
The Final Savior

A quiet 16-year-old boy who does not speak much. Raised by his mother, Virgil lives a simple life until he comes home to find a demonic creature standing over his mother's dead body. When the monster spots him, it runs away, leaving Virgil scarred for life. When the cops arrived, Virgil told them what he saw, but they believed that he was traumatized by what he was. With no one else to turn to, Virgil began to research the monster that killed his mother. For three years, he only kept finding dead ends until he found a story about a death similar to his mother. Taking the lead, Virgil found himself in the graveyard where the monster was said to reside. With a knife and pure hatred driving him, Virgil went into the graveyard, not realizing his life would be changed forever.

Harloke · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2: I.C.E

"Mmm," groaning, I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar environment.

Sitting up, I was shocked with a jolt of pain. Looking down at my body, I was surprised to find myself in a hospital gown with pads and needles in my body. Pulling the needles out and taking off the pads, I was surprised to see that all my wounds from my fight were gone, leaving scars on my chest and arms.

"...how; I'm sure I was just at the graveyard," I said, looking around the room.

Standing up, I looked around the room. I figured it was a hospital, but everything looked way too advanced for a normal hospital.

"Where is this place…and who brought me here?" I question 

Opening one of the closets in the room, I found a set of black shorts and a T-shirt. Changing into them, I walked over to the only door and went to open it. To my surprise, it opened on its own. Walking into the hall, I saw other people dressed in the same black shorts and T-shirts walking around and some people dressed in doctor and nurse outfits.

"What is this place?" I whispered to myself

"Um, excuse me, could you tell me where I am," I asked a girl who looked to be my age.

"We're at the medical wing in I.C.E.; did you lose your memory or something?" she asked me.

"...I guess you could say that. Do you know which way I can get out of here?"

"Alright, you must be new here; just down the half, make the first left you see than the second right. That will take you to the main hall," she explained to me.

"Thank you very much," I replied before continuing down the hall.

As I walked down the hall, I was met by people dressed in unique clothing; each person had a different kind of sword and a gun.

(What is this place) I thought speeding up

Once I made the right turn, I could see a door that led to a large room. Right as I was about to pass through the doors, I heard someone yell from behind me.

"Oi, kid, stop right there!"

Turning around, I saw a doctor with two of those 'guards' from before. When they spotted me, they began to run towards me. 

Not knowing what to do I ran. Going past the large doors, I was in a giant lobby-like area. As I ran, I felt like I was much faster and lighter. As the guards reached the lobby, they pointed at me and said code blue. When everyone in the lobby heard that, they all began to chase me.

Now worried for my life, I ran as fast as I could. Before I could reach what looked to be the front door, two people armed with glowing blue gloves stood before me. Still running towards them, I jumped in the air, hoping to scare them out of the way. To my surprise, I was able to jump over them easily and continued to the exit.

Before I could reach the door, a group of three more people stood in my way; two of them held guns, while one held a sword. Even though I should have been panicking, I felt completely calm with the guns pointed at me.

Once I reached their range, both of them pulled their triggers. As the bullets left the chamber, I was shocked when I realized that I could see their movements. Dodging the bullets, I looked where they landed to see that they were giving off electricity.

As the guards were shocked by me dodging the bullets, I used it as a chance to get past them. Reaching the closest one, I grabbed their arm. Pulling them towards me, I kneed their chin and grabbed the gun, then shot the other two. When the bullets hit them, they fell to the ground and began to shake violently. 

With the gun In hand, I was about to grab the door handle when a feeling of panic came over me. Using my arms to cover my sides, I was sent flying into the wall. Quickly getting up, I looked around to see a man standing before me. He had messy white hair with an eye patch and red markings on his chest.

"Calm down, kid. I don't want to hurt you," he said, sighing.

Not responding, I attempted to run, but before I could take another step, he was standing next to me with an arm on my shoulder. Before I could even realize what I was doing, I spun my body around and sent a kick to the man's face. The force from the kick sent dust flying and caused a loud boom to accrue.

When the dust cleared, I was shocked to see the man standing there, unaffected by the attack.

"Are you done?" the man said, letting go of my leg. 

"Who are you? And where am I?" I asked the man

"Why don't we go to my office," the man replied

"I don't know who you are; why would I follow you," I said, taking a step back.

"...Because I'm the only one with the answers to your question, and plus, I could just knock you out and drag you there," 

After a few seconds of thinking, I agreed and followed behind the man. As we walked, I could see the group of three from before looking at me, clearly pissed off and in pain. Following behind the man, he did not speak or look at me, but I felt like he was staring me down.

After a ten-minute walk, a small elevator ride, and another five-minute walk, we arrived at a door with a carving of a one-eyed wolf on the front. Walking inside, I saw two other people in the room. A girl with teal-colored hair and a boy with white-colored hair and two red horns.

"Seriously, kid, you are just full of surprises," the girl sighed when she saw me.

"Will someone tell me what is going on and why I am here?" 

"I was hoping you could tell us you were the one who found and killed a demon without any training," the one-eyed man said, sitting at his desk.