
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · ファンタジー
111 Chs

Uncle Zheng

(Oscar's POV)

Uncle Zheng. I remember that when I was young my grandpa introduce him to me. It was so long ago that I barely remembered him. And seeing him in front of me feels weird.

"Uncle Zheng?"

"Little Oscar. It's been so long since I saw you."

"Yeah... It's been so long."

I finally found him. Uncle Zheng is a middle-aged man with a huge build. He had grey long hair braided in a ponytail and a grey beard that apparently hasn't been taken care of.

He seemed to be exhausted as expected. His daughter is hospitalized for a while now. And she doesn't seem to get any better.

To find him, I visited the hospital. I asked for Isabella's room at the reception. As expected he was here with her. Isabella looked, malnourished and skinny. I'm not sure about her sickness only about her lungs now.


"Oscar... I've missed you..."

"I've missed you too. It's been four years."

"Hey, promise me. When I got out of here, we will go to the sea."

"...Of course. I can't wait to go to the sea with you."

I remember now. She always said that she wanted to go to the sea. But since her childhood, she had a weak body so she wasn't able to go sea.

I looked at Uncle Zheng. I could see the sadness hidden in his smile. I guess this means she will unlikely to heal in the near future... I came here to find a way to save my friend but I'm already losing another one.

"It is always nice to see you but... you must cane for something, right?"

"Actually, yes. Uncle John said that you know my grandpa's house. I need to know where it is."

"Ah, that house. I do know where it is. But why didn't Adrian tell you its location or take you there?"

"I... don't know. Since he passed away last year I can't ask him anymore."

"...so he passed away, huh."

This is the first time he heard my grandpa died. I don't know much but they were good friends as much as I remember. It just sad to not even know about the death of your old friend. I can't imagine what would I do if I were ever in his shoes. I can't imagine losing Jason and learning that I lost him a year or so later.

"It's been a long time since I went there. So I may not remember it right. There was a note and map Adrian left for me. Ah, I can get it for you but are you going to be traveling today?"

"...I need to reach there as soon as I can. There is something important there that I need to get. Unfortunately, I can't waste much time."

Uncle Zheng fell silent. He seemed to think about something. Is there something I should be aware of? I'm not sure.

"Stay with Isabella here. I'll go get it for you. Also, if I remember right travel from here would take about a day. So you should be prepared."

"Thank you, uncle. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

"No problem, kid. You are the grandson of my old friend. I would always help you. He would do the same for me, after all."

My grandpa would do the same, huh? He was a kind person even back in the day. Even after his death, he is helping me. I'm trying to find the records he left.

Uncle Zheng left me with Isabella in the room. Isabella was wearing an oxygen mask as she was struggling with breathing. I sat next to her.

"Hey, what were you doing all this time? Do you have any interesting stories?"

"I have several. If you want to listen I can tell you."

"Please do so. It's boring laying down on this bed all day. And there isn't anything interesting on Tv either."

I begin to tell her my stories with Carla, Nora, Jason, and Leah. I had spent my childhood with them. We were always looking for some adventure so we have lots of memories. Looking back at them makes me emotional.

Halfway through I noticed that Isabella fell asleep. There is still some time before Uncle Zheng returns. What should I do? I can sit here and wait... What would my grandpa do? He is a kind and helpful person. He would always help his friends and the people that were close to him.

I placed my hand on her chest. She was still struggling to breathe even with the help of the mask. I can't even imagine what you have been through all this time Isabella. But now it's over.

I cast the strongest healing spell I know. A bright blue light appeared under my hand. I also activated my mana eyes and watched as the spell repaired her sick body. The disease in her lungs was easily destroyed by the spell. After the lung disease, other hidden diseases on her body were destroyed too.

With just these, it was certain that she would recover but I also cast some basic healing spells to restore her immune system and her general strength.

"I promise you, we will go to sea. You will get better quickly and we will spend time together once again."

I don't know if it's because of my spell but her body has some mana traces. The reason why I'm not sure is that the mana seems different. Like how Lydia's mana was different from mine.

So, Isabella might have some hidden power inside her just waiting to be awakened. I don't know what should I do. It's something she has possibly from her birth. And since she isn't involved in anything I guess I can let her be. After all, unlike Lydia, she isn't involved or close to anything supernatural.

"I'm back. Oh! She is sleeping."

"Yeah, she fell asleep. Is she going to be okay?"

"Doctors said that she might recover soon. We are trying a new medicine so there is some hope."

"I see. I can't wait to go to the sea with her."

Uncle Zheng smiled after hearing my words. I can easily see the sadness inside his eyes. I understand him. He has been through a lot in these last years. Even though he has hope, it would still be hard to believe that it actually happen. Well, you only wait and see.

"Here you go. Pack some food and rations before traveling. I don't think there was any food in the house."

"I see. Thanks for the clue. I should start preparing before it gets late."

"Yes, you should. Visit sometime again. She likes to talk with you."

"I will definitely visit again. It's just that I need to deal with some urgent matters first."

"I see. Be careful, kiddo."