
The Forbidden: Female Warrior

You know those fairytales where the girl gets saved by her handsome knight in shining armor? { Yeah well this is so not that type of story { This is the story of a 19 year old girl who always craved adventure, so when it comes time to take that adventure Charlotte Stonbroth dose without hesitation { Into battle she must go the only catch , well she has to pretend she's a man and will be killed if she's found out but no big deal right? { This simple farm girl will be going on the adventure of a lifetime meeting Dragons, ogres,elf's and more along the way { Charlottes always wanted adventure but will this adventure be the death of her ?

Anya_ONeil · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 7

As my eyes spring open I can't help but having mixed emotions, while I'm thankful that I've made it to another day, I seem to already be missing the life of a girl.

I slowly roll over trying not to wake up Silver eyes, I can't help but stare at him for a minute while he sleeps, Yes he's an ass but an attractive ass. A faint smile spreads across my face, I let out a slight sigh.


I loudly slap myself on the forehead trying to snap out of my trance.

"Honestly that kind of hurt why the hell did I do that" I whisper to myself, massaging my forehead

the sun begins to rise, I decide it's time to get up. I pull myself off the floor and walk out of are tent.

"Where are you off to red?"

I  turn around to see silver eyes speaking to me

"I'm going to feed my horse"I say

"Oh are we going to talk to the animal again?"


"Oh you know red those little talks you have with your horse as if she's going to respond"

"You shouldn't listen in on other peoples conversations"

"Other people shouldn't have conversations with animals, but at least it's better than when you talk to yourself."

"Listen here you ass face" I shout pointing my finger at him "you may think your above me because your some rich brat but I'm not here to put up with your bull shit so keep talking and I'll kick your ass!"

"Calm down little farm grown kid" he says putting his hands up while jokingly pretending he's scared of me, but then quickly turning more serious "I'm not rich and I don't think I'm any better than you so calm down I'm only joking"

honestly at this point I'm to mad to give a shit what he says

"Please you may fool some of the others pretending your not some posh brat but not me! The way you talk and act I mean even your damn walk screams privileged life! So what is it were you the only son of a dried up ball sack rich man, he had no one else to send but you ? I know were you the least favorite son of dick father who never loved you? Tell me Joseph Fox how the hell did you Wind up stuck in this shit hole ? Because clearly you're spoiled ass didn't pick this" I let my anger get the best of me as I spit out these words

Silver eyes stares at me probably wondering how I could release such hatred upon him. Suddenly we both hear one of the soldiers calling for everyone to come into training. Silver eyes doesn't say anything more to me he simply stands up gets dressed and walks out purposely bumping me into the side of the tent as he exits.

I feel a little bad maybe I went to far I probably hit a nerve, but honestly that's just me I have a temper and usually it gets the best of me. Besides he'll get over it he has to

I make my way towards the soldiers wondering what trials await me today.