
The Final Stage of Love

prepare yourself to fall in love. be careful because it can be addictive. ________ My first novel in english so please support Alemannus. Please give your love for this novel and i will give you all my love through my masterpiece. Thank you. This novel is made by a writer from Indonesia. Find me in instagram. •Alemannuss

alemannus · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Final Stage of Love[2]

Hello everyone.

Happy reading!


Jess had returned to the orphanage after all the work had been done. Tonight, as usual. Jess will always do some homework that she can do. This was despite the fact that the caregivers and the head of the orphanage had repeatedly forbidden Jess from doing housework or caring for the children at the orphanage. But Jess did it anyway.

No one can stop her. She will always do whatever her heart tells her. Jess is an independent and strong woman so she used to do a lot of things on her own without help from other people. Maybe that's what made her unable to get a mate at a relatively mature age even though Tara had introduced her to many men but until now she hasn't found the right man for her.

"Finally my task for today is finished too." Said Jess while lying on the bed.

"You did your best, Jess." Said Tara, who was reading a book on her bed.

"I still haven't done my best for you guys." Jess said, staring at the ceiling in their room.

"Hey ... Come on, don't lower yourself like that. What you have done is very precious to all of us. We are very grateful to have you in our family. You are very valuable more than anything." Tara said, looking at Jess and closing the book she was holding.

"Do you think I can be successful one day?" Jess asked, looking upside down at Tara.

"I'm sure you will be successful someday. You are hardworking and persistent. You are also smart and talented. Besides that your face is also beautiful and your body is also good. Do you have flaws? " Tara answered seriously.

"I have a lot of flaws." Jess replied, closing her eyes.

"At least you are more special than others." Tara said as she rolled to the side.

"Do you mean about my ability to see creatures others can't see?" Jess asked with a laugh.

"Yeah. I mean that's one of them! Isn't that amazing? Not everyone can see things like that, can they?" Tara replied, staring at the ceiling of their room.

"Other people do think this is a gift but for me it is a curse that I want to get rid of." Jess said as she opened her eyes again.

"Why do you take that as a curse?" Tara asked, frowning.

"Just imagine you can see things you shouldn't. Wherever you go, those terrifying creatures will always be seen by you. Doesn't that feel more like a curse than a gift?" Jess answered with a sad look.

"I think there is something special behind that ability you have. I feel that God gave that ability to you because he believes that you can use it well." Tara said.

"Maybe." Jess answered in a low voice.

"Wait a minute. Are there any creepy creatures in our room now?" Tara asked while looking around their room with a careful gaze.

Jess looked seriously at every side and corner of their room and then looked at Tara, who was staring at Jess with a serious gaze. Tara always did this whenever they were going to sleep because she had been bothered by a big black creature that made her unable to sleep peacefully for a week. That's why she always asked Jess to always check their room before going to bed.

"There is no." Jess answered casually and then lay back down on the bed.

"Thankfully." Tara said with relief.

Jess closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. Tara who initially didn't stop talking also slowly began to fall asleep soundly. They both slept soundly and quietly. Looks like today's activity really made their bodies feel very tired. The state of the room was very quiet and all you could hear was the sound of a clock ticking and moving to follow the movements of the sun and earth.

But when the long and short hands of the hour meet and align into a line. The wall clock suddenly stopped moving and ticked exactly 12. That night the wind outside the orphanage blew loudly until their window was wide open. Not only that, the lights in their room also went out and suddenly their room became dark and it felt very creepy.

Jess, who was annoyed, immediately woke up. She was shocked when she saw their room which was completely dark and felt very cold. Jess rubbed her eyes for a moment then lowered her feet to the floor. She stared at their bedroom window which was already wide open. Jess frowned in surprise because she was so sure that she had closed and locked the window this afternoon.

But why are the windows suddenly open now?

"Tara." Called Jess softly.

"Did you open the window?" Jess asked on Tara.

But Tara was silent and did not answer her question. Jess narrowed her eyes to see Tara's bed. She wanted to make sure if Tara was on top of her bed or not but because the lighting was so minimal, it made her difficult to see clearly. Jess stood up and walked over to Tara's bed while scratching her head which felt a little itchy.

"Is she still sleeping?"

But when she got there, Tara's bed was empty. There is no Tara on it. There are only messy pillows and blankets on it. Jess immediately widened her eyes in surprise and then looked around her with a wary gaze. If it was because of the creepy creatures she saw often, why couldn't she feel their presence at all?

"Are you looking for your friend?" Asked someone who suddenly appeared in the dark but Jess still couldn't see him because the room was too dark.

"Who are you?!" Jess asked, looking at the man with a wary gaze.

"You don't need to know who I am." The man answered in a deep, deep voice.

"Why are you here? How did you come?!" Jess asked warily.

"I can be anywhere I want." The man replied arrogantly.

Jess tried to see the man clearly. Even though the room was dark, Jess could still see the man's body and half of his pale white face. The man was wearing a formal dress that didn't seem to be sold anywhere. The man's suit is black with several gold trimmings on it. The man's body was tall and manly. Her legs were also long and nice but Jess couldn't see the man's hands as he was wearing gloves that matched with his suit and pants.

When viewed from the appearance and shape of the man's body. Jess was sure that this guy must have a very handsome face. But Jess still feels confused about that creature because until now she has not been able to feel whether the man is from a ghost or another class of other creatures that she has never met before. Judging from the man's appearance, Jess was sure that this man was not from the ordinary class.

"Jessamy Neona Watson." The man said firmly.

"How do you know my name?!" Jess said in surprise.

"So it really is you. I finally found you after waiting for twenty-five years." Said the man as he folded his hands in front of his chest.

"You haven't answered my question! How do you know my name?!" Jess said, pointing at the man with her index finger.

"It's past midnight now and that means you're twenty-five years old now." Said the man as he looked at the numbers printed on the wall clock.

"How do you know my age?! How do you know?! I am asking you!" Asked Jess who was starting to feel scared.

"All right, Jessammy. We'll see each other later and I hope you don't bother me like the other humans do. See you soon, Jessamy." The man said then disappeared into the darkness.

"Wait! You can't go yet! You haven't answered my question at all!" Jess said as she stepped forward.

The sound of the door opening and closing was heard by Jess and suddenly the lights came back on and the wind coming into their room stopped. Jess gave Tara a surprised look. She didn't know what creature the man was and what the man's face was like. Her sense of ignorance made her feel very curious about that man earlier. It was the first time she had seen and spoken to such a man-like creature and for the first time also she didn't feel afraid to stare at a ghost or anything.

"Jess? Why are you panicking?" Said Tara who was confused by Jess's behavior.

Jess ran and nervously opened the door of their room. She looked right and left, hoping that she would meet that creature again. Tara who felt confused kept calling and following Jess in panic but Jess just ignored Tara and went back into the room to check if the man was outside through the window but what Jess had hoped was immediately lost when she did not find what she expected.

Because that man has disappeared.


To be continuous.

Finally i have time to continue this novel. I'm very enthusiastic about this story cause this is my first time writing a fantasy romance novel. I hope you guys can give this novel support. Thank you

alemannuscreators' thoughts