

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · ファンタジー
39 Chs


Xerchin climbed out of his vehicle after parking it. The assistant dashed towards him as he followed Xerchin walking inside the company. 

The staff and the bodyguards bowed and greeted Xerchin with respect and couldn't even look at him in his eyes. 

"What is it?" The secretary trembles with nervousness as he looks at his clipboard. 

"Th-the pre-president wants to talk to you, urg-urgently." a stuttering voice of Assistant Leo. He is small, nerdy-looking, and clumsy. 

They stopped at the elevator, and when it opened, the people inside immediately looked down and greeted them while getting out of the elevator. 

He walks towards the elevator with his assistant, Leo. 

"How about, brother? Where is he? "Xerchin asked with an expressionless face. 

"H-he's not yet here, sir." 


As the elevator opened on the 100th floor, the hall was nothing like below. The walls were painted in crimson and beige, while the floor was red-carpeted and the designs were extravagant. 

"Sir, you're finally here. Sir Xin was waiting for you." The secretary said this while bowing her head and walking towards the door. "Sir, Mr. Xerchin is here." 

"Come in." 

Secretary Lein opened the door. Xerchin walked inside the room and fixed his blazer as he stood meters apart from the young man in his mid-30's who had grey hair and was showing an intimidating aura. 

(That makes them a father-son figure.) 

"You have finally arrived." A profound voice from Mr. Xin. 

"Why did you make me come here all of a sudden?" A cold and expressionless face of xerchin

"You're my son after all." 

"I'm not the only son you have." 

"Now you have the confidence to talk back to me." Xerchin didn't respond. "I see. You're still obedient. We will have a dinner meeting with elite families in 2 weeks' time. Don't disapoint me. " 

Xerchin coldly looked at the floor. "You didn't make me come here just for you to say that, right?" 


Mr. Xin laughed merrily as he leant back in his swivel chair while spanning his pen. "You're indeed my son." 

Xerchin looked up with a cold look. 

"I want you to convince your brother not to go to the dinner meeting." Xerchin clenched his fist in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he was this heartless towards his own son. He wasn't willing to give up his possessions or so-called "family" in exchange for this power.

Xerchin turned his back, "I believe that's out of my league." 

"Don't make me do things I'm capable of. This will be good for you and for your beloved one. " Xerchin turned his head in anger. But he stopped himself from letting it out because it might not be a good case for both situations.

Xerchin dashed out of the room in irritation but stopped when a familiar face caught his two blue eyes. He diverted his eyes and was about to walk past her.

"What an ill-mannered man. You can't even greet your own mother. " Xerchin stopped beside her and closed his eyes to calm himself out of anger. 

"You don't deserve my respect, let alone my greetings." He said as he walked past her. She turned to him with a grumpy look.


Xerchin angrily closed the door of his car and held tightly to the steering wheel. 

His family has a complicated conflict that has been turned upside down since they were born. People think that Vcheroi's family is a perfect family, with life, love, and wealth, but on the edge of a lie, they have a piece of crap life. 

Leansei turned his head down when a notification rang inside the pocket of his blazer. He took the phone out and there was a message from Leansei.



I haven't properly thanked you since you dashed out of the room hurriedly. I'll just treat you tomorrow. See you in school too, 


[Sticker of a silly smile]  


The annoyed feeling suddenly lifted up as soon as he read the message. He replied,







Xerchin read his reply again and again because it was too bland. But he turned off his phone instead, as his lips curved in amusement. 


After a day passed, Leansei was concentrately listening to the professor's discussion about the miracle of life. While Revin is napping in his chair. 

"That's all for today. Please review this lesson. We will have a quiz at our next meeting." The professor said and fixed her things. 

Leansei hurriedly put his things inside his bag and stood up to walk away from the room, but someone grabbed his wrist and made him look at Revin, who was resting his arms on his desk and resting his head in his arms. 

Leansei flinched when he felt that the hand of Revin was out of the ordinary. He is sweltering heat. Leansei touched his neck and felt a high temperature. 

"You have a fever! Let me take you to the clinic. " Leansei's concerned tone. Revin is still holding Leansei's wrist as he leans to assist him towards the clinic. 

when they arrive. The doctor wasn't around, so he made Revin lie in bed and get a fever patch and medicine from the cabinet. 

Revin was still closing his eyes and trembled from fever. Leansei put the fever patch on his forehead and made him drink the medicine, which he luckily did. 

' I have to treat Xerchin today, so maybe next time. I can't leave him like this without someone beside him. '


While in the next bed, which has a closed curtain, he was reading a book. Beidhen looked in the direction of the voice. It was familiar to him. 

"Hey, I should look for a doctor." A voice from Leansei from the other side. Beidhen immediately sat up excitedly when he heard Lean's voice and pulled off the curtain. 

He smiled at Leansei, who was surprised to see him, but Beidhen's smile faded away when he saw Revin with an innocent fever face. 

"Since when are you here???" A whispered yet high-toned voice from Leansei. 

Beidhen crossed his arms and gave an annoying conceited look, "I got hit by a ball in our PE class." He said this while pointing to the left side of his reddening cheek.

"That must have been hurt." Leansei said, concerned. 

"Nope, not at all," Beidhen said, and looked towards Revin afterwards. "Why are you with him?" 

"Oh, he has a fever. So I can't just leave him in the classroom alone."

Beidhen intently looked at Revin's hand holding Leansei's wrist and smirked when an idea popped into his mind. He took out his phone and captured the photo. 

Leansei was befuddled when he saw Beidhen being foolish and childish again. But Beidhen, with a wide smile, messaged his brother. 


On the other hand, Xerchin took his bag and put it on his shoulder but stopped when someone blocked his way. 

