
The Flesh Mage

A Doctor From the Philippines Was reincarnated in a world of Swords and Magic where he choses to be bestowed the power of the Flesh God. With these powers, he helps those in need weather it be by fighting for them or healing them.

Joby_manuel · ファンタジー
92 Chs

Ch 10: Flesh vs Time

Selk's POV.

Gilbert Alvar: "Selcurial Malferd Shroudder, I challenge you to a duel."

Is what Gilbert declared as he pointed the sword that I made for him at my direction. His slender built, soft facial features and shoulder length blonde hair would make him seem childlike, yet those green piercing eyes would portray a man with resolve of steel. This declaration caused the people around us to start staring at our group. The crowd began their murmurs once they recognized who were the once causing this commotion.

Person No.1: "I-isn't that the Hero of Light, Vina? And that girl with her and the guy making the challenge. Aren't they Sarah of the Seven Seas and Gilbert the Time Hero?"

Person No.2: "Y-yeah they are. Is the Time Hero challenging the Light Hero?"

Person No.3: "No. I saw him pointing directly at that guy with Lady Vina And Lady Sarah. Who is that guy?"

I heard some people talking as Gilbert continued to brandish his sword at me. I even heard a new chunibyo name for Sarah. Her Otaku fans are getting more and more creative.

However, I'm probably the most surprised out of all the people here. Gilbert has never been a person to issue challenges to anyone. Even when Chris, The Hero of Fire, Kept challenging everyone to a fight, he would just sit there quietly and read his book, smirking at Chris' taunting remarks. This begs the question, why is he challenging me of all people out of the blue?

Vina: "Gilbert, what sort of nonsense is this. Why are you challenging Sir Selk at the first day of school? If you truly want to fight, then I'll be your opponent."

Vina was fuming. She immediately said that she would take my place as Gilbert's opponent. Gilbert however didn't pay her any mind.

Gilbert: "Silence, Vina. I have no need to fight someone as weak as you. I want to fight Selk, no, Selcurial Malferd Shroudder, the Flesh Hero. The most powerful hero of us all."

Everyone in the vicinity heard Gilbert's outrageous claims and started a new wave of murmurs from them.

Person No. 4: "F-Flesh Hero? is there even such a person? Isn't there suppose to be just six heroes?"

Person No. 5: "I did hear from my brother who fought in the war, that there was a healer that was remarkable at using flesh magic. But he never said that that guy was a fighter too."

Person No. 6: "is anyone ever going to bring up the fact that he called the light Hero weak? Who the hell does this guy think Lady Vina is?"

Dang it. Why is he making such a scene? I need to say something to smooth this situation over.

Selk: "H-hey, Gilbert. I don't know what I did for you to be this hostile towards me today, but I'll apologize properly if you just tell me what it is."

Gilbert: "Don't play dumb with me, Selk. I have the future sight, remember. I know how powerful you are. I've always known. Ever since the day we were chosen by the Gods to reincarnate in this world as champions, I knew how powerful you would become. Now, are you going to take my challenge or not?"

Holly S**t. He said it. He said in front of all these people that we were reincarnated. What is Gilbert on to make him blurt out something like this. Vina and Sarah had their jaws dropped. Their beautiful faces are making expressions of utter shock.

The most surprising thing for me though is that he's been using his powers of future sight to watch my moves. None of us champions know exactly the scope and limitations the powers that were each given to us by the Gods. So I don't know how Gilbert's time magic works, but the pressure I'm getting from him is almost equal to that of the Demon King himself.

Selk: "C-come on, Gilbert, you're not making sense. What makes you think I can fight? If you're basing your assumptions on the time I helped Vina, that's just luck on my part. And us being reincarnated? Who would believe something that outlandish. Please, be reasonable and just put your sword away."

Man, this is such a pain. Now that Vina and the others know my secret, they're giving me side glances as I avoid telling Gilbert the truth.

