
The Flesh Mage

A Doctor From the Philippines Was reincarnated in a world of Swords and Magic where he choses to be bestowed the power of the Flesh God. With these powers, he helps those in need weather it be by fighting for them or healing them.

Joby_manuel · ファンタジー
92 Chs

Ch. 20: All Hail, Lord Selk.

Levizla's P.O.V.

I Can't believe it. I knew he was powerful, but who knew he has already done the impossible.

It started when I had my familiar spirit Taby, a fairy spirit in the form of a cat, follow Selk around. She can turn invisible, and will only be observing from a far, so I had no worries of Selk finding out about her snooping around. With her vision connected to a crystal ball I own, I could see everything she did. From there, I watched as Vina was accosted by the second son of Duke DeMarco, with Selk somehow being caught in the middle of it.

I was worried that the verbal fight might turn physical. Not because I thought Selk was going to get hurt, but because Selk might accidentally kill a brat of a Duke and get himself either expelled from the university, or force him to become a fugitive, robbing me of the opportunity to use his talents. Thankfully, the only daughter of Duke DeMarco stepped in to stop the duel proposed by her older brother.

After that, everything was relatively peaceful, until the advance sword instruction classes that is. There, Selk was pitted against the Hero of Time, Gilbert Alvar. The sparring match was remarkable that even I, a person with no interest in sword fighting, was enthralled by their display of skills. Selk was on the defensive throughout the match, but he was able to hold his own against Gilbert, who's sword skills have already reached Legendary rank. Not only that, his time magic tier has also reach legendary as well, it might even be tittering to God tier at this point. This is a truly remarkable sight indeed.

Unfortunately, with the limitation of this sparring to only showcase their sword skills, and since Selk doesn't have any sword skills, it was inevitable that Gilbert would win this match. However, instead of Selk being upset, it was Gilbert who was looking like the defeated warrior when they shook hands.

I decided to have Taby follow Selk home as well, to monitor how he's doing with the assignment I gave them. I want to know the method he would use to solve the Hynrick formula. It's the first theoretical formula that was proposed for creating life by molding a large amount of concentrated mana into the shape of a small animal. It was never completed, unfortunately. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with, Selk.

I felt pride and joy upon my prized student, Selk, when he declined his friends' invitation to party and just go straight home to study and be with his attendant. I wouldn't expect nothing less from someone like him. However, as he was heading for home, I noticed a group of boys following him from a short distance.

"Damn the Gods! It's that DeMarco brat." I uttered loudly to myself within my private quarters. Has he decided to enact his revenge against Selk over his wounded pride? Maybe I should just let Selk take care of this? After all, he is a very powerful being. No, I can't! If those idiots die by Selk's hands he would be treated as a criminal, and I would lose a valuable tool for my goals. I need to go there and prevent those brats from dying.

I rushed towards the place where Selk was heading, glancing at my crystal ball to find where Selk is at the moment. It's a good thing I know flight magic. I can get to where they are in a hurry. I recognize the alley way that Selk stopped at and headed there right away. As I expected, Selk already knew he was being followed by these idiots, and chose a secluded area to finish them off.

I managed to reach them with my flight speed, and what I saw next was nothing less than miraculous. Selk created a tiny yellow frog with red dots on its back, and the frog produced a haunting melody that lulled the seven idiots to sleep. I was slack jawed as I hovered above Selk, far enough away that he wasn't able to detect my presence.

I forcefully snapped myself back to reality and willed myself to hover down ground level and head towards where Selk is. Once I landed, I quickly ran in the alley way Selk was in. The look of surprise can be seen within Selk's eyes as he saw me in the alleyway, a witness to his miraculous magic. I couldn't help but to blurt out the words that came to mind.

Levizla: "Y-you! You have the power of Life construction!"

Selk: "P-Prof. Levizla? W-w-what are you doing here?"

Selk asked, stammering as he did so.

Levizla: "I had my familiar follow you. I had my suspicions from the time I laid eyes on you at the exam. I knew you were an unbelievable existence. And yet, I never would have thought that you had the power of a God."

No. It can't be! But, there's just no other explanation other than that.

Selk: "W-wait, you had me followed?... Okay, never mind that. I-I can explain what happened here. Y-you see..."

Levizla: "I know what happened. The Demarco brat was trying to kill you for embarrassing him at the cafeteria, so you made a creature that would incapacitate him and the rest of the idiots safely. You made a living creature like it was just a simple magic spell. This can only mean one thing."

There's no denying it anymore. With the realization of just who was before me, I got down on both knees and joined my hands together in prayer to honor of the benevolent being before me.

Levizla: "All hail your greatness, Lord Gore Traveegal. The God of all things flesh."

I said in earnest to the reincarnation of the great God of Flesh, Lord Gore Traveegal. The living God was so taken in by my honest devotion towards him that all he could say was "Ehh?"

Selk's P.O.V.

What in the world is going on? Why does Prof. Levizla think I'm Lord Gore? All I did was construct a small frog. What would make her think I'm a God?

