
The First Son Of God With Lucifer

You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!

SuchAnOriginalName · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 6 Rage... Rage Like No Other / Split Universe

Leon finished smoking with Lucifer and decided to head in the library where the receptionist looked at them and instantly widened her eyes, "G-get out now!" she yelled towards the both of them. Leon looked at her and simply rose his brow, "Shut the hell up" and get walking while she threw her head back astonished that he had the mere audacity to tell her that, "Leave now or I'll call that cops" she said as she moved in front of them, "And what are they going to do?" Lucifer replied with a grin and she looked at them to see that they didn't care about the cops at all, "Hmph... fine stay here" she said and Leon just walked by her not giving a single fuck and Lucifer also did the same thing as he aggressively bumped shoulders with her almost knocking her down, something just told him... perhaps an instinct in him knew... things were about to get real, like on a massive scale real, and she while she didn't know. May be one of the reasons,

"Where the hell did he g-" and Lucifer pointed to a kid with brown hair, "Over there" and they walked over to Mason, "You find anything?" Lucifer said as he patted Mason's shoulders. "U-uh yeah, there's some scientific building down miles away, no one knows why they're there, or when they even got there." and Leon ruffled Mason's hair "Great stuff kid, let's g-" he then stopped as he saw Mason cringe at the touch of his head, and Lucifer looked at Mason then at Leon also, "What?" and Leon ignored Lucifer for a second, "Mason you okay bub?" and knelt down towards Mason's level.

Mason shook his head and turned around and there was a red mark on his face as if he got slapped, instantly Lucifer released a hell's aura as he started lifting off the ground and his eyes glowed red and his mere power was shaking the universe's boundaries, as soon as he saw that mark on his face and the sadness Lucifer almost lost control and could've been the end of the universe. "Who!" Lucifer yelled with a demonic voice, and Mason gave Lucifer a paper, "So the fat asses father hm!" he yelled with pure rage and anger and as he was about to demolish their home... their lineage and everyone that knew him... Lucifer stopped as he stared at Leon who had his head down as he was still kneeling, Lucifer instantly paled because he felt the pressure

"N-no... Brother?" Lucifer wanted to get close but was really... really scared, "U-uh Father... please Father come here now!" and a man with a bowler hat and black suit looked at Lucifer and smiled but when he felt pressure behind him he turned and saw Leon in a similar position... to an old war and his face paled, "S-shit! Evacuate this whole Universe and the surrounding ones!" he yelled to Lucifer quickly as he summoned Angels and the most powerful people he could, "Get people out of the surrounding Universes also! Stop time if you have to and hurry the fuck up! Whoever angered him, or whatever it was bring it/he/she whatever soon" Lucifer was stressed as he looked at Leon then at his Father, "Dad what's going on?" he said shifting out of his rage to a calm demeanor but feared for Leon,

"Son all I can tell you is that the last time this happened was in a war... no, it was a massacre, if there was something worse than that than it was... his rampage... his form, the last time he was like this, when he stomped a Universe extinguished, when he sneezed it'd blow away Universes.

His mere demeanor, no his aura, destroyed Multiverses, and no one could stop him, I had to team up with Local Multiverse God's and even then he prevailed, we brought the Celestials, The Otsutsuki, Zeno, One-Above-All, Chaos, Odin we found every person we could and he still won, the only way he was able to come out of it was because we slammed over a million uninhabited multiverses and trapped him within, it hurt me to do it but we had to or he'd have destroyed the Omniverse." he said sweating and Lucifer's face paled, "S-so... that's why he was gone for a long time when I was older?" and his Father reluctantly nodded, "I don't know... who is this child?" he said as he pointed to Mason, "Oh... we found him along the way and decided to pick him up, we kind of bonded with him... why?" and his Father looked at him, "You two are probably the only means of a way to bring him back... if not, we can kiss this lovely Omniverse, our existence goodbye. And no... we're not coming back except for him maybe." and Lucifer's face paled, he knew how strong his brother is but isn't this a little over the top?

Then Father suddenly had an idea, "Wait! Have you ever noticed Leon looking at something but when you stare you see nothing?" and Lucifer nodded, "I'd always wondered what he looked at" and the Father spoke up, "I only heard rumors but it could be a being of supreme power, to delete, to copy and paste, and to bring ruin to anything. His name is the Author, there's a multitude of them but they govern their own Omniverses, or how many ever they have." and Lucifer suddenly got the idea, "So that would mean that he has the power to stop Leon!" and he nodded, "But you'd have to-" and the space shattered and time stopped where only The Presence and Lucifer could see and Leon's aura was meaningless,

I looked at the two beings in front of me... this is only a mere avatar of me, "Someone called me?" and the fat bowler hat dude knelt in front of me while Lucifer looked bewildered, "So this is what you look like Lucifer? Got to say, your a handsome feller if I do say myself" as I smiled, "Sooo... what'd you call me here for?" I said as I looked over to the Presence, the DC God or whatever, "Your Majesty, I called upon you to stop my so-" and I coughed, "Correction, he's technically my son, my creation you see. I simply inserted him into there," and the Presence looked at him with wide eyes, "Y-yes your Son... I ask that you may stop him from destroying our Omniverse," and I looked at him and sighed, "You know I could just create another Omniverse, reverse time and this wouldn't happen for you all... but just for the fucks of it I'll do it... I'd rather not here my other Authors rambling in my ear about their displeasure"...

