
The First Son Of God With Lucifer

You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!

SuchAnOriginalName · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Ch. 5 Jack The Ripper Urges

Leon then looked at the kid, "Just follow me kid"... he said and the kid followed behind while Lucifer threw up his hands in anger and shrugged. The kid had brown hair, thick eyebrows, a strong chin, blue eyes, ripped shorts, and a dirty white t-shirt,

"You have a name?" and the kid shook his head uncomfortably as he was trying to remember and Leon spoke up, "Well I'll just name you Mason" and Lucifer looked at him questionably, "What? He look's like a Mason, and he reminds me of a person and some numbers... ooh and a chair" and Lucifer just shook his head as Leon smiled when he said that reminiscing

Leon was walking as he looked at Mason then turned away then looked again at his outfit, "Once we get into a suitable place I'll get you some better clothes, matter fact" Leon snapped his fingers and Mason's clothes changed into a little slim red suit jacket, black vest under, red slim pants, and black matte business shoes with a little shine on it. Mason's hair was combed back and he overall looked even more clean, "Now like us... your clothes wont get dirty, I made you clean and with a very good smell" and Mason who was shocked touched his body and looked at his suit and just felt around his body, he then shoved his feet into the mud to actually test if it was true. He brought his foot back and saw that nothing happened and grinned wildly, while Leon and Lucifer smiled at the kids antics,

Mason then felt his hair and grinned, "Is there anyway I can see what I look like?" and Leon formed a floating mirror into existence and looked at himself in shock, "T-this is me?" and Leon smiled at the kid while the kid had little tears forming and Lucifer knelt down quickly, "What's wrong?"

And Mason looked up with a little smile, "Y-you guys are so nice! Keep me forever!" Mason said as he leapt into Lucifer's body with his arms hugged around Lucifer's neck and Lucifer not knowing what to do looked at Leon,

Leon then motioned his arms as if he was hugging the kid and Lucifer understood and wrapped his arms around the kid and tucked the kids head into his shoulder... "It's okay," Lucifer calmly took the kids arms off around his neck and turned around as he knelt on the ground, "Hop on" as he motioned his fingers towards his back and the kid jumped on and Lucifer made sure to grab the kids leg so he wont fall off while Leon secretly took a picture and smiled...

Leon then walked onto a dirt path with the double behind him, he then imagined a 4x4 black metallic truck with bulletproof black wheels, massive lights atop the truck, metal bars in the front of the vehicle with two lights, an engine visibly shown atop the hood, Leon nodded towards Lucifer who nodded and put Mason in the backseat and made sure to put the seatbelt and make it tight, Lucifer then hopped in the passenger seat and Leon hopped in the drivers seat,

Leon then turned on the truck and listened as it's engine roared into life and grinned, he then revved the car a little before stopping. Leon looked at Mason, "You're going to see some pretty disturbing stuff, and I know you're young and you say that you can deal with stuff like this but I'm going to refrain from showing you... at least as much as I can until your of age, which will be pretty soon." Leon said while Lucifer nodded, "Yea... I don't want to scar a five-year old for life" and Mason just nodded,

Leon then started up the car and started driving normally as he looked at Lucifer, "How do you want to do this? Ask around, investigate a little and find out who owns the satellite... go there and massacre them" and then tilted his head to the side and shrugged, "Or... we can just use Cosmic Awareness, and figure it out easily. Go there and demolish everything in sight while erasing any memory of it on Earth" and Lucifer nodded at both choices... "Well... I want to enjoy this experience and kind of like what you say, I don't want to rely on my power all the time.. and that means doing things with my own hands" and Leon nodded, but he could tell... some of the god's up there wouldn't be pleased he said as he looked up towards a man writing something... and then what caught him off guard was the man looked back before grinning and continued writing as he muttered something about readers wanting him to use his power all the time,

"So I'd go with the first choice, investigate it all.. but we should use our powers here and there... like getting the kid clothes, transportation... you know the obvious things," and Leon nodded, "We also need to make it look normal... well at least in human terms." and Leon nodded once again as he sped up until he finally made it onto some type of street and on a sign it read "Welcome to The Town" and Lucifer looked at the sign and simply chuckled, "Well isn't that descriptive" and Leon snickered,

Leon then pulled over at what looked like a bar, and Lucifer smiled, "This is by far... one of the most best places to find information, and trust me I'd know" and Leon smiled, "Oh... because you have your own bar? Or had..." and laughed,