"H-hi, I've admired you ever since. So here's a mamon. I baked it myself. " A short-haired girl offers a box of mamon. 

"H-hi. I've been making cinnamon rolls since then. Here's one I made while we were cooking in the HRM department. " The red-haired girl said. Xerchin just looked at the food and gave them a cold stare.

"I don't eat sweets." He said as he walked past them. "But if you can cook fried rice and fried noodles, I might accept it." Xerchin said and walked out of the room. 

"Oh m g! It's Xerchin!"  

"So handsome!" 

"Don't say that! He's my husband!"  

"Where's his brother?"  

"Who knows?"  

"Have you heard?" 


"He is on good terms with the guy in the lower batch."  

"You mean, Kean? Argh, saying it makes me disgusted. " 


The treasurer of their room blocked Xerchin's way with paper bags, food, drinks, and packages. 

"Hey, this is from your fans. What am I going to do with this? " Perio said while looking at the bundles of gifts. 

"Eat it or what? I don't care. Don't block my way again. " A cold tone and look from Xerchin in a tense moment, Perio diverted his gaze and swallowed.

Xerchin starts walking again when a continuous notification rings on his phone. He took it, and it was from his foolish brother. He wasn't going to read it, but a picture popped up. 

He stopped and looked at the message from his brother.




Hey Brother!! From where I am, I have witnessed an intriguing scene!



Hey Brother!! 



Okay, I know you're not going to read my message. So I'll just give it to you. 




Xerchin clicked the photos, and they were pictures of Leansei in the clinic, and Xerchin held his phone tightly when he saw someone holding Leansei's wrist. 




You know where I am? 

[Sent a silly and annoying GIF]



On the other hand, Lenesei is still uneasy while looking at Beidhen, who is clearly enjoying himself while typing into his phone. He glanced at Revin, and he was still at a high temperature. 

"Beidhen, where's the doctor?" Leansei asked.

Beidhen glanced at Leansei and turned off his phone. "They had a sudden meeting, so I was left here alone, like last time." Leansei was taken aback as he tried to process what Beidhen had just said to him.


' I wish I knew what I was thinking--from what he said last time--No! I'll dig my own grave if he ever saw that! ' Leansei put his head down to hide the embarrassment. 

Beidhen looked at him with a smirk on his face. "What you're thinking is right." Leansei immediately put his head up in surprise. 

' H-he means that he s-saw u-us! No w-way!! '


Beidhen laughed marvalously. "Yes, I saw you two who were about to ki--" But Leansei immediately stood up and tried to stop him from talking, but the door opened with a loud sound that made Beidhen stop talking. 

"Opps, here he is." It was a whisper, but Leansei could hear it clearly.

' Wh-why is he here?! What a great time! But wait, did Beidhen have something to do with this?! ' Leansei turned his head to Beidhen, giving that look, but Beidhen smiled and nodded like a child.


"You--", Leansei couldn't finish it when he heard the steps of Xerchin coming his way. He could smell the same scent of perfume. He glances at him and notices that he has messy hair and Attractively gasping for air. 


' He looks like he ran..  But he looks like a drop-dead gorgeous deity who fell on the earth from heaven--wait! What was I thinking?! ' 


Xerchin ran his hand through his hair while looking at Revin with a deadly look. He looked so dashing and attractive. He walked towards Lean's, who was head-down with reddening cheeks. 

' Is he blushing because of that ass---that person holding him? ' Xerchin said in his mind while coldly looking at the hand of Revin, who was still holding Leansei's wrist. 

' W--why does he look irritated? I thought we were okay yesterday? ' Leansei said in his mind and swallowed. 

The tension arises in a quiet atmosphere. Beidhen laughed again, like an idiot. Xerchin looked at his brother with a cold look, and Leansei glared at Beidhen. He immediately stopped laughing and swallowed his saliva. 

"What were you doing with that bas--with him?" Xerchin asked. Leansei flinched and couldn't look at Xerchin since he could remember the last time they were here.

"He is sick—wait, why do I have to answer that?" 

"Just because," Xerchin said, and rudely pulled off the hand of Revin. Leansei looked at Xerchin with a surprised look. 

"Don't be mean. He is not in good condition. " Leansei said while looking at Xerchin's face. He glanced at Lean's eyes and immediately diverted his gaze. 

Beidhen, on the other hand, appears to have forgotten he was there. He has a silly smile with a crossed arm. 

' Good or not, who cares? ' Xerchin said in his mind. 

' Why is he in a bad mood today? ' Leansei said and looked at Revin, who was still unconscious. 

Xerchin gently held Leansei's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"Wait--where are we--" 

"You said you'd treat me today. Don't tell me you have forgotten. " 

"But we can't just leave him here alone." 

"Who said he is alone?" Xerchin said and looked at Beidhen. Beidhen's amusing smirk faded away when he realized Xerchin's meaning. 

"No-- i-- " Before Beidhen could finish what he was about to say, Xerchin closed the door. He puffed his lips, annoyed, and glared at Revin, who turned his way towards him while quivering in fever. 

"Just as if. I won't be staying with this jerk. " Beidhen said, and stood up. He was about to go, but he flinched when someone held his wrist. He glanced at him and was about to take his hand away. 

"D-don't leave... please." Revin has an unusually soft and husky voice. Aside from being annoying and a jackass, Beidhen had never heard this voice from him.

Beidhen looked at him with a full sense of guiltiness. He's not like Xerchin, who is heartless towards everyone. Beidhen signed deeply, like he was going to regret his decision, but considering this jerk's situation, he might reconsider. 

' Just this once. I'm just going to do this once. ' Beidhen said in his mind while looking at the innocent reddish cheeks of Revin. 

