
The Forging of Many Names

She, like many before her, had died but was granted a new life. She doesn't know why, but she didn't mind it. Instead, she wanted to live a relaxing life with her new servants, quietly learning new skills in hopes of not needing outside help. Of course, this dream wasn't in her favor. Seeing as she couldn't live quietly, she then focused on making her new home safe and happy with much needed armor. If only the nobles of this new world weren't so greedy, maybe she could do so without having to solve everything else.

Scarlet_Orchids18 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The Start of Life

The wind was blowing, making the dress she wore whip and curl around her body like a python. Yet, it didn't feel as restrictive or as suffocating as it should've.

"Where... Where am I?" Her voice echoed in an odd way, making it sound close and distant at the same time. Everything felt strange now that she was focusing on it.

She could feel the wind around her, the silky dress that reached her knees, even the soft grassy ground beneath her feet. However, she couldn't use her other sense to tell what about the world around her. She was in the dark in more than one way. There was no warmth from a light, no cold bite from the wind or the smell of morning dew from the grass below. No birds chirped or rustling leaves, not even the taste of saliva within her mouth. It was such a surreal experience, feeling nothing but knowing that there was something.

She tried to reach raise her arm, yet it didn't move. At least, she couldn't sense that it moved. No, she couldn't sense her own body. Floating in an endless abyss but standing on the ground. Everything was contradicting itself, feeling and unfeeling... So strange and a bit upsetting.

"My! Hello there! Apologies, my child." A sweet voice laughed, bringing forth light. "I was just dealing with someone else. They were a bit more than I thought."

She blinked her eyes rapidly, then rubbed them. The lashing wind had softened to a gentle breeze that was only slightly bitter with the warmth of the light above keeping it at bay. She soon noticed that she was no longer standing but sitting on a comfortable chair. In the background she could hear the faint chirps of birds and leaves moving in the background. Taking a deep breath, she noticed a subtly sweet scent with a hint of morning dew thanks to the grass. Finally, she noticed there was a faint taste of blueberries on her tongue.

Blinking a few times, she looked forward, toward the sweet scent. Laid before her was a small set up with tea and scones and muffins. Blueberry muffins, her favorite. She wanted to eat one, suddenly feeling hungry, but she was hesitant. She didn't know whether or not it was poisoned, even if she can't think of a reason for that to happen to her. Actually, there was a fuzziness clouding parts of her mind.

"Please, have one." That sweet voice cooed, bringing her from the assortment of delights.

Her eyes drifted up the table to the person sitting across from her. The person was smiling serenely, a cup of tea and cake in front of them. They had sun kissed skin and eyes a glowing amber with the strangest physical part of them being long green hair. Power and elegance radiated from them in unnatural ways. They weren't human.

"Are you... A god?"

They blinked owlishly several times, for a moment looking unsure on how to proceed. They decided on laughter. They appeared amused, a genuinely pleased grin on their face.

"My child! You are quite preceptive." They chirped, clapping their hands.

She felt a shy smile form on her face, embarrassed at the praise. She then shook her head. That wasn't something to be praised.

"I just like to read a lot." She felt the fuzziness fade away. She was becoming surer of who she was... But that left her questioning on why she was seeing a God. Maybe she died? Most likely, but everything was still fuzzy.

They laughed again, resting their head on their hand. Their glowing eyes brightened for a second, then dulled. Their grin became more amused, quirking an eyebrow.

"Would you like to go into a world like your books?"

"Like... My books?"

They nodded. "I can't bring you to any specific book, that wouldn't be fair to that world's Gods. However, I can bring you to a world that I believe that you would enjoy equally as well. Given time."

She was curious about the God's words. Bring her to a world like her books? It was a fantasy of hers, it really was. But was it safe? Especially since most of her books were set in a time period similar to Medieval times. She wasn't very skilled at things, just holding random bits of knowledge. She was more likely to die before she could really do anything.

"I promise that you will not die so easily. When you open your eyes, you will find a gift from me."

"A gift?" She wasn't sure about that. How was she sure she could trust this God? She didn't even know what kind of God they were! And they were just so casually sending her to another world? She wasn't anyone special, it didn't make sense...

They just grinned, reaching over the table and patting her head. Their touch brought warmth and comfort, making her relax.

"See you in hopefully many years." The God looked pleased with something.

The soul didn't have time to question it before the world went dark once again and this time, she could sense absolutely nothing.

Hey, I hope you enjoy the prologue of this book! Please be kind, this is my first time writing on this forum. If you have any helpful critiques, I'm all ears! Again, I hope you enjoy this book!

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