

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · ファンタジー
39 Chs


Leansei felt nothing for a few seconds. He didn't feel the soft brushing of foul lips or the daring reddish of kissable lips whisking towards him.

While Xerchin is amusedly looking at Lean, he has an irritatingly curved smirk on his lips. He caresses the chin of Leansei and holds it up towards his. He gets more amused while looking intently at Leansei's innocent, blushing face. 

But when he stared at Leansei's lips, the smirk suddenly faded away in an instant when he felt a great intensity in his body that he had never felt before. 

There was the sound of a door opening.

Lean immediately opened his eyes and shoved Xerchin away in realization. But it was too late when Doctor Lina had already seen the fruity position of these two. She was staggered while looking at them. Leansei immediately walked away in embarrassment, but Xerchin gave a cold look to doctor Lina before following Lean outside. 

Lean was looking down, his hands in his face to hide his embarrassment, but he couldn't figure out why this body had gone crazy.

' Did I like it? No way! It's not possible! What was up with that jerk? No way! Why did this body behave that way?! That bastard will definitely tease me later on! This is so embarrassing! ' 

Leansei immediately fumbled in humiliation. 

But he suddenly stopped when he felt a firm hand holding his wrist. He looked up at him and leaned back, dazed, as he looked at Xerchin. He had messy hair, a slight flush in his cheeks, with attractive blue murcial eyes, and he was gasping for air, like he was running to follow him. 

That kind of look immediately pierced his heart. 


' Something is wrong with my heart, this jerk..'


Xerchin diverts his gaze with a flushed face. Leansei had never seen him like this before. He looks damn beguiling this way. 

"W-what--" Leansei couldn't finish it when Xerchin held Leansei's wrist and pulled it towards his car, opening the passenger seat for him. "Where are we going?" 

"Somewhere," he replied. Leansei has no other choice but to get inside his car. He moseyed around the car, climbed inside the driver's seat, and turned the engine on afterwards. 

"Where are we going?" Lean asked with a bewildered expression. 

"Some places I know." He said this while accelerating the car towards the road. 

As a few minutes passed, no one intended to speak. Leansei took his phone to look at the time. It was past 4 pm already. He didn't know that time passed so fast. 

After a few moments, the car stopped at the expensive restaurant. Leansei opened his mouth in an enchanting and twinkling restaurant. 

Xerchin climbed out of his car as Leansei opened the door by himself and looked around. 

Lean looked around. "Are you going to fetch someone or eat with someone?" Lean asked, The restaurant, the customers, and the decorations outside were extravagant.

"Good day, Sir. I'm the manager of this restaurant. If you called me and said that you were coming, I would have prepared everything. " A kind greeting from a mid-20's guy He positioned his left arm on his stomach with a pure, sophisticated gesture. 


' So, I guess I'll just wait outside. He looks like he will eat with someone--wait! Then why did he brought me here? No way, he won't ' 

"Mooncalf, Why are you still standing there? Let's get inside. " Leansei was startled but excitedly came inside the restaurant. 

Leansei has never been to or tried any expensive restaurants. But here he was, going inside the beguiling restaurant.

The scent lingering around makes your stomach rumble and can make you drool from hunger.

' Why did he take me here? Wait, is this his apology for what he did earlier? But since he can't say it, so he treats me instead?! ' Leansei said in his mind while looking at Xerchin. 

' But I can't really read this bastard's mind--I mean his thoughts.' 

"Keep staring and you might fall. I won't take responsibility for that. " Xerchin said, staring him in the back. Leansei avoided his gaze and looked around instead. 

"As if." A low voice from Leansei, (supposedly whispered but he could hear it.)


If you look around, the design is nothing but gray, silver, and gold. The table had a high-class fabric. The music was played in the form of classical songs. The restaurant itself was wide and clossal. 

Leansei's face suddenly became pale when he thought that if the designs and features were purely and highly expensive, then how about the menu?

He quickly took the menu, and he shrank from just looking at it. The price cost 45 hours of his salary. It was too expensive for him, and it gave him a gloomy aura that circulated around Lean's body. Xerchin suddenly felt the tenebrous sensation of Leansei. 

"I'll pay." Leansei's gloomy face changed in an instant. But he doesn't really like to owe someone. 

' He helped these past few days and I haven't thanked him properly."

