
Chapter 1: Hopes and Dreams

It was quiet in the village of Ataap' as morning approached. you could almost hear nothing but the sounds of nature rustling about. The birds was starting to chirp ready to feed the young. The slight breeze was a little chilly as you see the sun creeping over the horizon. the sound of the ocean as the waves hit the shores. Everything felt perfectly in place as the stillness of the night gave way to the first light of the day.In the village you can hear the groaning of men just waking up to start there daily routine. somewhere in distance you can hear baby crying to be fed. The woman also started there morning chores. There seem to be harmony in the way things worked out. every man and woman knew there roles as if they were where they were suppose to be. Where man and nature coexisting was natural to the daily living, where understanding Blessings and Life was applied more then thought of. It was paradise indeed to be able to Live and not think about living. what a dream to live, and what hopes await those who seek.