
The Force Within: The Order of the Mind

Alex and Leo walked into the library, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. They had just escaped from a group of masked men who had attacked them at the park, and they had no idea why they were targeted. They only knew that it had something to do with their telekinesis, the mysterious power that they had discovered a few days ago.

WordEngine_JJ · ホラー
13 Chs

The Plan

Alex felt a surge of anger and adrenaline as he watched Cyrus walk away from them, leaving them to suffer on the metal tables. He couldn't believe what Cyrus had done, what Cyrus had planned, what Cyrus wanted them to do. He couldn't let Cyrus get away with it. He couldn't let Cyrus destroy the world. He had to stop him. He had to escape.


He looked at Leo, who was lying next to him, still shaking from the electric shocks. He saw the fear and pain in his eyes, but also the determination and courage. He knew Leo felt the same way. He knew Leo wanted to stop Cyrus too. He knew Leo wanted to escape too.


He reached out to Leo with his mind, using their telepathic link. He spoke to him without words, hoping that Cyrus wouldn't notice.


Leo, can you hear me?


Yes, Alex, I can hear you.


Are you okay?


No, Alex, I'm not okay. I'm hurt. I'm scared. I'm angry.


Me too, Leo. Me too.


We have to get out of here, Alex. We have to stop Cyrus.


I know, Leo. I know. But how? He's too powerful. He's too smart. He's too evil.


We have to use our power, Alex. We have to use it together. We have to use it like we never used it before.


But how, Leo? How can we use our power when we're strapped to these tables? How can we use our power when he has that remote control? How can we use our power when he can shock us anytime he wants?


We have to be fast, Alex. We have to be sneaky. We have to be brave.


What do you mean, Leo? What do you have in mind?


I have a plan, Alex. A risky plan. A crazy plan. But it might work.


Tell me, Leo. Tell me your plan.


Listen, Alex. Listen carefully. This is what we're going to do.


Leo explained his plan to Alex, using their telepathic link. Alex listened to him, feeling a mix of awe and fear. He couldn't believe what Leo was suggesting. He couldn't believe what Leo was willing to do. He couldn't believe what Leo was asking him to do.


But he trusted Leo. He trusted his friend. He trusted his brother. He knew Leo wouldn't ask him to do something he couldn't do. He knew Leo wouldn't ask him to do something he wouldn't do himself. He knew Leo wouldn't ask him to do something that wasn't necessary.


He agreed to Leo's plan. He agreed to do his part. He agreed to do it now.


They waited for the right moment. They waited for Cyrus to be distracted. They waited for Cyrus to be far enough. They waited for Cyrus to be vulnerable.


They saw their chance. They saw Cyrus walk out of the room, leaving them alone with two guards. They saw Cyrus talk to someone on his phone, looking annoyed and impatient. They saw Cyrus turn his back to them, forgetting about them for a moment.


They acted. They acted fast. They acted sneaky. They acted brave.


They used their power. They used it together. They used it like they never used it before.


Leo used his power to create. He created a small metal ball, no bigger than a marble. He created it out of thin air, using his imagination and will. He created it inside his mouth, hiding it from the guards. He created it with a purpose, with a function, with a message.


Alex used his power to manipulate. He manipulated the metal ball, using his mind and skill. He manipulated it out of Leo's mouth, using their telepathic link. He manipulated it across the room, using his stealth and speed. He manipulated it towards Cyrus, using his aim and force.


They used their power to communicate. They communicated with the metal ball, using their code and signal. They communicated with each other, using their link and trust. They communicated with Cyrus, using their power and message.


They sent their message. They sent it loud. They sent it clear. They sent it with a bang.


The metal ball hit Cyrus in the back of his head, making him drop his phone and remote control. The metal ball exploded, making a loud noise and a bright flash. The metal ball released their message, making a voice and a word.


The voice was theirs. The word was one.




That was their signal. That was their cue. That was their moment.


They used their power again. They used it to escape. They used it to free themselves. They used it to fight back.


Leo used his power to create. He created a pair of scissors, using the metal from the table. He created them in his hand, using his speed and precision. He created them with a sharp edge, using his skill and strength.


Alex used his power to manipulate. He manipulated the scissors, using his mind and control. He manipulated them to cut the straps, using his agility and accuracy. He manipulated them to stab the guards, using his anger and vengeance.


They used their power to break free. They broke free from the tables, using their power and scissors. They broke free from the room, using their power and fists. They broke free from the base, using their power and feet.


They ran. They ran fast. They ran hard. They ran away.


They ran towards the exit, dodging the bullets and blasts. They ran towards the outside, avoiding the traps and alarms. They ran towards the freedom, ignoring the pain and fear.


They made it. They made it out. They made it alive.


They breathed. They breathed deep. They breathed fresh. They breathed free.


They looked. They looked around. They looked up. They looked ahead.


They saw. They saw the city. They saw the sky. They saw the device.


The Genesis Device. The device that Cyrus had built. The device that Cyrus had planned to use. The device that Cyrus had wanted them to create.


The device that would create a new world. A world without them. A world without anyone.


They felt. They felt a shock. They felt a chill. They felt a rage.


They knew. They knew what Cyrus was going to do. They knew what Cyrus was going to unleash. They knew what Cyrus was going to create.


They knew they had to stop him. They knew they had to destroy the device. They knew they had to save the world.


They decided. They decided to act. They decided to fight. They decided to risk.


They used their power. They used it one last time. They used it for the greater good. They used it for the final stand.


They used their power to create. They used their power to manipulate. They used their power to communicate.


They used their power to be heroes.