
The First in the New World OVERLORD(Dropped)

Kaleb was just a Soldier in the old world that loved playing Yggdrasil with his friends. One day he got injured pretty bad and got in Yggdrasil dying. His friends were with him till the moment he died. But instead of death he got sent into the New World billions of years before. Let’s see how this turns out. — I took inspiration from stories on Wattpad, fanfiction.net, and other places for the story. I claim no own ship over anything, and yup

Panda_sword_Master · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 7: Visiting Carne

Kaleb POV:

The conversation got derailed when we stated talking about some of the NPCs and how I had a hand in creating all of them and only really working on 2. But we were talking and I asked him about the one he made so we're in the treasury looking at a pile of relic legend and god their swords that Takemikazuchi made.

"Holy shit, that a lot of swords. Are all of these Takemikazuchi made?"

"Most of them. Some of them I just wanted to mess with the settings. He really did love making them."

"Did he ever make the sword to defeat Touch Me? How that go?"

"Well, when Touch left, Takemikazuchi lost most of his motivation and felt betrayed and left to. He did give the best sword he made to Cocytus before he left though."

"Man, I'm sorry, I really am."

"For what?"

"For leaving you, for leaving the guild. It's like you've been left alone for years and watched as your friends left one by one. For not being able to stay behind with your and our friends."

Aniz began to laugh loudly before the emotional suppressor worked.

"What's so funny?" I look at him.

"Do you not remember?"

"Remember what?"

"My Dude, you died! I say that's a pretty good excuse to leave. Heheh." He laughing again.

"I died? ... MOTHERFUCKER, I died"

He was full on laughing now, "hehehaha hell ya you did. Hehe."

We were about to enter the treasury office and I opened it and look. It was Aniz with everything. "What, [Eye of the Fire]." I used a ocular perception spell that let me see through all illusions and invisibility. The imposter was different than Aniz but he still had some of his aura.

"Pandora Actor enough!" The fake Aniz melted into a blob and then reformed into a Pandora actor, white face and black holes and the German outfit.

"Hallo mein großer Schöpfer, mein Lord Aniz. und höchste bringen meinen Herrn Feuer." With that come tons of dramatic poses.

"what De Fook." I look at Aniz and he fricken cringing inwardly but not showing it on his papa bone daddy face.

"Meet Pandora's Actor, my creation."

"He's ok, I'm not going to judge dude. He's your creation, be proud." He looked back at be for the first time in the conversation with Pandora. "Chunni."

He coughs even though his body does not allow that.

"Pleased to meet ya, Pandora's Actor."

"MY LORDS, ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU! LORD BLAZE, your finally back! It's so good to see you. Now may I ask why you have come to the treasury?"

"I..uh... We came to visit the mausoleum." Aniz was still cringing at his creation.

"Ah I see, no need for directions, you know where it is." Aniz led Kaleb to mausoleum. I see all of the statutes of the supreme beings.

We walked in in right in the middle was a big statue of me and the other supreme beings on the side in the walls. I looked at mine and "how did you get all my items back?"

"The developers said for your contribution to society, as long as you use the items a guardians and not attackers and don't take you world item out, we would get a copy of everything you had on you."

"Shit, must have been nice. The golems look good, god knows I'd never be able to do that." I look at all of them and see one missing all the stuff on it.

Aniz catching me looking at it and said "that's where I plan to put a statue of me before I go."

I look at him straight into his flaming red dots, "do you really want to go back, it sucks their, I died their to save the world from anymore trouble and still. I bet the corps are still destroying and polluting our world. It's sad bud. Also don't ever say that to my face or to one of the NPCs face," I grab him and bring him to my level. "All of the NPCs love and adore us. It would break their heart." I'm starting to get angry now, "Now, aftER SO LONG." Im feeling raw emotions I haven't felt in awhile. The room starts to shake with my aura I'm unleashing, "I GET TO SEE ONE OF MY ONLY FRIENDS WHO SEMI UNDERSTAND WHAT I GO THROUGH." The whole tombs shaking now feeling my aura, "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ME. WE ARE BROTHERS. NOT IN LIFE BUT IN THIS WORLD, WE ARE BROTHERS, AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO BE STUPID AND PUT YOUR OR OUR FRIENDS CHILDREN IN DANGER SO YOU CAN LEAVE ME AGAIN."

