
The Firehawk

Sacrificing herself to save Pandora, our hero finds herself in a strange land. Pulled into a new reality by a cosmic entity she finds herself stranded, with no hope of getting home. At least she doesn’t have to deal with anymore bandits and their meat bicycles.

outgund · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


"Run towards the fire." Simple in concept, but gazing upon the massive construct that is Elpis she realized that the execution of her self-appointed task was going to be more arduous than she initially thought. Not that she anticipated shutting down an ancient eridian artifact the size of a moon was going to be easy. No, there was only one option.

Drawing her last breath as she exited the atmosphere Lilith reached deep within, drawing out the seemingly endless well of flame her siren powers had mutated into. Originally gifted with the ability to 'phasewalk', her consumption and addiction to Eridium had altered her abilities, drawing forth cosmic flames.

To be honest, the fire scared her as she could sense a vast, unending sea of fire every time she drew upon her power. While other Sirens needed Eridium to amplify their abilities, Ever since she connected to the source of her fire her tattoos began to glow red and she had more difficulty holding back the fire than running out. That was the last time she used Eridium, as she could barely hold back the enormity of her flames without having to worry about performance enhancers.

Lost in her musings the power came to her as easy as ever, almost eager to be used like it was calling out to her, pushing her to draw more from the well. Before she had constantly denied it, only taking a mere thimble full against an oceans might but now she reached in with both hands, bringing back up a bucket's worth of energy to nurture her flames.

Floating in space, wings of flame stretching out behind her Lilith gasped against the strain of channeling so much energy, her body feeling the pain, not used to handling so much at once. Far below, the denizens of Pandora looked up at the sky as their moon took on a red, molten hue. Yet even as she wrapped the entirety of Elpis in her energies she knew it wasn't enough. While the endless realm of fire that gave her power was eager to provide the energy needed to lockdown such a large mass her body was beginning to break down, burning from the inside as her skin slowly flaked away.

Resigning herself to her fate she whispered one final prayer and dove headfirst into that realm of fire, her body burning up to be replaced by an avatar of flame.

With one big explosion and a final flash of light the moon know as Elpis vanished, consumed by fire. The only thing left behind a burning sigil in place of a moon, as a legendary cosmic entity forever left its mark in the galaxy.