

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · ファンタジー
39 Chs


Leansei felt like a plaything, and there were two naughty, competitive little boys pulling the toy from side to side. He also started feeling annoyed when he realized that it wasn't him that they were fighting over, but instead their pride and competitiveness. 

Xerchin and Rell held Leansei's wrist tightly enough to make his wrist redden in tightness. But the tension and unbreakable eye contact of Xerchin and Rell were unstoppable. Leansei clenched his jaw in annoyance as he felt the pain and numbness in his wrists. 

"Let him go." Rell said and pulled the wrist of Leansei.

"You? Let it go. " Xerchin said as he drew closer to him.

The students nearby started looking at their directions, especially to Leansei. They started gossiping and crowding. 

Leansei couldn't take it anymore as he coldly and deadly looked at Rell. He is close to punching their faces. "Hey, let me go." 

Rell glanced at Leansei and looked back again when he felt chills down his spine as he saw the terrifying look from Leansei, which he had never experienced before. Rell immediately releases Leansei's hand. 

Leansei looked at Xerchin the same way, and Xerchin felt odd and let go of his hand too. Leansei gently caresses his wrists while Beidhen is smirking and has a priceless expression—as if he was watching a drama—he is enjoying the scene too much.

"You bastards. If you both have a quarrel, leave me out of it. Tch. " Xerchin and Rell were taken aback by what Leansei said while staring at them. Firstly, Xerchin has never been called that by anyone and fears him. Secondly, while Rell was growing up with him, he never heard Kean call him that for years of their friendship. 

Leansei walked past them and walked away, annoyed. Xerchin and Rell were left dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway. On the other hand, Beidhen, He looked back and forth between the two guys, then looked in the direction of where Lean had gone and burst out laughing. He is clearly enjoying this scene. 

"That is too hilarious! Your reactions were both stupid." Beidhen couldn't finish it when Xerchin smacked his head on his hand. Beidhen immediately rubbed his hand in pain. 

"I've never seen Kean do that before-- it's interesting! Well, big brother, I'll go and spoil him now!" Beidhen said and ran towards Leansei. " Kevin! Wait for me," he said, like a five-year-old that was left by his friends.

Leansei wasn't mad, but he was kind of annoyed by their childish acts, and they even used him as a vent for their shit. Leansei felt a familiar arm that was clinging to his neck again. 

"You're becoming fiesty." A jovial voice from Beidhen. Leansei rolled his eyes and minced. He removed the arms of Beidhen and caressed his wrists, which were still red from the grip of the two bastards. 

"They deserve it." Leansei's face was expressionless.

"You know what? I like you now even more. " Leansei glances at Beidhen.

"Why? Did you not like me before?" 

"Well, yes, I don't. Especially when you did--anyway, I like how you changed." 

"I changed? How?" Leansei asked with a confused tone. He became fond of Kean's life, and that made it click in Leansei's mind that he had just transmigrated into this body and, sooner or later, he needed to leave them. 

"Well, you are so weak and super kind that not even bad words can be made out in your mouth, but know that you've gotten a lot stronger and more fiesty now. " Beidhen said as he walked with his arms at the back of his head. Leansei stared at Beidhen and just realized that he was also a good-looking and attractive hooman.

"Don't stare at me that much. You might fall in love with me. I don't want my ass to get kicked. " 

Leansei started shaking his head when he remembered how ridiculously and annoyingly beidhen is. He doesn't even know why Beidhen follows him-- 

' Did he really mean that day that they were friends now? I thought he was just joking around. ' 

"Oh right! What is your plan for the end of the month? " Leansei glanced at Beidhen again and got confused by what he said. "Tsk tsk, you fool. You're a vice president of the council, yet you don't know?" 

Leansei looked away since he had no idea what the event or occasion was next week--plus he might be being too irresponsible for not doing his role in SSC. 

"It is held every year for students in high schools and senior high schools like us. It was an acquaintance's party. Can't you spoil me? What's the plan? " Beidhen said, and he put his two tips of pointing fingers together while making a sad puppy face. 

"You look ugly--and even if you ask me, I'm not sure because I have amnesia, remember?" Beidhen scratches his scalp. 

"Tch, you're so naive." Beidhen said, while pouting his lips. Leansei glared at him, but Beidhen just laughed and put his arms around Leansei's neck again. 



An hour had passed, and it was the most enjoyable time for Leansei as the classes ended. He was ready to get home when someone opened the door with a loud bang. 

Leansei glances at them while carrying his bag. 

They were a group of slobbish students who were known for being good at nothing. They are clearly bullies in this school, but because of the power they have, no one dares to stand up and confront them. 

"Are you Kean?" A guy who looks like their leader spoke. 

Leansei examined the four guys before nodding his head. 

"Come with us." The leader spoke up and dashed into the room. Leansei gave a deep sign and followed them. He was disappointed that he had not arrived home earlier.

