

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · ファンタジー
39 Chs


Leansei immediately looked down and said, "I'll order the omelette instead." Tael snapped out of it and put the omelette on his tray. 

"E-eat well." Tael said, smiling. Corshe was concerned as he looked at Leansei. Lean carried the two trays along with Corshe while walking towards their table. 

When they arrived, Xeilin and Revin seemed to be getting along with each other and were talking about something private. They glance at Corshe, who has an unexplained expression, while Leansei is still dazed as to why the owner is here for. 

"What took you two so long?" Xeilin asked. 

"Don't tell me the girls ran into you?" Revin asked. 

Leansei and Corshe sat opposite Revin and Xeilin as they gave their trays to them. Leansei looked at his tray when his appetite suddenly changed to confused and sentimental.

' Why is he here for? The owner valued his restaurant more than anything. He can't just leave it. ' 

"Leansei!" Lean flinched when he didn't realize he was in deep thought and that he didn't hear what they were saying or why they were calling him. 

"W-what is it?" Leansei asked as he glanced at the three of them who had concerned faces. 

"Are you okay?" Revin asked worriedly. 

Leansei nodded and put the rice on his spoon. 

"Do you know him by chance?" Leansei stopped and shook his head. 

"I might have mistaken him for someone." He said and gave them an assured look. "Let's eat or the food will get cold." 

The three of them glance at Leansei before looking at each other and starting to eat their food. It took a few minutes before they finished their trays. They walked around the campus hall and talked a lot. 

They stopped when someone blocked their way. They glanced at him, and their smiles faded away. Then they glanced at Leansei. Lean looked at Tyvan, who was blocking their way. 

"Tyvan? What are you doing here? " Leansei asked since Tyvan's building is far away from this hall. 

"I have to talk to you." Tyvan said, with a serious face. Leansei looked at his friends and nodded at them.

"I'll see you later." Leansei said to them. Corshe and Xeilin looked at Leansei and Tyvan first before walking away. While Revin stayed there with a serious face too. 

"Didn't you hear what he said?" Tyvan said while looking at Revin. 

"I don't trust you." Revin said. Tyvan looks at Revin, annoyed. He was displeased from the way he acted this way towards Leansei. 

"We were friends before you met him. That's what I should tell you. " Tyvan said, with a serious tone. 

Leansei gave a deep sign and looked at Revin with an assured face. "I'll be fine, Revin. I'll catch you up later. " Leansei said, and gave him a slight smile. Revin wants to defy, but he can't disappoint or disobey the kind smile from Lean. 

Revin looked at Tyvan once again before walking away from them. Before Leansei could speak, Tyvan pulled him towards the back of the building. The only sounds were the swaying of the trees and the blowing of rusty leaves.

The sunlight was covered by the giant tree. The scent of the green grass and the falling leaves from the tree makes Leansei feel discomfited. 

"Why are you avoiding me?" Leansei looked at him and saw a dismal mood in Tyvan. His hair flew in the wind. His attractive face and body build were attractive enough. Leansei just realized that Tyvan hasn't changed after parting for years. His voice got deeper and his sense of fashion was still good in terms of the clothes he chose. 

"Am I avoiding you? I'm just busy these days. " Leansei said and looked around. Leansei looked dissatisfied at Tyvan."Why did you call me here for?" 

"You've changed like someone.. I know." Tyvan said, and raised his hand towards Leansei's face like he wanted to hold Lean's cheeks like how Tyvan used to do to Leansei before. 

Leansei immediately stepped back, which made Tyvan stop and put his hand down. "We were not like this. What makes you change?" 

"I'm always like this." Leansei said and looked at his watch when it was almost the end of lunch time. "We should probably go." He said and turned around, but Tyvan held Leansei's wrist to stop him from walking. 

Leansei doesn't know how to act around Tyvan; he can't figure out if he is still mad at him from how he shut him off and abandoned him when he needed him the most. 

' I can't just cut my connection with him since this body doesn't belong to me at all. I don't want to ruin the relationship between Kean and Tyvan since it seems like it was too special. ' 

"You're not fond of me anymore? What made you change?" Tyvan asked with a confused tone and a displeased look on his face. Leansei was unable to say anything. He couldn't just say he was uncomfortable with him since he wasn't Kean but Leansei, who he abandoned a few years back. 

"Don't tell me it's because of him?" Tyvan said. His confused voice changed to a disbelieving jerk's voice. Leansei stopped when he felt the same treatment back then. When he confronted Tyvan, he changed his attitude towards him. 

Leansei clenched his fist when he felt a pin pierce his heart. Now he knows that he wasn't fully healed from the pain he got before, nor was he able to move on without knowing the real reason why Tyvan shut him off with just a snap of the finger. 

"So it's really because of that bastard?" Leansei glanced at Tyvan with a knotted forehead. He couldn't figure out why Tyvan behaved in such a haughty manner.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Let me go. " Leansei said, trying to mask away the terrible memory at the back of his head. But Tyvan held on tightly, pulling Lean towards him.

"Tell me, is it because of him?" Leansei flinched when he felt the tremendous aura of Tyvan's. 