Gilbert: "Selk, did you know that there's a rule in this university regarding official challenges? Since this school is pretty much a school for the military and kingdom defense preparation, every student enrolled here must be prepared for battle. So, if any student declines a fight, they will be expelled on the spot."

Selk: "N-no way. You're making that rule up. There's no way something like that is permitted here."

I spouted at Gilbert's words. At the time, I refused to believe that any academic institution would promote such a stupid rule. However, Vina pretty much backed what Gilbert said up.

Vina: "Sir Selk, I'm afraid that what Gilbert said is true. Since the start of the Human VS Demon war, this university has implemented a rule that insures only the toughest and bravest students will be enrolled and graduate here. Not only does this university hold three different sort of battle tournaments a year, it also expels anyone who refuses a formal challenge."


I yelled after finding out such an unreasonable school rule. At this point, I'll have no choice but to fight. However Allice stepped in to my rescue.

Allice: "Mister, I don't know who you are, but please don't bother Dr. Selk. He just wants to study and make his dreams come true."

Allice's words touched the heart of not just me, but everyone that heard her pleading words as awes of adoration can be heard from the gathered crowd. Well, everyone except for Gilbert that is.

Gilbert: "Wow, such a sweet and innocent little girl. I'm sorry that you have to protect Selk from me. I never knew that he was such a coward to let a child defend him."

Allice: "N-no! You're wrong, Dr. Selk is not a coward. He's the bravest person I've ever met."

Vina: "That's right. Sir Selk is a brave and wonderful man. Take back what you said, Gilbert."

Oy! What the hell are these two doing, falling for such an obvious bait. And I can understand Allice, but why are you falling for this trap too, Vina?

Gilbert: "Why should I? I mean, the only reason why a bunch of women would protect Selk over there is if he's either a coward, or if you girls know that Selk is so weak that he would get humiliated by fighting me."

Allice: "T-there's no way that's true. Dr. Selk is so strong. He can beat you in a heart beat."

Vina: "That's right. My dear Sir Selk Is the strongest man, no, strongest being in this world. He'll wipe the floor with you."

Selk: "H-hey, you two. Stop getting baited by him."

New murmurs started up when people heard Vina say "My dear Sir Selk." I need to put an end to this.

Gilbert: "So, You'll let me fight him to prove that?"

Allice: "O-of course I will."

Vina: "Yeah. Sir Selk, go ahead and kick Gilbert's a..."

And the two girls fell for it. I bonked both Allice and Vina in the head for completely falling into Gilbert's trap. As the two rub their head in pain, I went up to Gilbert to give him my answer.

Selk: "Are you really serious about this, Gilbert?"

Gilbert: "More than anything in this world."

Selk: "...Fine. I'll take your challenge. Where do we do this?"

Gilbert: "Follow me. I've already had the faculty prepare the venue."

After I accepted Gilbert's challenge, we followed him to the University's colosseum. There, he talked to the people near the ring of this massive colosseum. after a few seconds, he then made his way inside the ring. The ring itself is just a large plain circular stage fifty feet in diameter in the middle of the colosseum and made of thick granite.

I was about to follow him when I was stopped by a burly man that is wearing white button up shirt and long black pants. He introduced himself as the referee for our fight, and said that Gilbert is still making his preparations and stretching exercises.

When I looked up at Gilbert, he can be seen doing a series of practice slashes with his sword. This is the first time I've seen Gilbert use his sword to perform any kind of sword play, since he only used his Future sight and Time magic for war room strategies. His stance and slashes are so refined and polished, one wouldn't be mistaken to think he was a sword master. Every stroke of his sword were flawless and masterful that I almost didn't notice that they had remarkable power behind them as well. I would even dare to say that gilbert is the most skilled swordsman I've ever seen.

When Compared to Vina's swordsmanship, Gilbert's style would be the polar opposite of it. Vina's sword play is quick and heavy, designed to mow down multiple opponents at once or take down soldiers that are heavily armored in the battle field. Whiles Gilbert is perfect for one on one combat, with strikes that targets vital parts of the body like the curated arteries, abdominal region, groin, and even vastus muscles. (The muscles above the knees)

It took Gilbert over ten minutes to perform his dance-like warm up all across the ring. Once he was done, I was allowed to climb up the ring with him. Once I was up there, I only then noticed that the colosseum was packed with spectators. I had to ask Gilbert why there were so many people in attendance.