"My Majesty if I may ask how are you here?" and I looked at him, "Well... I inserted myself in here, this is simply my avatar" I said as I motioned to myself, "I look cool don't I... ooh maybe I should insert myself into TvD and pull every single girl" I said grinning and the Presence just looked at me, "What do you mean inserted?" and I looked at him, "Well... I simply wrote, and I'm in here... just like now when I'm speaking, I'm simply typing these words out, and you hear me.." and the Presence looked at him,

"So your telling me everything I'm saying... isn't of my own will?" and I nodded, "None of this was of your own will, another Author created you, I simply made my own Omniverse, copy and pasted you and boom!" I said as I clapped destroying another universe without me knowing, well my Avatar that is.

The Presence put his finger on his chin, "#%$@#$@" and I looked at him... "Did you just try to talk without me allowing it?" and the Presence nodded, "Look how it went... you proud of yourself?" I said almost laughing, "Anyways back onto topic, I may have to delete your memories of this every happening you know? Can't have people knowing that they are just a figment of imagination from a mere human" and the Presence screamed, "What!" and I chuckled, "See..."

My avatar then switched to the Writers POV... I looked at what I typed and nodded, "Hmm... I don't know if they'll agree with me but I'll just simply show what would've happened to the Omniverse had my child, or character" I coughed, "would've done if he rampaged.. then I'll just make my character remember it all, and stop himself from doing it because otherwise... there'd be no story" I thought with a deadpanned face...

Back to my Avatar, "Welp... let's just go back to where you talked about me and continue off there" I said as I snapped my fingers and time reversed and I erased the knowledge of them knowing we had a conversation as I watched the conversation continue without my interruption...

"Lucifer go!" and Lucifer vanished not really knowing what to do... right after he left... The Presence turned around to see a different Leon... the being before him was a monster, he stood at 10 feet tall, skinny and his body just pitch black with black hair raised into the sky,

The being simply got up off of the ground and took one step and the Earth almost shattered and the Presence quickly grabbed the kid and teleported off somewhere and prayed to whoever, perhaps this Author rumor that he'd be alive,

Leon roared and the whole Universe was demolished as his power was just simply increasing, he stood in just black space as he looked around, he looked for something to kill... something to hit.

He appeared in a universe where an old man was just serving hotdogs when he felt pressure and instantly dropped the hotdog and teleported to Leon and shuddered, "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me!"

The being stared at the other with pure rage and spoke with creepiness, and a far passed demonic voice, it was beyond demonic as it was deep and scrapie, "Hohoho One Above All? Is that you" the being said as he tilted his head, "I've got to pay you back you know?" as the being teleported in front of the One Above All and sent a punch to the stomach that instantly destroyed that universe and the One Above All was sent flying as beings such as Eternity, Death, and the Living Tribunal showed up,

"Leave now! Get away!" the OAA yelled towards them, while Death spoke, "W-what the hell is that?" and the OAA screamed at her, "Get the hell out of he-"


As laser beams came out of the being's eyes and hit everything in sight hitting Death and killing her... forever as beings across the Multiverse of Marvel who were on the verge of death then felt good suddenly,

Beings like Sentry, Galactus, and other beings started to show up... and from one of the Universes... came World Breaker Hulk... "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRR!" as a demonic yell came and the other beings turned to see World Breaker Hulk stronger than ever... whatever Universe he came from, it wasn't the same one as the original because this one? Was capable of destroying Universes also,

Hulk jumped towards the being and brought a right fist towards his face only for the being not to move and for Hulk to tilt his head in confusion, *BOOM* and the World Breaker Hulk got gutted as he spit out blood... and died,

He then looked towards the Living Tribunal and beams came out and hit him killing him and the One-Above-All dipped as fast as he could, "Oney! Where did you GO!" he said yelling as Eternity crossed his arms to defend himself from the powerful soundwaves as they were even visible but he got himself cut in half, as his eyes were in suprision. "wha-"

"Little Ishey... Mommy Kaguya... I'M COMING!" the being roared as he summoned a sword..

The Being who was tired of wasting time killed everything, and anyone in sight and destroyed the Multiverse of Marvel... almost all of it as even more people popped up in front of the Being, but they were vastly stronger, perhaps stronger than the OAA.

"Ho? The Reincarnated from fellow Authors?" and one of them spoke up, "What the hell are you, never seen you in Marvel... DC or any of those movies, TV Shows"

"Just die" the being yelled as the reincarnations dodged the laser beams, "The fuck is this?" one of the reincarnations said,

Then one of the Villain MC's spoke up, "Even though I hate you hero dumb stupid impudent and retarded hero scumbags... I have to say that we need to team up to defeat this man" he said, while the males and females agreed,

While the Being spoke with a chilling voice, "And I think.. that I don't have time for this..." the being then powered up to the extent that the Omniverse as a whole shook, well atleast this one the Author thought as he smiled,

The Being brought his hands together, and clapped... destroying everything... but as we all know... Mr. Author, aka ME! Won't allow that soooo.....

*Time Reverse*

"N-no... Brother?" Lucifer spat out... but Leon looked up, "Hm?" he then stood up, "Hand it over... we're going over there right now," and Lucifer smiled and gave it over, "For a second there I thought it was the apocalypse" and Leon's eyes gleamed with a smile as he looked at the paper as he stared at someone, "If you know you know" and Lucifer looked at him, "What?"

Leon looked at Mason, "We'll get your revenge kid let's go." while other Authors looking at what happened in pure confusion,


WorldBreakerIshmael: W-what the hell?

ChrisBrownTheFemales: Did he just fold the entire Omniverse? Wth!

SuchAnOriginalName: That was so cool!

Guest No.1: .

Guest No.2: .

[ AU: Double uploads, be appreciative, I had fun writing this chapter, I just wanted to let you know how OP he is when he's angry, and I already told you there's no evil double, unless you want someone as powerful as him hunting him down. Otherwise we can enjoy ANY TV SHOW AND MOVIES... LETS GO BOYS! ]