

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · ファンタジー
39 Chs


The lavender scent lingered around the four walls, and the soft crimson mattress boasted of resplendent cashmere, silk, cotton, and wool fillings that were supporting Leansei's flimsy body as he regained consciousness.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a beige-colored high ceiling was the first thing he saw. An exquisite hand-cut pattern strung with round crystal for a touch of delicate beauty manifests in the luxurious room.

He sat up tentatively, clutching his stomach, groaning in pain and soreness all over his body. Leansei knew that Kean's body was fragile in any case. 

He looked around the room that made Leansei's eyes sparkle from the lavish height and wide room for one person. He compared it to his apartment, but this room covers the whole apartment that Leansei has. In the first place, he knew he shouldn't compare what he has to what this person has. 

The room was filled with extravagant things that conveyed a manly son from a wealthy family. The bed was wide enough to sleep on, and the decorations and arrangement showed that it was a man's room. Everything was arranged and organized so neatly that one hardly thinks if a neat person sleeps here or just because it's neat. 

Leansei removed the crimson silky blanket and was dazed as he saw that he was not wearing a slobbish uniform, but instead he was using sleep wear that was too comfortable to sleep in. He took the shirt up to his stomach, and the bandages were wrapped around his stomach. 

He climbed out of bed and walked towards the sliding door. As he opened the door, a cold breeze blew his hair up, which he liked more. He ambled towards the railing and closed his eyes to feel the wind that gusted through his skin and hair. 

In particular, he couldn't care less where he was, but instead he enjoyed the cold wind since he felt like it comforted him for a few minutes. He even barely enjoyed the wind from his previous life.

"What are you standing there for? Mooncalf. " He flinched as he heard a familiar baritone voice, and he felt the electricity go through his veins and pierce his fragile heart. 

' What exactly is this?! Am I seriously imagining that voice? Get a hold of yourself! sei! ' Leansei is scolding himself in his mind and shaking his head to shake up his senses. 

"Hey, mooncalf." Leansei flinched again as he heard the voice. He tried to slap his face as hard as he could, but all he felt was pain. 

Leansei turned around and perceived that the world slowed down when a captivating familiar face and mercurial blue murky eyes were 3 inches away from Leansei's face. 

"AHHHHHH!" Lean shouted, surprised. In stun, he raised his hand, which he did unconsciously. He was about to slap the blue murcial eyes, but the guy held his wrist and coldly looked directly into Leansei's eyes. 

"What are you shouting like I'm about to devour you?" Leansei immediately came into reality and pulled his wrist away from the blue murcial eyes and pushed him away. 

' W-what, how come I'm here? Why is he here?! ' 

"What did you do to me? Bastard!" The guy looked at him intently, as if he was examining his deep inner soul. He diverted his eyes since Leansei couldn't stand the intimidating aura of the guy. 

"Mooncalf," he said, and turned around to walk out of the room. 

Leansei let out a deep sigh as he looked around the place. It just occurred to him that he was not in a hotel nor a condo, but a luxurious mansion. There's a wide field with different flowers and trees. It includes a big swimming pool beside it.

Leansei walked quickly inside the room to look for his things, but suddenly the door opened. An attractive man walked inside the room with two maids. 

"Oh, good you're awake." Leansei has no idea who he is or where he is. He immediately adjusted his seat position. The guy was wearing a sweater with pants below. He has gray eyes, a clean hairstyle, and an attractive smile. 

The maid came inside, carrying a uniform, clothes, a bag, and a tray of food. They bowed before leaving the room. The guy gives off a kind aura that will make you comfortable being with him.

"Where am I?" Leansei asked as he looked at the guy. 

"My apologies, I'll introduce myself again since I heard you have amnesia. I'm Beidhen Vcheroi, brother of the person who took care of you.. so-so.. " Leansei blinked as Beidhen walked towards him and put the book on the bed tray table. 


' Wait, where did I hear that surname? '  


"You haven't eaten yet; it's already 5 o'clock in the afternoon." Beidhen said, and sat on the bed. Leansei stared at the tray. It was a fancy food that he had never tried before. 

He also thinks that you can't just eat what strangers give you. 

Beidhen chuckles and says, "There's no poison in there. Dont worry about all that happened, Ferech and Vcheroi are still on good terms. " Leansei tried to eat the food, and it was fancy yet delicious. He was indeed lucky to experience this, while in his past life he barely ate enough to be thrifty with his earned money. 

Leansei keeps glancing at him since he wants to ask something, but it seems like he doesn't want to bother him. 

"Ask me if you need to," Beidhen said, as he stared at Leansei. 

He swallowed the food and asked, "When I came back alive, all I could hear was Xerchin or Vcheroi's sons. What is it about your family? " Leansei's innocent voice echoes and chews the food. 

Beidhen laughed, "This is the first time I've heard someone ask me that." Leansei blinked as Beidhen covered his mouth with his hands as he laughed. 

"The name Vcheroi is the most powerful and famous name in history. Vcheroi lives from generation to generation. It was above everything else. But in the 9th generation, Vcheroi gave birth to one son. " Beidhen said, as he looked down while saying the last phrases. "The son must live up to the expectations of the family and the people. The parents of the Vcheroi son were the founders of your school. That's why it was known throughout the years. " 

Leansei literally rounded his mouth as he was surprised by what he had heard. Leansei finally understood why even in Levous City they are quite popular, especially across all the places in Lemous City. 