Gilbert: "You didn't know? The university always open the colosseum to the public during the entrance exams. They make a spectacle out of it to draw in the citizen's support and to also make money. Genius right?"

Selk: "Evil is more like it. I swear, I'm going to have a word with the dean of this university once this is done."

Since Gilbert already had his sword pulled out at the ready while he's on a defensive stance, I constructed my Four Elements Shield (Same shield used in chapter four) as well, to the spectator's surprise. I found it ode that the referee signaled the start of the match outside of the ring, but before I could ask why, Gilbert began his attack.

Gilbert: "Time magic, re-slash!"

I blocked a right over head swing I received from Gilbert, even though he was fifteen feet away from me. Before I even knew what happened, I detected another attack directly from behind me that I was able to block by skillfully swinging my shield to my back. It was at this time that I realized what Gilbert was really doing in the ring earlier, and just how terrifying his time magic really is.

Gilbert's performative movements earlier weren't warmups at all. He was setting up traps all over the ring. Gilbert's time magic can re-create his past movements like a solid after image. And since he danced his way all over the ring, his attack can come from any direction even without him moving.

Gilbert: "Time magic, Re-dual."

I was forced to switch weapons from my shield to my dual gauntlets because of attacks coming for my head and my belly. I was able to stop two solid after images with the blades of my gauntlets that I constructed instantly by splitting my shield in two and reforming it as the Jade Gauntlets in both my arms.

The Jade Gauntlets is made from the Jade Sea Turtle's shell and the Thunder Tooth Tiger's tooth. The Jade Sea Turtle can emit vibrations that can repel attacks, while the Thunder Tooth Tiger's tooth shoots out high frequency sound waves that can disorient an opponent once hit with it. Even Gilbert's Adamantine sword I constructed for him will have a hard time cutting this weapon.

I shot a sound wave at Gilbert with my gauntlets, however he used another time magic to dodge it.

Gilbert: "Time magic, Step recall."

Gilbert teleported a few feet away from where he was with this magic. Looks like he can go back to a step he's done before, making it look like he teleported. Just before I could form a strategy in my head, he attacked again with four solid after images this time. I dodged the two attacks aiming for my legs and blocked the ones aimed for my liver and left temple.

The crowds went wild with our display of skills. Gilbert's attacks maybe lighter that Vina's, but they don't lack in power. Plus the fact that these attacks are expertly delivered makes it hard for me to counter properly. However, as his attacks continued, I finally formulated a plan to finish this fight.

Vina's POV.

Unbelievable. To think that Gilbert had this kind of power and skills. He is making Sir Selk really work for his victory. To tell the truth, I would probably have a hard time beating Gilbert if we fought. Hell, I might actually lose if I misjudge an attack.

Allice: "Oh no. That guy's really good. Why isn't Dr. Selk summoning any of his monsters. I wonder? He can beat that guy easy if they help."

Vina: "W-what? Sir Selk can summon monsters? Since when?"

I blurted out in surprise. Allice said that Sir Selk has the ability to summon monsters, yet there's no such thing as monster summoning magic in this world.

Allice: "Yeah, but he did say he constructed the monsters with his flesh magic, so it's probably not summoning though."

I could never have imagined that Sir Selk can construct actual monsters with his powers. Even Goddess Zhitarine said Sir Selk should only be able to make fusion weapons at best with his flesh magic since no one can form life out of nothing. Yet, if what miss Allice said was true, then why didn't he used this power to help in the war? Why is he choosing to struggle in this fight when he can end it by creating multiple monster to attack Gilbert?

Selk's POV

S**T. Gilbert has up the anti by making three to four solid after images attack me in rapid succession. However, I have gotten used to the attacks and have found a pattern that I can exploit.

