
Love that remained unnamed

So here's the story of two minds,two souls,two hearts,who ran away from realities,to find solace in dark corners of their fears,

Here's a story that tells,egoes were defeated,but emotions could not conquer the barriers of fear,words were cowards,but the " love" was claimed by the hearts and souls could not deny too,

He was arrogant,self-obsessed and had superiority complex,

She was just the opposite, an over-thinker,scared girl,with inferiority complex .He had a mindset," he just could not fall in love",he had a thinking, "people must come behind me",.The girl was just opposite,she always thought, she could never impress someone,no one would ever love her,and she would never expect such things ,so that she might not hurt herself,.

But she didn't know,how she would be dragging someone's attention,someone who thought,no one could ever impress him,and he didn't know how he would be falling in love with someone,here begins their story,

So they were on the same team,in college and they had to present their final project.

The first interaction was never friendly,

She found him arrogant as expected and he found her full of attitude,

But as the days passed,

He began to prove himself wrong,her laughter would drag her attention, and he would find something different in her voice,her unintentional jokes would make him laugh,he had started to recognise the real child inside of a scared person,a fragile heart inside of an apparently cold human and a cheerful, lively heart inside of a fearful girl,

And here, how many times,she caught him, looking at her, even when among group of people,but she would just overthink,what could it be,?

Her skin tone,her pimple,what else?

Why would someone look at her like that,?

Every night,both would lie in their beds,he would think," how amazing is she,how magical,but she doesn't like me perhaps" "she didn't give any gesture" and here she would think, " what a personality that mate has got, but why would he like a girl like me, i must not even think about it ,he would surely be making a fun of my skin by noticing the pimples or my skin tone"

She would just get scared even more,.

She would say something, people would not give attention to, but he would answer,if it was a joke,he would laugh, she had started understanding too, someone had made her feel important,she was convinced, but she was not ready to accept,she would just deny,

He was convinced too, someone had defeated his ego,but he was not ready to accept either,

THAT DAY,the final day,the day of presentation,she was in RED, and he was in BLUE.She was entering the hall with her beautiful silky hair, falling down her shoulders,and her thick black eyelashes,as if they had stolen the darkness of night, and there he,with his shining grey eyes,as if they had been waiting to see someone like that,just like that,

Unintentionally,she found those chasing eyes,the glances exchanged,

But she ignored,but no, she wanted to believe, she wanted to know,she looked back, found the same, again ignored,but no,it was all so spontaneous,so unintentional,looked back again,he was still,his ocean like eyes were still,as if they were capturing her, she just gave him an unintentional smile and turned back,

Both had found something,both were now lying to their own souls,he was not ready to her,how much she had impressed him,and she was not ready to ask,if she really inspired someone,

Both were now slaves to their attitudes,both had fear of rejection,the fear was a barrier,He did not have the courage to tell her,the fear of rejection had occupied his mind,and here she, though she was convinced,but the fear of losing love after gaining it,the fear of future,made her helpless,.Both considered it better to end it, before it could start,They considered it better to believe in the fates, "que sera sera" "whatever will be,will be"

Someone's smile had bought someone's gaze and someone's gaze had made someone smile,

So much was said in the unsaid,

They were strangers,who told each other, a lot of things, without even talking to each other,but they remained strangers,


Both had a meaningful conversation of a few minutes, without even talking to each other,

Words were fearful, but this time,there was his gaze and her smirk,That explained everything,that capturing look and that escaping smile,That glance like ocean full of waves and her innocence like sun rays,both were meeting each other,

But that gaze and that smile, were like first Letters written to each other,

That glance and that smirk were also the final goodbyes too.