Selk: "P-Prof. Levizla, you're wrong. I'm not a God. I'm just a simple flesh mage. To mistake me with the great Lord Gore Traveegal would be blasphemy."

Now, you might be thinking why don't I just use the Siren Frog on Prof. Levizla as well? The answer to that is because it wouldn't work. High Elves have natural resistance to mental encroachment magic like the memory wipe magic of the frog. So, even if she falls asleep, she'd still remember what happened here. I have to convince her that what she saw was just a simple trick.

Levizla: "Don't worry, Lord Gore Traveegal. I know you have reincarnated in the body of this boy, and now using your new form to spread your glory. Now I truly understand how I couldn't see your stats even though I was using my item to give me the eyes of a Great Elf. It's because I was looking at a God."

Prof. Levizla said, stating she has an item that can give her Great Elf appraisal skills. I underestimated her. I should have known teachers in this University would have Items to boost their abilities. Two years of a peaceful life in solitude had dulled my instincts.

Levizla: "Oh, Lord Gore Traveegal, I've made a huge mistake. At first, I thought that the secret to life creation magic lays with either Light Magic or Water Magic, which is why I had these Light and Water soul stones surgically implanted in both my hands."

Prof. Levizla was wearing an arm length glove that had soul stones imbedded at the back of the hand. However, when she proceeded to take off her arm length gloves and showed me her hands, it would appear that she really did have these stones implanted in both her hands. on the left hand is where the Light Magic Soul Stone is, and on the right is where the Water Magic Soul Stone is in.

Selk: "H-how did you do that? Without the proper knowledge of cellular reconstruction of the building blocks of life, there's no way a body, even a resilient one like an elf, would accept a foreign object like a soul stone into it."

I said, perplexed as to how Prof. Levizla was able to fuse two soul stones into her body.

Levizla: "As expected, You already know of the proper procedures of how to fuse a soul stone to a body. Unfortunately, the magical doctors that helped me do the surgery fifty years ago didn't. Granted, they were very skilled, they only managed to allow me to tap into the vast mana pool the stones have, my body still rejects them. I am forced to drink one elixir a month to keep the infection at bay."

Upon mentioning this, I took a closer look at Prof. Levizla's hands and noticed that there are faint redness at the edge of where her flesh is fused with the stones, a sign of infection.

Levizla: "But, now that I am aware of my foolishness, I will dedicate the rest of my life serving you, oh great Lord Gore Traveegal."

Selk: "L-like I said, Prof. Levixla, I am not the Flesh God Gore Traveegal. I do represent him since I'm a flesh mage, but I am in no way shape or form the great Flesh God. All I did was make a mechanical frog made of muscle, that's it. You have to believe me."

I pleaded for Prof. Levizla to stop saying I'm Lord Gore, but she just wouldn't listen as she replied.

Levizla: "I see... So you still don't feel I'm worthy enough to trust with your secrets yet huh, Lord Gore Traveegal. And I think I know why."

Before I could even ask what she meant by what she said, Prof. Levizla raised both of her hands high above her head and summoned halo like rings of lights around both her hands.

Levizla: "Razor Halo!"

And with just those two words, Prof. Levizla tightened the halos surrounding her hands and amputated herself right before my very eyes. The blood from the stumps where her hands used to be flowed like a broken faucet, yet Prof. Levizla smiled at me longingly.

Levizla: "I-it was because of my hands, right? I-I had a symbol of not only the Goddess of Light, but also the Goddess of Water on me, of course you wouldn't trust someone that doesn't have the resolve to serve only you. B-but now, I have severed those needless limbs. All I need is your knowledge and guidance, great Lord Gore Traveegal."

Prof. Levizla is now losing too much blood, and I had to act fast. Without thinking, I used my magic to reconstruct her hands. I even replenished the blood she lost. She looked at her newly formed limbs, not with surprise, but with ecstasy. As if she knew I would save her from her self mutilation.

Levizla: "Oh, my lord, you bless me with your gifts. I am forever grateful for restoring my hands and helping me rid myself of those bothersome soul stones. I promise, I will serve yo..."

Prof. Levizla started to say, praising me once more while she looked at her severed hands with contempt. Before she could finish her speech however, she fainted. I caught her before she fell on the stone pavement. At first, I thought that her blood lost was the cause of her losing consciousness, but when I examined her further I found that not to be the case.

As I used the Great Elf eyes, I saw that her mana levels have dropped to a frighteningly low amount. I quickly diagnosed that the cause of her health problems were the missing soul stones. Her body has become so used to the large mana flow that the stones gave to her that her body is going into shock due to their loss.

With no time to waste, I shared my mana with Prof. Levizla as first aid. I then created dragon wings on my back to fly the unconscious professor and. I decided to leave the Alfonse and his sleeping teammates where they lay, as I have more pressing matters to attend to. As I flew towards the night skies, I thought to myself "I can't believe it, but it looks like I'll be forced to do a magical surgery on Prof. Levizla in my dorm room."