He suddenly remembers the things that happened while trying to thank him---



"I can pay this--"

"Hi, Sir and Sir." A waiter said while turning his head back and forth. "Can I get your order, sir?" 

Leansei swallowed and looked at the menu. Aside from the expensive foods, he isn't familiar with the dishes. That's why he chose the five hundred pesos for the steamed egg.

"Why not choose more? You can buy anything you want." Xerchin said while leaning into his chair and laying his elbows on the manchette with intertwined hands. 

"No, I won't. I'm on a diet. " with the confident tone of Leansei.  . 


Leansei swallowed his words when he finished all of the dishes that Xerchin had bought in a matter of minutes. Xerchin ate less but stared more. Leansei leaned against the chair while tapping his stomach in satiation. 

"Thank you for the food," Lean said, shyly. "B-but this isn't free, I--" He couldn't finish it when someone came near them. It was a young and beautiful girl. She looked like a foreign girl with blonde hair. 

Xerchin's expression changed to cold and expressionless, just like his usual face while looking at his food. 

"Hii. You're my type, so I'm wondering if you have a girlfriend? Can I get your line? " Leansei around his mouth when the girl is asking Xerchin, but he looks at the girl's phone with an expressionless face. 


' He won't probably waste this. But why do I feel something is off with me? Is it because she didn't ask me out? ' 


"Are you blind?" Leansei felt his soul leave Kean's body when he heard the churlish reply from him. 

The girl was flabbergasted by the cold reply of Xerchin. "W-what-?" 

"Did you not notice that we were eating?" Xerchin said, with a cold voice. The girl tensely looked at Leansei. 

Leansei immediately put his hands up in the air. "N-no.. I don't mind." A stuttering voice of lean came to mind as he felt torn between the two. 

"Tch." Xerchin hissed softly and gave the girl a cold look. "I'm in a relationship with someone."

Leansei was nonplussed as he heard Xerchin's reply. He looked down and drank some water instead. 

"Y-you can say it in the first place that you have a girlfriend!" The girl said, annoyedly, and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant. 

' Is it true that he has a girlfriend? Then.. ' 

"What were you saying?" Xerchin asked. Leansei flinched and rubbed his neck when he forgot what he was about to say a while ago. 

"I forgot—oh right, you shouldn't be that rude to girls." 

Xerchin examined Leansei's soul with his gaze. "Why? Interested?" Leansei immediately and defensively shook his head. 

"No.. she looks so beautiful, so I thought you'd give your number---ahh.. I remember now.. I will treat you tomorrow, or do anything you want. In exchange for all the things you did for me. "

Xerchin gazed at him while leaning his cheeks into his hand, and his elbow was resting on the arm rest. "You'll do anything?" 

' Wait.. that tone is a bit off. ' 

"No, I said, I'll treat you tomorrow." 

"You already said it." 

"I said, I'll treat you." 

"I'm not hearing anything." 

"Then how did you hear me?" 




In the end, Leansei couldn't bear with this bastard anymore, so they came outside the restaurant after Xerchin paid the bill. 


' Did we come here just to treat me to a meal? He had eaten less earlier... and did he have a girlfriend? If he has, they surely look good together. ' 


Leansei was in deep thought when he hit Xerchin's back while walking. He immediately rubbed his forehead since it felt like he had crashed into a big rock. 

"Why did you--?" He couldn't finish it when Xerchin turned his way to Leansei. 

"Do you want to walk with me?" Leansei was dazed as he looked at Xerchin's face and diverted his eyes, then nodded. 


' Why do I feel this way every time I look at his eyes? Those merchanting blue eyes. ' 


They walked quietly as they passed through the nearby park. It was wide and extremely large. It has benches to sit on, a garden, a playground, exercise equipment, and it has a lake beside it. 

Since the sun comes down now, the sunset was too beautiful to ignore. The fresh cold breeze brushing their skin, the swirl of rust leaves blowing on the ground, the sound of dancing trees and the cheep of the birds make things enchanting and beautiful. 

"The sunset is so beautiful." Leansei said with a jovial voice as he looked at the beautiful sunset.

A few seconds passed before Xerchin was able to respond, "Yes, it is." A warm xerchin tone caused Leansei to turn his head towards him. He was dazed as he saw him looking at him instead of the beautiful sunset.


