
The Flora

Amidst a planet of carnivorous man-eating plants called Flora — a distinct, particular Flora becomes a human amongst individuals with supernatural powers called Verdants. Discord: https://discord.gg/95gpJfxSR7

DivineDemiurge117 · ファンタジー
4 Chs


Deep within the green expanse, in a region where the wilderness gave way to rugged terrain — a group of ordinary human soldiers had been assigned to guard a team of researchers on an expedition.

Their mission — to explore a damp, mysterious cave in search of new types of ore that could bolster the city's technological advancements.

The cave's entrance was shrouded in perpetual darkness, a jagged maw leading into the earth's belly. The soldiers and researchers descended into the cavern, their torches casting flickering lights that danced on the damp, uneven walls.

Inside, the air was heavy with moisture, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the cavern's chambers. The ground was slick with dampness, making each step treacherous as they navigated the winding passages.

Stalactites and stalagmites, formed over millennia, hung from the ceiling and rose like jagged teeth from the cavern floor. Glistening minerals in colors of emerald and azure adorned the walls.


Amidst the dimly lit cave, a soldier named Captain Granger and a researcher named Dr.Ellis took a moment to engage in casual conversation as they began the process of retrieving ores.

Their torches cast eerie, shifting shadows on the cave walls.

Captain Granger, his armor clinking softly with each step, leaned against a rock formation as he examined a promising vein of ore, he spoke:

"So, Dr. Ellis, any idea what we might find down here today?"

Dr. Ellis, busy examining a rock sample, replied:

"Well, Captain, we're hoping to uncover some unique ores that could aid in our technological advancements. Perhaps something that can further enhance our city's defenses, the verdanium walls can still be damaged by more stronger Flora..."

Their conversation was cut short by a haunting, echoing growl that reverberated through the cave.

The soldiers and researchers stiffened, their torchlight flickering in response to their racing hearts.

Captain Granger drew his weapon, a blaster designed for unique threats:

"Fuck! Stay alert. We've got company."

From the darkness emerged a grotesque and formidable carnivorous man-eating Flora, its thorny body glistening with malevolence.

The researchers began scrambling for cover as the Flora advanced, hiding behind the armed formation.

It's thorny limbs scraped against the cavern floor. Panic ensued, and fear hung thick in the damp air.

One of the soldiers fired a shot at the creature, but the bullets bounced harmlessly off its impenetrable thorns as it lunged forward like a bullet.

"It's no use! Our weapons can't pierce its defenses!"

Was the last thing the soldier had said before his body was no longer in possession of a head.

Pools of blood coated the cavern's surface, as thick red residues drizzled down thrashing vines.

Dr. Ellis, her voice trembling with fear, called out desperately:

"We need to find a way out of here! Retreat!"


All hell broke loose as the cavern descended into a nightmarish chaos, the carnivorous Flora relentlessly pursued the soldiers and researchers. It's thorny limbs lashed out with horrifying precision and unnatural speed, ensnaring it's prey and dragging them closer to its gaping maw.

The desperate cries of the doomed soldiers and researchers echoed through the cave as they fell one by one to the insatiable appetite of the Flora, audible sounds of bones crunching filled the cavern.

It devoured them with gruesome efficiency, leaving behind nothing but scraps of torn clothing and echoes of their final screams.

Captain Granger, Corporal Rodriguez, and others fought valiantly, but their weapons proved futile against the Flora's impenetrable body.

Dr. Ellis, the researcher, watched in horror as her colleagues and the soldiers met a gruesome end.

In a heart pounding escape, Dr.Ellis managed to slip away from the carnage, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

She scrambled through the winding passages of the cave, the terrifying memory of the Flora haunting her every step.

Finally, she burst out of the cave's entrance, gasping for breath in the cool, refreshing air of the surface. Her eyes were filled with tears as she realized that she was the sole survivor of the ill fated expedition.

The Flora had devoured her colleagues and the soldiers, leaving behind only a chilling silence in its wake.

She was the only survivor, if she could make it back to Sylvorica — then she could make a report in the city about the near death encounter.

Dr.Ellis stumbled away from the cave, her mind reeling from the horrors she had witnessed.

She knew she had to report the tragedy to Sylvorica's authorities and warn them of the deadly threat that lurked in the depths of the cave.

The memory of that harrowing encounter with the carnivorous Flora would forever haunt her, after all — every Flora on Terra were naturally killers.


Dr.Ellis staggered toward the gates of Sylvorica, her steps unsteady and her clothes torn from her harrowing escape from the cave.

She was a disheveled figure drenched in sweat and blood, her face pale and her eyes wide with shock.

She stumbled forward, her disoriented state caught the attention of vigilant guards who patrolled the city's perimeter. They moved quickly to intercept her.

"Stop! Who goes there?" one of the guards called out, raising a hand to halt her progress.

Dr.Ellis tried to speak, her voice trembling as she struggled to form coherent words:

"I..I need...help..the cave...Flora!"

