
The fire of love

Author’s POV which I think is important. :) [skip the first 10 seconds of the chapter cus it just explains the total life of Lana which might be boring ( I think ) but yeah haha also I don’t post everyday but I’m doing my best. I had an idea and wanted to write it down so I hope to receive your support and if you have any advise or any prob pls comments below and I will reply. Thank you and hope u enjoy!! ] ******* After years of living in the shadows, Lana is a mafia princess determined to make her own way in the world. She has the brains and ambition to succeed. However, as the daughter of a powerful mob boss, she must also face the consequences of her familys legacy. With the help of her closest allies, Lana must navigate her way through organized crime. She must ultimately find a place to belong. When she meets Max. a handsome and mysterious stranger, she finds love she never thought possible. But as their romance blossoms, Lana discovers that Max is part of an opposing mafia family. To make matters worse, Max’s family is determined to take control of her father's business. Soon Lana is caught in the middle of a dangerous struggle for power. one that could cost her the life she's worked so hard to build. As Lana and Max struggle to save each other and the people they care about, they must also face the consequences of their families secrets and pasts. Will Lana and Max’s love survive or will their families feud tear them apart? This is a story of romance, loyalty, and power in the mafia world. Will Lana and Max be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to survive the mafia world, or will their passionate relationship only add fuel to the fire? Tune in to find out if they will find a way to make it work or if a kiss is a kiss of death!

Hazelfey · 都市
15 Chs

Revealing Shadows

I had never really thought about my dad's job before, or rather, I was too caught up in my own world to focus on my parents' careers. Raised to be the polite, quiet, and "perfect girl," I had learned not to question anything, lest it be seen as disrespectful and result in punishment.


Regret gnawed at me for never bothering to understand what my dad did for a living. I had never asked him about his work, and now I felt a sense of urgency to find out more. But how could I even begin to unravel this mystery now? I felt helpless.

They finally arrived at a dark, foreboding room.

The sight was terrifying – blood stains adorned every surface, remnants of the last victim who had suffered here. The room lacked windows, its only light source being a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. Fear gripped me; I could hardly find the words to express my unease.

My thoughts spiraled as they strapped me into an odd chair, securing me with chains and wires. The wires led to a sinister-looking black metal box, equipped with sockets that hinted at its purpose – administering painful electric shocks. My heart raced in anticipation of what was to come; I knew I should remain composed, but the impending agony was overwhelming. The ominous sound of electricity crackling within the box only fueled my anxiety.

Desperation to escape my situation compelled me to search for help, but my surroundings were devoid of any assistance. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the inevitable pain. Suddenly, a familiar voice broke the silence – a man's voice, although I struggled to place it. The voice seemed to emanate from outside the room, issuing commands to his cohorts.

Straining to listen to their conversation, I strained against my restraints, but the chains binding me rendered any movement futile. Hopes of eavesdropping and gaining insight were dashed. Hope faded as quickly as it had appeared.

***Back to Abigael***

Abigael's Perspective

The bell rang, signaling the end of my lesson.

"Finally, that lesson was so dull," I muttered, packing my things and heading out of the classroom. Relief washed over me – the tedious class was over, and I eagerly anticipated my lunch plans with Lana. I made my way to Lana's class and waited for her lesson to finish.

However, her absence caught me off guard. Lana was always punctual, never missing classes or breaking her commitments. An uneasy feeling settled over me; something wasn't right. I approached her teacher.

"Mr. Robbertisson, did Lana miss class today?" I inquired.

"Yes, she wasn't present for the earlier lessons, even though she had assured me she would be. It's unlike her to skip or be late. I assumed she had an emergency. Have you heard from her?" he questioned.

"No, I haven't. Let me try calling her. Maybe she's been called in for work," I suggested.

"Very well, please let me know if you find out anything. I need to attend to something," he replied, hurrying away.

Ring Ring Ring

I dialed Lana's number repeatedly, but it kept going to voicemail. I called her workplace directly, but they informed me that she wasn't there either. Panic began to set in – it was completely out of character for Lana to miss classes and ignore her phone.

Fearing the worst, I hailed a cab and rushed to her apartment. However, she wasn't there either. I contacted some of her friends, but no one had seen her. Fear gnawed at me, and I reached out to the police to report her disappearance. Yet, they declined, stating that 24 hours hadn't passed yet.

**Back to the dark room**

As the conversation with the masked man concluded, another figure entered the room.