"Mason stay in the car" and Mason nodded,

Leon and Lucifer hopped out of the car and put every barrier they could to make sure the truck was safe and Mason was safe... that was the most important, Leon then created a pistol with infinite ammo and put it in his rear pants, Leon did the same thing for Lucifer who nodded gratefully,

Leon looked at Lucifer, "If things go bad... we shoot the bitch up", and Lucifer looked at him like he was psychotic, "Didn't you say that you wanted to do this in human terms?" and Leon looked at him and nodded, "Your right... but still keep the gun on you" and Lucifer nodded back,

Leon walked into the bar with Lucifer and all eyes were on them,

Leon sat on a seat with Lucifer being right next to him, then a female bartender with tattoos walked up, "What do ya want?" and Leon looked at her for a second with his shades on, "I'll take a whiskey," and she nodded and looked at Lucifer, "Uh... same thing" and she nodded as she went to get some whiskey, she pulled out a cup, poured some ice-cubes in and poured the whiskey.

Leon downed it in one-go along with Lucifer as they smiled at each other, then randomly some man bumped into Leon and screamed at him "Watch where the hell your going!" and Leon looked defeated, "I was simply just sitti-" and the man looked at him, "Are you yapping at me?" and Leon just sighed as he sat down his cup. He then got off the chair and reached his full size as he was towering over the man,

"Your going to start something you can't finish bud." Leon said as he snapped his neck and cracked his knuckles, "The Ripper in me is itching... just itching, to get out, to kill" Leon said as he grinned madly and Lucifer also looked at the man with indifference, "You might just want to back off, otherwise you might actually die.. the "Ripper" in him... is no joke." Lucifer said smiling cheekily and the man frowned and tried to punch Leon,

Leon simply evaded to the right of the man's body, grabbed his cup and smashed it into the man's head breaking it into pieces and sending the man stumbling towards the counter and held his head which was bleeding, "You motherf-" he then tried to punch Leon with his right hand but Leon kicked up one of the glass pieces and stabbed it into the man's neck and slit to the left... and then to the right. Then stabbed into his heart, "Ah.. old habits never die" he said as he was admiring his work and everyone else in the bar was silent, before an all-out brawl started and the woman at the counter just gave up, "I don't get payed enough for this",

Lucifer got up and as he was about to walk to Leon someone tried to punch him from behind but he knelt and grabbed the man's punch overhead and flung him over his back onto the ground, when the man was on the ground Lucifer stomped with so much power on the man's head it simply flattened with bone pieces coming out of his head and blood coming profusely out of his head,

Lucifer then evaded a knife as it was thrown towards him and in slow-motion grabbed it and flung it back towards the man who sent it while back to Leon who spartan-kicked someone into a table, and using it's leg pieces stabbed the man's chest and grinned wildly, he yanked the piece out and slammed it into another's head as he tried to stab Leon,

"Fuck you!" a man then pulled out his gun and shot towards Leon and Leon simply maneuvered and grabbed his gun so fast and shot the bullet out of the air, and then shot again and the bullet pierced the enemies head, Leon weaved to the left and smacked the back of his gun on another man's head that was rushing him from his back, he then proceeded to turn around then kick him into the wall and flashed over towards him as he held the gun under the man's chin and shot as the blood sprayed on his face and he smiled,

They heard a scream as the woman behind the bar came with a shotgun and shot towards Lucifer only for the bullets to just simply bounce off his body and Lucifer still fighting not even noticing what happened and Leon sighed as he shot the woman in the head as she fell back, a biker was getting ready to shoot until Lucifer quickly turned around and threw a shrapnel piece of glass into the man's heart killing him, while other people in the bar started running out and Mason looked around bewildered because the doors opened revealing the inside and saw the scene of dead bodies on the floor, glass everywhere... bullet holes and bullets lying on the floor with blood on Leon's face and suit and even more on Lucifer who had a white suit now bloody and his once-blond hair now had dark red in it as he smiled darkly. Leon who saw Mason looking at them whispered to Lucifer, "I-isn't the kid supposed to react? Why's he just staring like that? You think he's mentally unstable or something?" and Lucifer shrugged as he didn't really care either way... the kid was his, well both of theirs.

Lucifer then nodded at Mason, who took a minute to see that and nodded as he looked at the bodies, wasn't he supposed to have a reaction? To at least feel bad, he just shrugged as he watched...