They stopped at the abandoned building near the school. It was reeking of an undistinguished smell and the sound of dropping water from the tubes. 

The leader turned to Leansei and pulled the cigarette into his mouth, blowing it into Leansei's face. Leansei got annoyed since he might get sick from it. He knows that Kean's body is weak. 

But he can't just let him do that, and he wants to go home early. 

"Do you want to see stars?" Leansei said as he removed his blazer. The leader and the members started laughing at what Leansei said. 

"I want many stars--" Leansei cut him off and strongly kicked his face upwardly, which knocked him down to the ground. Everyone's smile and laughter faded away in an instant. 

"I just grant him what he wants." Leansei said as he wore his blazer again and fixed his uniform. The other guys looked at Leansei with surprise. Lean turned his back on them, leaving them perplexed.

Leansei wishes he could spend the entire day sleeping in his precious bed. He was so tired from all the things that happened in just one day. He even barely sleeps these days.  




It was hella three days for Lean, as he got home to Kean's condo. For him, the entire day felt like a year for him. The rumors started spreading with different versions of the story, which made it unbelieveable, and it got worse day by day since people started treating him shittier than usual. 

He was called different unpleasant names, got stared at everywhere he went, Beidhen still followed him everywhere, and he got into trouble whenever he saw Xerchin. 

While Tyvan, on the other hand, tries to pick him up after school and drive him to school, Lensei has been avoiding Tyvan for days. Then, Revin and Leansei became slightly closer since he became Revin's partner in the project. 

Leansei also thought that he should stay in the condo instead of going to the mansion, which had an uncomfortable atmosphere. Leansei couldn't make a move to go to Levous City either since he took care of a lot of things. He even goes to SSC meetings every day since the acquaintance party is just around the corner. 

Leansei collapsed on his bed as his hair was wet and cold since he had just showered. He was dazed as he realized that he was getting too comfortable being kean. He is getting fond of the people he interacts with, and he is enjoying the freedom and stability of financial life--which means he doesn't need to do a part-time job after class anymore.

Leansei was also relieved when he managed to alleviate one of Kean's problems, which was that no one dared to bully him anymore. For all those three days, Leansei went to the group of deliquents and beat them in exchange for the pain and trauma that Kean had received from them. 

Leansei planned that after the event, he would go to the levous city himself to clarify things that were bothering his mind. Leansei lay down in his bed and stared at the ceiling. It has a night glow and stars that were stuck in the ceiling. It made him smile, as if he was in a child's room.  

Leansei flinched as he heard the loud thunder outside the condo. It was loud enough that it made an echo in Lean's ear. The wind of rain started whomping in the sliding door on his balcony. The heavy rain goes well with the loud sounds of thunder that made Lenesei immediately gasp for air. 

He quickly covered his ears as he started shrinking into his bed. Leansei started quivering as the thunder continued outside the condo. The familiar scene came to Lean's mind. 


A loud rumble of thunder and heavy rain continue to fall, but Leansei is running under the rain, soaking wet. He looked at the wet paper in his hands and ran as fast as he could. 

"Mama," he whispered. Leansei stumbled on the ground as he hit someone and slipped on the slippery floor. His hand and toe got bruised, but he didn't care. Instead, he stood on his feet and continued running in the cold and heavy rain.

A loud knock on his door made Leansei flinch as he came back into reality. He was trembling with fear. He was okay with rain but not with thunderstorms. The terrible and unforgotten memory came into his mind again and played repeatedly.

He heard another knock on the door of the condo that made Lean go towards the exit of his room. He crossed his hands as he tried to caress his arms to comfort himself, since no one could do that to him anymore. 

Leansei held onto the wall as he felt the fatigue of fear and the tightening of his heart. The pain was unbearable. He closed his eyes and held his head when some memories popped into Lean's mind. 

"Argh..." Leansei groaned as he slowly walked towards them, holding onto the wall as he walked. He was about to fall to the ground when he immediately grabbed hold of the shelves.

He heard the other knock on the door once more. He glanced at it as slowly as he felt a feeling of nausea. It was like the fear, pain, and unexplainable head aches all came together in one place and wrecked the physical and mental health of Leansei. 

He ambled towards the door. He was only meters away, but he stopped and held onto the sofa as another memory came into his brain. He heard different unfamiliar voices and the unbareable pain in his heart, like wrecking the soul of Leansei. It was too much that it made him walk more slowly and tremble. 

Leansei continued to walk towards the door, his body quivering from the cold and fear of the loud thunder outside the condo.

He was gasping for air as he could feel the cold throughout his entire body while holding the door knob. He unlocks the door with multiple door locks. He was nearly unconscious while he could feel the weakening of his body. 

He opened the door and slowly looked up when he saw the soaking wet clothes of the familiar figure. He's dressed up in a blazer and a cap. He got wet hair and a wet face from the rain. Leansei looked at the familiar blue murcial eyes that were staring at him. 