My Arua is calming down but still shaking the room. Aniz is looking at me with I don't know. I start coughing up some blood but continue, "You are my friend and brother. I love you man. If you die, I don't know what I'll do. Don't be stupid. Even if your faking to be the overlord, the NPCs will still love you. If you ever need help. Don't hesitate to ask, I'm this for you. Just as I was their for TouchMe. I'm the adviser, remember."

I start having a coupling fit and Aniz and me go out. Before we are fully out though, he tells me, "thank you, I'll need your help in the future, but for now rest and recover. I'll be needing your big brains." Then we are fully out and put back on our rings of Aniz Ooal Gown.

I teleport to my room and tell one of the maids to bring me some burgers and fries with a chocolate milk shake. She take my order and I go onto my table with some of the rune crafting items. It was very interesting to say the least. Their are low, medium, high, upper, superior, legacy, relic, and god tier of items in that order. Their their is world items while guild weapons are usually god though they can really be any. If I runechant low medium and high tier items, they can only hold 1 rune though the rune can be any and good most any spell. Upper and superior can hold 2 runes of mine. Legacy, 3; relic, 4; god, 5. I don't know about any others but the base material have to be that. The runes can be any spell 1-10 but you have to have 2 runes on before you can add more super tier spells it.

By that time I finished food has come and I sit over at the table. At the head and start eating. I start think about the food of Nazarick vs the new world as a whole. We will need to replenish our stock even though we have enough food for years. It will all eventually run out. I eat it and oh my goodness the food good. I ask about the meat and they said it was ground beef that scored 12 (Japanese marbling score). I looked at her in shock. That should be used for a steak, not ground beef. But it was really good but oily and the fries just soaked up the fat. Thank god I had some ketchup to dip. I told her next time I am for a burger, use grade 7 and below for the ground meat. She tried to protest that the low quality of the meat but I silence her and told her that as long it tastes good I'm fine with whatever.

I went to take a lava bath and the lava maidens looked at me hungrily. I just washed and got out. I went to bed soon after and then I felt the elves at my side and I fell asleep. I did not know this but when I got to sleep, my body turns black and hard. Like obsidian and when I wake up it heats up again but not molten. Aniz summoned me soon after I woke up so She said Aniz told her to send food to me when I'm with him.

I got out and get dressed with some help. The elves were back off training in the amphitheater. I gave them rings of substance but still made them eat. I was dressed in a black, fire proof, silk pants and orange shirt with a back and red with flame patterned Jedi or Sith robe over it all. It was comfy. I got to Aniz with a smug look on my face at my comfy ness with his looking at me. We small talked and soon my food came. When I was eating, I don't pay attention mush when I'm eating he brought up the main point of what he wanted me to do.

While I was eating a piece of bacon, a chick of eggs, a slice of toast, and drinking some apple juice, he said "You need a job."

I was not thinking and focused solely on eating so I replied with a, "mmmh."

I'm almost done eating when and regained some clarity as I ate the last bite. "So you will watch Carne village with Lupusregina or find a village you like."

"Wait what?"

"You already agreed to it while eating." I looked at him with some feelings. I can tell he's not going to give up on me having to work.

"Alright, fuck it. Fine, it's not like I can sleep forever." Lupus knocks on the door and the maid gets it. "Goddam work, Lupus, let's go."


Lupus and I walk out of the portal right into the center of the village. It's somewhat early in the morning but suns out with few still on the grass. Some are looking at me in fear but when they see Lupus, some of their expressions soften with others just leave terrified. The chief and a girl, Enri, was beside him. The pharmacist was behind Enri.

"Hello Lupus," Enri turned to me, "hello sir?"

Lupus didn't take that well and let out a bit of bloodlust and everyone felt it. Enri and the villagers cowering slightly, goblins grabbing their weapons, ready to fight at a moments notice. I bopped Lupus on the head and told the villagers, "sorry about that."

