

How do you know it's love when you haven't fallen inlove yet?

"How do you know it's love?" I asked him. He stared at me for a second before turning his glance to the moon.

"Hmm, you know it's love when you feel happy and sad at the same time..." I looked at him in disbelief. He chuckled before looking at me again. "Unusual right?"

"Is that even... possible?" I asked.

"It is." he shrugged before standing up. He offered me his hand so I can stand up. "you'll know if you fall In love someday..."

my eyes watered because... I think already did. but I'm too scared...

"I-i..." he looked at me. Confusion is visible in his eyes.


"Nothing..." I said before turning my back from him. "Let's go home.."

"Nah. you go home. I'll be staying late for practice." he said. He's a football player in our school.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. You go ahead. I'll walk you to the gate." I nodded before I started to walk my way to the gate.

"I gotta go now.." I told him while I stare at my feet.

"Are you getting shy now?" he chuckled. I felt my cheeks burn so I looked away. I bet I look like a tomato now.

"Take care." I told him before I started walking away. I only live a few blocks away from our school.

I sighed as I continue walking... how did I end up falling to someone like him? not to be rude but... He's nice. But he is a playboy. He screwed a lot of women already. How did I end up being friends with our school's playboy? also the worst part about it.... I fell in love too!

"Damn..." I whispered before I continued walking my way home.

"Where'd you go?" my roommate asked as I opened the door of our humble home.

"I just got home. from school... of course?" Ella smirked before walking toward me.

"Ohhh, did you had a date with that playboy again?" she teased me.

"I didn't... stop.." I shyly said.

"Come on heather! I'm your friend. You can talk to me about guy stuffs you know?" I pouted before I walked towards the fridge. Ella and I are both scholar. This house... Where we sleep and all... Our school pays for it.

"I need to go to work..." I told her. Ignoring her questions about Adan.

"Right! take care then!" she sarcastically said before walking towards her room. Ella is a nice person. She is my friend too.

I got ready because I need to go to work before seven. I yawned before I changed into my nightshift uniform. I work in a convenience store. right in front of our school. After I got ready... I knocked to Ella's room so that I could bid her goodbye.

"Ella..." I said as I knock on her door.

"Come in!" she said. I opened the door. Ella is watching Netflix while eating popcorn. "You going to work?" I nodded. She then smiled.

"Alright! take care! just text me when you need something!" she said before turning her glance back on her laptop. she is watching Riverdale.

"Okay. I'll go now. see you later." I said as I closed her door.

As I walk through the dark streets my phone vibrated. So I have to slow down in able to check it.

From: Adan

where are you?

Why is he asking?

To: Adan


After I sent it I started walking again. My phone vibrated again so I had to slow down again.

From: Adan

Where the hell are you?

From: Adan

I'll call you.

After I read it, I received an incoming call from Adan. That fast huh?


"Why'd you call this late?" I asked.

"I... nothing." he said then ended the call.

What the hell?

I sighed as I walked towards the meal section of the convenience store. I need to check the foods. I need to dump foods that has passed their expiration dates.


"What the hell!" I shouted as I dramatically hold my chest. What is he doing here!? I saw him smirked.

"It's late! what are you even doing here?" I asked him as I go back to what I was doing.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. We don't have class." he arrogantly said.

"Yeah. But you have a practice. Go home. It's late." I told him

"I'm here to buy food." he said.

"Then go..." I whispered. He chuckled before turning his back. While I was left with my heart pounding so fast and loud. Damn you, playboy.

"This is a lot of food." I told him as I scan the things he bought to the cashier.

"Yeah." he blankly said. I sighed before I continued scanning.

"It'll be 30 dollars and 40." he nodded before taking his card out of his wallet. He then swiped it on the device we use.

"Okay. Go home now." I said.

"Why are you pushing me away?" he coldly asked.

"What's with you? you're crazy. You're having a mood swing." I laughed as he remained standing.

"Right." he said as he walked towards the door.

"Bye! take care!" my forehead creased when I saw him walk towards the table right next to the door. Won't he go home yet? I sighed before going back to my work. Sorting out expiration dates.

When I finished what I am doing...I tried to check on him. And he is still sitting there! at this hour! it's almost 12!

"Hey, go home. It's late you know..." I said as I sit in front of him. He is wearing a black hoodie and a gray sweatpants.

"You always push me away... Why is that?"

"What? It's late. I just don't want you here at this hour..." I whispered.

"So you don't want me here?" he coldly said.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked with confusion.

"Yeah right." he sighed before standing up. "Fine. I'll go home."

"Take care. Don't drive too fast." I told him. He nodded before walking towards me.

"Push me away one more time... I'll make sure that the fire will burn us both."

Hi! I'm here to formally introduce myself. I'm AyekiLey. I was invited by the webnovel team here to write in their platfrom (which is this app/site). It is my first time to receive an opportunity like this:). I'm a filipino amateur writer, I'm proud of that. Don't expect too much about this novel. You will surely encounter grammatical errors and typos while you read. I'm sixteen and my vocabulary has its limit. I'm still on the process of learning. Once again, I'm AyekiLey and I'm a filipino writer. Mabuhay! kudos to those underrated writers who keeps on writing for themselves. happy reading! :)

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