He seemed like a walking nightmare, tall and imposing. His mask concealed his face, but his eyes emitted an eerie yellow glow. Every step he took was deliberate, sending shivers down my spine. His voice was low and raspy, a chilling contrast to his slow approach. A sense of impending dread lingered in the air.

"Is this place frightening to you?" he taunted. "Aren't gentlemen supposed to be tender with their beloved? Do you really think I care?" A sinister smirk accompanied his words. "But maybe we could make things more interesting. This is getting rather dull."

My plea for him to leave me alone fell on deaf ears. I was already afraid, and this situation only intensified my fear.

"You think I don't wish the same?" he retorted. "I don't particularly enjoy the company of foolish women like you. It's irritating. Listen up – no one will come to save you. No one will hear your screams. So, perhaps, being polite is your best bet. Isn't that how you were raised?"

From his words, I inferred that he was here on my father's orders. Deep down, I knew this, but I was in denial. I couldn't believe that my father, the person I trusted, could be involved in something so terrifying.

With trembling eyes, I looked at the masked man, struggling to keep my composure even though I was terrified.

I tried to suppress my fear, but it was overwhelming. The realization that my father wasn't the person I had believed him to be was disheartening.

"Is this amusing to you?" I challenged. "Is this a joke for my father? Do you have any idea how hard I've worked to get where I am? Do you even care about the turmoil within me?" I raged.

My emotions were a whirlwind – anger, frustration, and exhaustion. I wanted to scream, to cry, to release the overwhelming emotions, but I was too drained. There was little I could do in this dire situation.

The masked man regarded me with indifference, as though my words held no weight. As he prepared to leave, I stopped him.

"Wait," I implored.

"Why have you brought me here? Am I going to die soon? It might be beneficial for me to know why I'm about to meet my end," I questioned.

"You're here because of my orders! I despise women who break their promises," he declared. "Don't I deserve to know why my fiancée disappeared for nearly two months?" he demanded.

I remained silent, unsure how to respond. He glared at me, a mixture of anger and impatience in his eyes. His gaze bore into me, as if waiting for an explanation. I, however, had no answers. I was in the dark, confused by his words and the situation at large.

"Fine, we're done here. I'm not interested in continuing this conversation. My men will come for you, and your father will deal with you, as I'm nobody important," he concluded in an angry yet oddly calm tone.

I stared at him, my mind racing. Who was he? Why did he say what he did? I was lost in my thoughts as he expected a response from me.

"Aren't you going to reply?" he pressed.

"What am I supposed to answer? It seems you're the one with the answers, not me. Who are you?" I questioned, my voice revealing my confusion.

The masked man scrutinized me for a moment before removing his mask. I was taken aback by his handsome features – he was deadly goodlooking.

"I am your future husband but it seems to me my wife to be doesn`t want me." He said teasingly.

I was lost how can this goodlooking man be my husband. how when and where did all this come from? i couldnt help it still he was soo handsome that i couldnt remove my eyes off him and everything he said after was never heard.

He had this perfect blend of rugged masculinity and charming refinement. His striking appearances make hearts skip a beat and heads turn wherever he goes.

His face holds the secret to his undeniable allure. Sharp, chiseled jawlines that could cut glass give off an air of strength and confidence. A perfectly proportioned nose, perhaps with a slight squint or a charming dimple that adds character. And who can resist getting lost in the captivating gaze of his magnetic eyes?

Now, let's move on to the crown of his head, where you'll find a mane of envy-inducing hair. It's thick, luscious, and meticulously styled, making every strand seem like it was crafted by the hands of the gods themselves. his hair frames his handsome face perfectly and adds to his overall charm.

But wait, there's more! his perfectly sculpted physique. Broad, strong shoulders and a well-defined chest exude masculinity and leave you weak at the knees. A toned midsection and strong arms reveal his dedication to fitness, leaving no doubt about his physical prowess. And let's not forget about his height, which allows him to tower above others, exuding confidence and commanding attention wherever he goes. i thought shamelessly.

I was brought back by the sound of guns every where.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Stay here don`t move." He said. "Fuck I just had a short conversation with my woman and here it is. Trouble." he said as he sets his gun.

"I'll deal with this stay here okay, I'll come get you. When I'm done." he said.

Where are you going? I asked.

"I'm going to fix this wife, I'll make sure they don't touch you." he said teasingly as he winked at me which was weird in a situation like this.

i was dumbfounded. i didn't know what to say. Although he was acting strangely, i was still somehow affected by all that.