The guards exchanged alarmed glances, realizing the gravity of her situation.

They rushed to her side, steadying her as she teetered on the brink of collapse. The city's safety was their utmost priority, and any threat from the wilderness was taken seriously.

With a collective effort, the guards helped Dr.Ellis regain her footing and guided her away from the bustling streets, toward a nearby medical facility.

As the bustling streets of Sylvorica continued their daily rhythm, the boy — once a mere plant, walked through the city in his new form. He was no longer a passive observer; he had taken on a more active role in understanding the world he had yearned to be a part of.

On this particular morning, he had decided to follow a group of students on their way to the academy after stepping out of the house.

Dressed in his recently acquired uniform..he blended with the crowd.

As he passed by the guards who had assisted Dr. Ellis, he casted a brief glance in their direction. His green eyes, filled with a mixture of curiosity, met theirs for a fleeting moment.

The guards observed him with a measure of suspicion as he passed by.

Dr. Ellis, still recovering from her ordeal, caught sight of him as well through the window of a medical room. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the unusual green hair and slightly pointed ears.

"What a strange student."

As he continued to follow the group of students on their way to the academy, his presence in the midst of human society did not go unnoticed for long.

The students, engrossed in their lively chatter and laughter, gradually became aware of the newcomer.

One of the male students, a friendly-looking young man with a warm smile and kind eyes, broke away from the group and approached him.

He extended his hand in a gesture of politeness, his curiosity piqued.

"Hey there," the student said with a friendly grin:

"I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Aric, by the way. Are you new to the academy?"

Still learning the workings of human language, he stared at Aric blankly.

He struggled to find the right words to respond.

Aric, sensing that there might be a communication barrier, perhaps some mental health issue, smiled reassuringly:

"It's alright if you're not much of a talker. We're a friendly bunch here. You can join us on our way to the academy if you'd like."

Aric and the group of students welcomed him into their midst.

The group of students continued on their way to the academy alongside the new student, with the distinctive green hair, who was at the center of attention.

The other students, eager to get to know him, began asking him a series of questions.

One of the students, a girl with bright eyes and a playful grin, asked:

"What's your name?"

Another student, a boy with an air of curiosity, chimed in:

"Where are you from? We haven't seen you in Sylvorica before, are you from another city?"

A third student, known for their affinity for nature, wondered aloud:

"Are you interested in the flora and fauna?"

But he was still grappling with human interaction, he responded with a mixture of nods and attempts at smiles.

He couldn't help but be touched by their genuine interest and their attempts to include him in their conversations, slowly, his overall intelligence and awareness was improving, he was now aware of his own emotions and thoughts.

Amidst the flurry of questions and eager inquiries, Aric, the student who had first approached him, observed him silently. His eyes, filled with silent curiosity, he watched as the green haired boy navigated the interactions with the students.

"He seems strange.." Aric muttered.


As the group of students and the boy continued their journey toward the academy, a sudden and unforeseen danger loomed in their path.

A massive construction platform, heavy and menacing — teetered precariously on the edge of a ledge, threatening to tumble directly toward them.

The students, unaware of the impending peril, continued their animated chatter and laughter, oblivious to the looming disaster. The platform, it's weight shifted off balance, began to plummet toward the group, a destructive force hurtling downward with deadly intent.

In that split second, as panic threatened to engulf the scene, with an instinctual and almost instinctive response, he unleashed a black vine from his palm.

The vine shot out with a speed and precision that defied explanation, shattering the massive platform into thousands of tiny, harmless pieces.

The students, still caught up in their conversation, barely had time to react or even notice what had just transpired.

The platform had disintegrated before their eyes, vanishing into an explosion of debris that seemed almost magical in nature.

His palm returned to its previous state, and he continued on his way to the academy.

He appeared entirely unperturbed by the feat he had just performed.

Aric and the students, bewildered and astounded by the sudden turn of events, exchanged astonished glances but continued their journey without fully comprehending the intervention that had saved them from certain death.

Several minutes later, the taciturn boy and the students arrived at the Academy. Stepping through two gates, a tall, bald man with brown eyes stood near the gates, staring at the students as they walked by into the Academy.

"Hey coach!" Aric and a few other students greeted him. His eyes eventually fell upon a green haired student with a stiff posture and an emotionless face.

Immediately, he sprinted toward the green haired boy and pointed at him.

"Look alive boy! This is a Verdant Academy filled with vibrant youthful students, you must uphold a good attitude!"

But the boy just stared at the bald man blankly, there was a moment of awkward silence.

Noticing rays of sunlight being reflected off his shaved head, he did spot a single hair strand atop it's surface, in his eyes, it was like a blooming plant.

Unexpectedly, the boy reached upward and plucked the remaining strand of hair off the head of the coach, who responded with a yell as the other students and Aric quickly entered the Academy, to avoid his usual wrath that would most likely affect any other student that remained in his vicinity.

"You little bastard! How dare you do that to me! Fifteen laps around the court!"

The coach exclaimed.