After blocking three more simultaneous attacks, I instantly constructed my Lightning Step Boots on my feet, and with the speed of a Lightning Wasp, avoided the follow up attack and dashed right towards Gilbert. My aim was Gilbert's sword.

When non-attribute magic users like me and Gilbert use our magic, we consume more mana than regular attributes and elemental magic since we bend the laws of reality when he do so. So I have found ways to either boost or replenish our mana in a way that it will not affect our magic use. For Gilbert, I made a Adamantine sword from the ore of an elder earth dragon. Nothing can replenish mana quicker than Adamantine radiation. So once I destroy Gilbert's sword, It'll only be a matter of time till he runs out of mana.

I reached Gilbert in a fraction of a second, and was about to deliver the final blow. However, when I looked at his face, what I saw was not the look of surprise or alarm, but a smile of anticipation as our eyes met.

Gilbert: "Time magic, Blade Cage."

In that instant, I was surrounded by Gilbert's solid after images on all sides. From above, from below, and from all corners around me, there were nothing but swords ready to slice me to ribbons. With a heavy heart, I prepared to accept Gilberts ultimate attack.

In that moment, I had no choice but to use it. The moment the solid after image swords were to touch my flesh, what they collided with has the hard, impregnable outer shell of the armor I just constructed.

Gilbert: "Tch! I knew that wouldn't be enough to beat you."

After the countless solid after images faded away, what can be seen in the middle of the ring is a human size green sphere. Once I emerged from said sphere, it was my victory.

Selk: "Flesh Armor, Mark three: Jade Armadillo."

I knew there was no avoiding Gilbert's crazy attack, so I was forced to use one of my trump cards, the impregnable Jade Armadillo armor. It's a full body armor that makes me look like a bipedal muscular green armadillo. I fused multiple Jade Turtle shells, Electro Porcupines' quills and a hint King Spider's thread and Dragon Bee's wings hidden inside my shells.

Selk: "Let's see you time skip your way out of this. Electric Needle Rain."

I jumped high above the ring and proceeded to rain down electrified quills down within the ring. However, to his amazing credit, Gilbert was actually able to avoid over seven hundred quills I launched at him.

Gilbert: "Hahh.. Hahh... Is that all you've got, Selk?"

Selk: "No, it's not. Spider X Porcupine Combo: Infinite Conductor."

Is I declared my attack, high voltage of electric current ran through the spider silk threads I attached on the quills. They electrified the entire ring, leaving no room for Gilbert to escape as I safely fly above the ring with the Dragon Bee's wing.

Once the attack is over, I hovered down on towards the ring as I check on the twitching and partially chard body of Gilbert.

Selk: "Do you yield, Gilbert?"

Gilbert: "T-Th-Third... T-time!"

Selk: "What did you sa..."

Selk: "Oh, and I'm sorry I haven't taught you any healing or flesh magics yet. But once all of the activities of this day is done, we will start with your flesh and healing magic training, okay."

Allice: "R-really, Dr. Selk? Oh, thank the Gods. I promise to follow all your instructions to the letter."

Allice said as she hugged me tightly. Once we were done getting dressed we headed straight to the university's large assembly hall. on the way we met Vina, Lira, and Sarah who accompanied us towards the assembly hall.

Before we could get there though, we met one more familiar face. It was Vina who noticed Gilbert Alvar (formerly Park, San Gyun) first and greeted him. He's looking a little pale though. I hope he's alright.

Vina: "Hey, Gilbert. Last time I saw you was around two months ago. How are you doing? I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you seem a bit sickly today."

Gilbert: "Just a little under the weather. Don't worry about it, ha ha ha."

(Yet, in Gilbert's mind)

"Damn you, Selk. I can't believe you beat me for the third time."

Hey, Guys. Sorry it took a while. I had a little family emergency. Everything's fine now though. Hope you enjoy this chapter and the chapters to follow. Thanks

Joby_manuelcreators' thoughts