
The Forgotten Children

This is the tale of eight orphaned children, each bearing a dark and harrowing past. They were transformed into instruments of death, assassins, and spies, their true names replaced with new ones they now called each other. Behind their training lay the shadowy government project known as Tokumei, employing them as covert assassins, their hands stained with blood for the sake of the state. The children were aware, yet the depths of this organization remained shrouded in mystery.

Poru_R · アクション
12 Chs

A New Dawn

Years had come and gone since the children ventured on their separate paths, seeking to carve out a life free from their pasts, and embracing the promise of a brighter future.

Amidst the bustling streets of Tokyo, two of the former companions emerged as young adults, their faces marked by the passage of time but their bond as twins by birth stronger than ever. Ryo and Kenji had transitioned into performers, blending Ryo's acrobatic prowess with Kenji's precision archery. Together, they traveled to various corners of Japan, sharing their talents with audiences far and wide.

Meanwhile, Yumi and Hana had found solace and purpose in the vibrant neighborhood of Shimokitazawa. Their humble abode was a cozy Izakaya, where they learned to make delectable dishes and found comfort in the rhythms of daily life. Their dreams had expanded beyond the confining walls of the facility, and they had pursued education with fervor. Scholarships had paved their path, leading Yumi to become a detective and Hana to embark on a career as an online novelist.

Yuji had followed a different calling, joining the army and rising to the rank of Captain, where he now led a dedicated team.

Kaito, known for his gentle disposition despite his imposing stature during their time together, had become a renowned toy maker, crafting creations that delighted children and parents alike.

Yet, as the years passed and they settled into their new lives, one conspicuous absence haunted them – Daichi. After the incident in the facility, he had become a ghost of their past, his whereabouts shrouded in an impenetrable mystery.

On one tranquil evening, as the city's neon lights painted Tokyo in an array of colors and the distant melodies of live bands filled the air, Hana ventured out for a walk home. With each step, she was transported back to her days within the facility, where kindness and love had been elusive. Despite the rigorous training and the unforgiving environment, they had all been children, yearning for the warmth of human connection.

Meanwhile, at their shared apartment, Yumi prepared dinner with care. The front door creaked open, and Hana returned, a soft smile adorning her face. "Welcome home!" Yumi greeted as Hana removed her shoes. "Hi, Yumi. I'm back."

The tantalizing aroma of Yumi's cooking filled the apartment, inviting Hana to embrace her sister in a warm hug. "What's on the menu tonight?"

"I'm preparing my special Yakisoba," Yumi declared with a mischievous grin on her face.

Seated across from each other in their cozy abode, the soft glow of neon lights casting a gentle, enchanting glow, Hana leaned forward, curiosity twinkling in her eyes. "Alright, Yumi, the suspense is killing me. Who's the lucky guy?"

Yumi chuckled, her detective's instincts detecting no secrets could withstand her sister's inquisitiveness. "Alright, alright. His name is Tatsuya, and he's a fellow detective. We've been seeing each other for a few months now."

Hana's eyes sparkled with excitement. "A detective? That sounds like a perfect match for you, Detective Yumi! Tell me everything."

As the night unfolded, laughter and stories filled the air. Yumi's smile broadened as she shared, "He's intelligent, caring, and has an incredible sense of humor. We crossed paths during a joint investigation, and, well, you know how these things go."

Hana couldn't help but giggle. "It sounds like a plot straight out of one of my romance novels."

Yumi raised an eyebrow playfully. "Speaking of your novels, how's your latest project coming along? Any steamy love scenes to divulge?"

Hana's cheeks flushed briefly, but she swiftly regained her composure. "Oh, you know me, always weaving tales of passion and intrigue. But enough about my writing; tonight's about you, Detective Yumi. I'm thrilled for you."

As the evening progressed and the two friends chatted about various topics, Yumi's curiosity got the better of her. She leaned in closer, a playful glint in her eye.

"Alright, Hana, I've spilled the beans about my love life. Now, it's your turn," Yumi said with a sly grin. "Are you seeing someone special these days?"

"Wh-What? No!" Hana replied while sipping her cup of tea.

Yumi couldn't help but notice Hana's radiant smile as she recounted a funny incident from her latest web novel. With a playful twinkle in her eye, Yumi leaned closer to Hana, her voice dripping with teasing affection.

"You know, Hana," Yumi began, a mischievous grin spreading across her face, "it's criminal how cute you are. I mean, look at you with that smile, those sparkling eyes... You've got admirers waiting in line, I'm sure of it."

Hana blushed slightly, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. She waved off Yumi's teasing words, attempting to play it cool. "Oh, stop it, Yumi. You know I'm just focused on my writing."

Yumi's laughter rang out melodiously in response. "Focused on your writing, huh? Well, it's a good thing you have those captivating stories of yours to keep you company. But seriously, Hana, you deserve happiness too. Don't forget that."

Hana appreciated Yumi's words of encouragement, even though they tugged at her heart in a way she wasn't quite ready to confront. With a soft smile, she replied, "Thanks, Yumi. Having you as my sister means the world to me. And who knows, maybe someday I'll stumble upon a plot twist in my own life."

Yumi clinked her cup against Hana's in a playful toast. "That's the spirit, little sister. Until then, we'll keep sipping coffee or tea, and weaving tales of love and adventure together."

Their laughter filled their apartment once more as they continued to enjoy their time together, cherishing the bond that had been forged through hardships and shared moments of camaraderie.

In a different part of Japan, in the serene countryside, Ryo and Kenji celebrated the successful conclusion of their performance at a local festival. With their hearts brimming with gratitude for the warm applause and admiration of the crowd, they decided to take a stroll through the dimly lit streets.

Yet, as the night went on, a person appeared in front of them. Their identity was concealed beneath a shroud of darkness. A hood veiled their face, and an aura of enigma hung around them.

Ryo, always quick with humor, attempted to break the tension with a touch of jest. "Hey there, friend, you might be a fan of our performance. Want an autograph?"

The mysterious person remained silent. Suddenly, they spoke cryptic words that sent a shiver down the twins' spines.

"I have something for you." The person told the twins while tossing an object to them. Kenji caught the object, he looked at it in his hand. It was a flash drive, Ryo's eyes widened, "What is this?" he asked. As soon as their attention went from the flash drive back to the person, the mysterious person suddenly vanished from the scene, leaving the twins staring at each other, with no idea what happened.