Lupus has a slight blush on her face, and I see it. I thought she was a sadist, not a masochist. Maybe she's a bit of both. But smiling sadist. "You say sorry to."

She lets out a not real apology while grubleing out, "I'm SoRrY."

The the goblins and Enri recovered first and Enri said that it's ok. The pharmacist looked at Enri with a slight blush on his face.


I'm floating on my throne high in the sky above Carne. It's about midday and I'm just looking at it. Lupus come flying right up in front of me. "Watch'a want."

Lupus kneels mid-air and said, "The pharmacist would like to talk to you."

"Ok," I fly down next to The village chief. She's talking with some goblins and and Nfirea. "Hello bud."

"Hello, can I have your help getting some herbs?"

"Sure but I'm not very good with picking, though I can protect you." Nifirea look at me suspiciously like he wants something from me. He nodded and started walking while I followed him into the forest. He started picking herbs after a while. He was looking at me while I was just taking nature in.

Goddam I love it.

In my original world it was toxic and destroyed. It Yggdrasil it was fake and I couldn't feel anything. Before I woke up it was beautiful but I destroyed that and now the world is so much different. The geography is so different. I'd be surprised if it wasn't. The only thing still standing after me was some mountains. That were barely standing. Hmmm I wonder how the people I left in the mountains are? I haven't visited them at all but I visited most everywhere else. I even found a girl and raised as my own for a while before going back to sleep, wonder how's she doing.

Back to topic I felt a troll coming for us with some goblins. I think Nifirea was watching me scrunch up cause he asked what's wrong. I go in front of him. Trees start moving and a group of bird are cawing, fleeing from something. Something burst through the tree trying to get me. Nifirea is trying to get me to flee, idk why when he start to go in front to protect me I send out a fire directly at the troll. The goblins behind it are trying to go around it when it fell to its knees, melting. The goblins see this and flee. Cowards!

Nifirea was looking at me with shock on his face. "I'm sorry." Was all I heard from him.


"I thought you were weak that needed protection, especially after what happened when you first arrived and Lupus took you. And then when I saw you with her and and, I wanted to know you secret for getting girls."

"Why do you want to know."

"Theirs this girl I really like, and and.."

"It's Enri right?"


"You really need to hide that blush you get whenever you talk to her. I think she like you back but you need to act on it. If she likes you for you and you like her for her. You need to tell her you like her and I'm pretty sure she'll say yes." I look at him. "Your pretty skinny, but your intelligence shine through. Just be their for her." I look around and at our packs. They're full of herbs. "Let's get back."

"Let's." We walk back to the village. He is looking at me full of respect and admiration but I mostly ignore it. When we get back It's almost starting to get dark. I use creation magic (super tier spell) with no cool down and casting time. I set up 3 long tables with a giant pit and fireplace in the center of the village with a round obsidian center to put stuff on with several smaller one closer to the outside. The table are made of solid light flame wood. It's fire proof and collect heat from around so you can be warm when it's cold outside. I also set up stream of lights with magic eternal flame in each of with a variety of colors. I start making supper. All the villagers and goblins are looking at me like I'm a good. Lupus just has that smug look on her face.

I get out some vegetable and a potato like plant called arrowroot. It like a potato but harder and last longer. I also get out charcoal and heat ore and put it in the whole out not on the platform and light that all on fire. I ask for Enri to come over and asked her if she'll help me cook. She agreed and she got some water from the well and I got out a few barrels of low grade mead. She peeled the arrowroot and cut it up before putting it on a pan with oil. I got out some rabbit meat and started fabrication of it. I put the bigger chunks into pans and make kabobs for the meat.

I cook them and make all of the goblins and the villagers sit on the chairs and have at least 1 kabob with some arrowroot fries. We eat and have a good time. The goblins are messing with Nifirea and Enri. Nemu was helping them. The villagers were done and just talking and laughing at the couple. Me and Lupus left and went back to the great tomb where I immediately went to my bed and fell asleep.