Leansei used all his strength to shove Tyvan's hand aside and walked backwards away from him. Lean glared at Tyvan while gently creasing his reddening wirst. 

Tyvan's face immediately changed to an apologetic face. "I—I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that with you when you couldn't remember me at all or what we had gone through. " Leansei looked away when he saw the rueful look on his face. 

"I don't want you to treat me like that. I'll let this go for now, but the second you do this, I won't let it go. " Leansei said and turned around. Before he walked away, he said, "If you're talking about Xerchin, he has a fiancé, so it's not like what you think." 

Leansei stopped when he saw Tael, who stopped too when their eyes met. Tael is still in his apron with a few black plastic bags in his hand. Leansei put his hand behind him and tried to walk away.


"Hey.." He stopped when Tael called him. Leansei glances at him. "Are you okay?" Tael asked. Leansei looked down when the way the owner treated him didn't change, despite being in a different body. 

Leansei nodded. "I should probably go now. Thank you for the concern. " He walked away while gently creasing his wrist. He was preoccupied while looking at it when he didn't realize he had bumped into someone. "I-I'm sorry--" Lean came to a halt when he smelled the familiar scents of perfume, body builder, and presense.

' Damn it. I'm planning to avoid him all week. What an unfortunate situation. No, today was an unfortunate day. ' Leansei said in his mind and tried to walk away from him, but Xerchin was about to hold his hand, but when he looked at his wrist, he saw it, it was reddening unusually. 

Xerchin knotted his forehead and withdrew his hand. He blocked his way hurriedly, which made Leansei bump into his chest again. Lean glared at Xerchin while rubbing his forehead, but diverted his eyes once again. 

"Are you ok-- What's with you, Mooncalf?" Xerchin asked. 

Leansei couldn't look into his eyes when his heart was throbbing like usual whenever he heard his voice or was close to him. 

"Wh-what do you want?" Leansei said with confidence to hide his beating heart. 

"May I hold your other hand?" Xerchin asked suddenly and looked up to Xerchin with flushed cheeks. He was stunned and, at the same time, confused. 


' H'-how bold is he to ask someone like that?! and what would he do with my hand?? ' 

But Leansei didn't hesitate and offered his hand towards Xerchin. Xerchin looked at his hand and held it gently, like a baby's hand that was too precious to hold. 

Leansei couldn't even concentrate when his heart was beating unnaturally, like his heart was about to bounce out of his chest. He looked at the hand of Xerchin that was holding his, and it was enough to make his face blush like a smashed tomato. He let Xerchin drag him wherever he pleased; he had no idea where.

Xerchin opened the door, and Doc Lin took a glance at them. Leansei realized where they were and was confused as to why they were in a clinic. Leansei glanced down, and he saw his reddening wrist. He looked at Xerchin while talking to the doctor. 

' Did he see my wrist? That's why he brought me here? ' Leansei said in his mind. 

"What's wrong?" Doctor Lin asked and walked towards Leansei. 

"His wrist was swollen." Xerchin said and made Leansei sit on the sofa. 

"N-no, I'm alright! This is nothing. " Leansei said while waving his hand to signal to them that it was really nothing. But Xerchin stared at him like he wasn't buying his excuse. Leansei's wrist was examined by Doctor Lon, who started to treat his red wrist. 

"It wasn't that severe, but it was much better to treat it than leave it this way." Doctor Lin said, Leansei glance at Xerchin, who is overacting over a little thing. Doctor Lin grabbed an ice pack and was about to put it in Leansei's wrist, but Xerchin offered that he would be the one to do it instead. Doctor Lin looked at Leansei and Xerchin back and forth and stopped when she remembered the last time she saw them together in the clinic. 

Doctor Lin nodded and gave it to Xerchin. He took it and sat beside Leansei as he gently tapped it into Leansei's wrist. Lean diverted his eyes when he realized that he had been avoiding Xerchin for days, and Leansei felt like this was their first meeting in a year. 

Doctor Lin looked at her watch and said, "I have an errand to do. It seems like Mr. Vcheroi can take care of you. You can go out anytime you want." Doctor Lin said with a kind smile before walking out of the clinic. 

The sound of the air conditioner, the tapping sound from the ice pack, and the tick of the clock are the only sounds you can hear from the four walls. Leansei swallowed when he and Xerchin were left alone again. 

"It's fine. I'm fine now. It's not that swollen. " Leansei said, but Xerchin only looked at his wrist without saying anything, but Leansei knew that Xerchin wasn't pleased with what happened. 

' Is he mad? Is it because I avoided him for days? or because I bothered him again? ' Leansei said in his mind and peered at Xerchin, who was still in his usual expression with a slight worrisome look in his face. 

' Why isn't he asking about it? ' 

"Are you mad at me?" Leansei asked. 

"For what?" Xerchin asked. 

"For..." Leansei couldn't utter a word after saying that. He doesn't have the courage to say it nor ask about it. Lean also knew that he was being unreasonable and being weird after acting this way. "You're not going to ask me?" Leansei said as he tried to change the subject. 

Xerchin glanced up at him and stared into his eyes. Leansei diverted his eyes as he pressed his lips together. "If you want to tell me, you already had. I'll wait for you to tell me what happened when you're ready. " 

