personal mission but a crucial step in unraveling the mysteries that had haunted them for years.

With the information at her fingertips, Hana was determined to piece together the fragments of their shared past and confront the shadows that lurked within the government's clandestine operations. The bonds of their shared history had brought them together once more, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead to uncover the truth.