Leansei never knew them since he wasn't a social person. He never watched TV, he never got on social media, and he never had friends in school. 

"Can I ask more?" Leansei asked innocently. Beidhen nodded. 

"Who is Xerchin and who are you?" 

It takes a few minutes between pauses when Beidhen speaks again. It was as if it was a hard question. "You should ask Xerchin yourself. But for me, he is the most trusted son in this family. He lives up to the expectations of everyone. He is one helluva cold person. He was hardly approachable. Whether he socializes, whether with status or not, he usually has a conflict with one person." Leansei nodded as he drank the cold water. "

And me, I'm not a really interesting person, and it wasn't even needed to know by everyone else. I'm just someone who is beidhen. " He said and smiled as if Lean couldn't see through those fake smiles. 

' When did I even become this talkative? ' 

He wanted to ask more about him, but the tone and reply were vague enough to make it private and seemingly not good to talk about. Leansei put down the utensils as he finished the amazing, delicious food. 

"Who is the person with whom he has conflict?" When Beidhen laughed at him, Leansei scratched his chin as if it were a joke. "

"This is hilarious. It was you. " 

Leansei looked at Beidhen as he was confused by what he had said. He tried to wait for Beidhen to withdraw the joke, but he didn't. 

' M-me? I mean, kean? Why? Is that why he treats him like he is an idiot? '

"Okay, okay, I give up. Since you can't remember, it was around the middle class at that time, and you confessed to him in front of everyone. Everyone and Xerchin thought you were just joking that time, but when a party of students came over, you drugged Xerchin--I don't even know how you did that hahaha--anyway you did that and captured a picture with him half naked--" Leansei couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the pillow to hide from the shameless act of Kean. 

Leansei didn't know that Kean was able to do that. He also wondered if it was the reason people gossiped about him or if it was simply because people disliked him.

"S-stop.." a low voice from Leansei

"And the pictures spread across all the buildings." Beidhen said he walked towards Leansei when a maid came inside to take the tray of food.

"I couldn't believe he did that." Leansei said, unconsciously. and out of his thoughts. 

"Who did what?" 

"i-i-i'm going home. Thank you for the delicious f-food and everything. I'll repay it. " Leansei said, and hurriedly climbed out of the bed, but the door opened. It was Xerchin staring at the two of them with an intimidating look. 

"Hey, bro! Starting today, " Beidhen said, and put his arms around Lean's neck. "We're friends." He said, with his attractive smile. 

Leansei elbowed Beidhen's waist, which made him let go of the lean. 

"Nonsense," a baritone voice from Xerchin said, and walked inside. "I'll drive you home at 6 pm, Mooncalf. Go and change." 

"What? That fast? We haven't even chatted that long. " A pout from Beidhen. Leansei took the uniform and it was new since the cloth and smell had the scent of unused and new fabric. 

"How many hours did I sleep?" Leansei asked. 

"Almost a day." Beidhen asked while Xerchin was arranging the desk, even though it was perfectly organized in Leansei's eyes. 

"Oh my goodness! How about my work? " Leansei stopped as he realized the fucked up words he had said. He remembered that he wasn't Leansei anymore in this life, but Keans. 

"Work?" Xerchin asked, a dark expression on his face.

Leansei diverted his eyes and swallowed his saliva, "Y-yes, homework and my parents!" 

' I almost got caught! Get a hold of yourself, Sei! '

"I notified Mr. and Mrs. Ferech about it, so you don't have to worry." Beidhen said, while smiling. 

"You don't have to drive me. I can take care of myself. " Leansei said that he lied. He doesn't even know where he is, nor the Lemous city itself, and the pain in his stomach is unbearable. 

Leansei immediately went towards the bathroom and changed his clothes, but one thing he caught in his eye while looking at the mirror was the eyes. 

The body of Kean is still Kean. But the look in its eyes was leansei. He could probably tell since he saw the picture of Kean and Leansei always looking this way since then. 

He walked out of the bathroom, put on his black shoes, and took his bag. Leansei's neck until they were able to leave the mansion. It was super wide and big compared to Ferech's house. The atmosphere was purely intimidating and scary. 

"Byee, see you in school!" Beidhen said this while smiling and waving his hands as the car began to move. Leansei felt the cold and awkward atmosphere inside the car. There are two people inside the car, which makes Leansei's heart sweat. 

' This is awkward! Aargh! I hope Beidhen comes with us! '

Leansei glances at Xerchin, who is focused on the road. In Lean's mind, Xerchin looks very attractive while driving. He is good-looking from every angle. The lips were reddish, kissable lips that looked so soft. The eye brows were enough to make it more attractive, the nose was perfectly aligned, and Xerchin's body was enough to cover Leansei's body in his arms. 

"Enjoying staring?" Leansei flinched as he came back to reality. He immediately turned his head into the window to hide his reddening cheeks. He could feel the heat in his cheeks. 

"W-who told you I was staring at you? Tch. I never stare at bastards! " Leansei said with a stuttering voice, as he tried to deny it, but his voice betrayed him. 

Xerchin glanced at Leansei and curved his lips as he looked at the road. 


I believe that i'll try updating as fast as i can huhu I just enrolled myseld today and it was hassle hahaha anyway i might get busy but i'll still update

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