Leon heard a man crying, "H-help me!" and Leon looked at him and pointed his gun at the man's head and shot him and watched his head bang against the floor and his body twitched before it finally stopped moving. Lucifer was stepping over bodies and snapped his fingers as his whole body became clean and did the same for Leon, "Go ahead I'll clean things up" Leon said as Lucifer nodded and went forward with a grin and Leon had the Omniverses strongest flame in-hand, the Preternatural Void Flame and tossed it towards the bar instantly turning it to ash and hear other people crying out as it burned out,

Leon sighed as he saw all the people who saw them, but it's not like he cared in the first place what are they going to do throw him in jail? He'd just extinguish this universe and head on to the next, hell it's not like he cared. Another reboot of this universe would just pop up but without Leon and Lucifer's interference so to hell if he cared about any Universe,

Leon and Lucifer walked to the truck as everyone pulled out their phones to record the phenomenon and the people walking out of the restaurant and multiple phone calls were made to the police, and they all almost mentioned the black truck and the figures they saw hop in it,

Leon turned on his truck, reversed and sped out of there... no fucks given, and looked at Lucifer, "How about we just go to the community library and find out things there? You know, since they have computers and all"... and Lucifer nodded, "This is much more fun without using our powers... so much fun" and Leon nodded "This is why I do it sometimes the thrill of it," and Lucifer nodded as he was clenching and unclenching his fists and was smiling

"This time you can come with us Mason, maybe learn a few things about how we brother's roll around here" and Mason jumped up in his seat smiling,

Leon then pulled over by an library and parked by the many cars that are there... Leon hopped out along with Lucifer, and Leon went to grab Mason but he had already hopped out of the truck, "Okay big man I see you" and Mason smiled, "Go into the library and we'll be behind you, this way we can make sure we see you at all times, and don't go wandering everywhere" and he nodded, "We're going to take a little smoke break of some type, go find out what you can about some scientific industries around here, there can't be that many seeing as this town is small... and I don't care if your just 5 and we're pushing all the responsibilities on you..." and Mason nodded as his chest was up, "Got it Father" and ran up the steps as Leon and Lucifer's eyes widened,

"T-the hell did he just say" is what Leon said and Lucifer laughed aloud and Leon laughed along, Mason on the other hand had just entered the library and smiled as he waved at the receptionist and walked up to her, "Hey!" and she smiled gently at him, "Hey little one what is it?" and Mason replied "Where are the computers?" and she pointed over there, "Do you have a library card" and he shook his head and she gave him some type of receipt with a code on it, "There... once you get on that computer, it would require either a code like this" she said as she motioned towards the receipt, "Or your library card. In this case it's the receipt" and Mason nodded,

As Mason was about to run off she looked at him, "Hey where are you parents?" and Mason said aloud, "Oh they're coming, they said they'll come behind me soon" and she nodded as she shook her head, "Irresponsible parents these days" and continued on with her work as Mason went to the computers and just hopped on one of the big ones and started looking for research facilities,

While he was looking up stuff he failed to realize one of the chubby kids were back... and he had his father with him... The Chubby Dad Kevin! Kevin tapped on Mason's shoulder and looked at him. "You that kid that bullied my son?" and Mason looked at the chubby kid then at the man, "Bullied? He's the one that bullied me and beat me up, the only reason I was saved was because of my parents" and Kevin oh'ed and nodded, "So... parents teaming up on just a child?" and Mason shook his head bewildered, "Did you just miss the part where I said I was getting bullied and beat up and I only got helped by my parents? There was no teaming up" Mason explained and the man nodded,

The man turned around and was about to leave when... we all know what happened...

Mason got hit with that trouple double mctrouble mcdouble mcflurry my eyesight's blurry 3,000 points call me curry slap of his LIFE.

And Mason was sent flying off of his chair but Kevin heard someone coming and immediately put Mason back on the chair and turned him facing the computer and acted as if he was watching whatever was on the screen, "What was all that noise?" and Kevin turned as he smiled, "Oh my son accidentally clicked on one of those websites ad's... you know how they are" and she nodded as she almost blushed, "What was your child doing on that website?" and Kevin shook his head, "That's what I'm trying to find out, sorry for disturbing you though" and she nodded happily before walking away,

Kevin then turned Mason around, "I want your "parents" or whoever the hell they are to meet me here... we're going to have a nice talk" he said as he chuckled and cracked his knuckles while Mason just held his face not crying, no anger shown... just no emotions as he looked at the man and watched as he left, "You will pay..."

[ AN: Let me remind you this is my first time posting any of my novel's. Be lenient, you can be harsh as long as it's for a valid reason, and thank you for those who are telling MC to use his powers more, I'll just demolish a universe in the next chapter with MC's fart... Got it ]