
The Film Emperor is Married for Revenge

Revenge is easy, only if you have the right partner. Popular Male Idol Devy Jane experienced falling down from the height of his career to the lowest point of losing everything. It all started to go downhill when his beloved half-brother designed countless of schemes. Not only his career, even his family, friends and his long-time boyfriend have long since turned their back on him. He wanted revenge, but what could a good-for-nothing has been do? No one even knew when the once popular male idol Devy Jane died in the cold and dark alley the night his beloved half-brother dominated the big screen. When he opened his eyes again, he was back to the time when his first ever man-made scandal exploded. Knowing that in a year his life will end in a cold and dark alley, he accepted the only helping hand that extended in the previous life and until now, no matter the cost. Isn't it just marriage? Bring it on, Mr. CEO.

AstridGreene · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Devy

We spent the weekend indoors, trying to find ways to amuse ourselves.

We developed a strange but fitting pattern for both of us during those two days. In the morning I am to take a quick warm bath as he prepares breakfast. Speaking of which, I woke up the next day with a bright pair of matching toothbrushes and cups on the sink. Reese must have discarded the old one.

Eating breakfast is a bit chaotic, for I try holding on to my seat whenever he tries to get me to sit on his lap. I wash the plates after that, and he takes care of company papers for the morning while I read various novels, adaptations and scripts open for auditions. My manager even skillfully tried to pass me modeling jobs, even though she's going against the company's orders. I was frozen for a short time until my scandal was cleared and forgotten. Funny cause they never even tried to clear my name.

After that half a day work time, we share a lunch prepared by Aunt Wong and this time I have to give him face. I couldn't make Aunt Wong see us messing at the dining table, so I endure sitting on his lap and being fed.

By afternoon we have a short nap in the bedroom, 'cuddling to keep me warm' he said. We watch movies after waking up or having a short walk in the community park when the sun's not too hot and the temperature's just right and slightly warm.

At night before bedtime, we would have another warm half-bath. He makes sure to check my temperature and heart rate, and give me meds before wrapping me up nice and warm under the covers. Sleep time is as early as possible, but sometimes when I wake up at night he would still be reading documents beside me.

Monday came and we both have to say adieu for a few days. My manager booked me a separate job from the company, which is modeling a certain brand of perfume. It's not too lux, but it's a hit in the market just like most sub-luxurious brands. The company didn't care too much about it because of that, and the brand was trying to save up on the endorsement fee which works well to me for now since I was thinking about paying the expenses shouldered by Reese last time in the super mart as well as my rent.

You want to ask me why do I still need to pay when Reese is a billionaire, and is a kind-hearted person who wants to help?

It's simple. Even if you're a billionaire, a millionaire or just a poor man - all the money you have is something you worked hard for. I don't feel good taking money from people just because they have more. They worked for it too just like I did so it's best if I return it even if it may take long. Besides, I can develop a healthy symbiotic relationship with a person when I don't feel like I owe him something big.

Speaking of billionaire, I forgot to tell Reese before he went to the compang that I'll be away from home for three days.

Ah, never mind. I'll write him a note after packing up my necessities. I'll promise him that I'll be taking my medicines on time and I'll always keep warm.


I arrived in Lotus Hotel at City A where our venue for the advertisement shooting will be held. It was already midday and to keep the model in good shape, day one is a paid rest day. Hurray!

My manager was still on a hot seat in the company so she won't be with me on this project, but all the paperworks were done beforehand. I decided that after I revealed the secret plottings of my good half-brother, I'll definitely share more good news to my manager, who, even in my past life, helped me to the point of losing her job.

I was so guilty back then. Thankfully, though, Karen was able to get in R&D's partner entertainment company and earned more than she did before in her previous company. She tried reaching out to me, but the shadow of her losing her work made me reluctant to accept her help and destroy another opportunity for her. Karen is and will always be the best manager for me, that's why wanted her to live a good life instead of being dragged down by me.

I sighed in relief thinking about how I'll be able to change my fate this time around. If possible, I want to be as happy as I can be, and cleaning up my good brother's mess is a must before all of that.

A knock was heard while I was busy arranging my clothes in hangers.

"Who is it?" I asked without opening the door. It's better to be careful.

"It's me, Mr. Morris, the advertisement photographer's assistant. My boss would like to have a word about the concept, Mr. Jane." A polite answer of a boy younger than me came up.

"Wait a minute, I'll be out right away." I said and fixed myself before going out.

A young boy was waiting outside, and he's more like a college student. Maybe he's interning as photographer's assistant or doing his own apprenticeship. "I'll guide you, Sir." He smiled and happily led the way to the restaurant on the hotel lobby, going straight to the private booth.

Arriving inside, all dishes were ordered and a man and woman were sitting on the table. The man was the one holding and fidgeting with a DSLR camera. The woman on the other hand wore plain work clothes with stacks of papers in her hands. When she noticed us, she stood and gestured for us to sit.

"Mr. Jane, I am the advertisement director, Jamie Cruz. This is our photographer, Mr. Luther Lim."

We exchanged our greetings, had the meal and started the discussion without wasting time. I like that they are all expressive and professional when it comes to work.

Then came the question I was expecting. It was none other than the director who asked while the photographer had been silently observing me, "Mr. Jane, I've heard about the rumors about the hidden rules done in auditions. Is there a truth behind those things? If you say no, we will believe you. But please remember that our company image and career are also on the line. We want your honesty, so we can find a way to maneuver out of this mess and use it to our advantage."

"It's a paid ruse. I already filed cases against the involved parties. The lawyer's letter will come out soon as well as the clarification post of my team along with the official CCTV footage. My manager's trying her best to use the company's PR to support it, but I honestly think they won't risk it. It was a powerful family backing the perpetrator." I explained honestly. "I have all the copies prepared, if you want to check it, I can give it."

"Yes, please." The director nodded. "How about we hold the back-ups, if your company still doesn't help days before launching the product we'll post it ourselves and you notify your lawyer right now to release the lawyer's letter one at a time to create dramatic suspense. Start from those with the lightest offense going to the main man."

I opened my eyes in surprise and nodded excitedly. "Ah, I like it."

The photographer then chuckled, "You look too innocent, the perfume won't sell if we keep using that image though. Since they already suspect you of sleeping around and using your body for favors, why don't we make that our theme in our advertisement? Make it splash and keep the heat. Besides... I think you'll look good in a woman's dress."

I shuddered, realizing Luther Lim was observing me for a reason since the start. "I'm open for it as long as it's work."

Jamie Cruz nodded excitedly and ended the meeting after further instructions. I went back to my room guided by Mr. Morris once again and spent the night with our usual routine. Except the cuddle part.

I was already in bed when my phone rang. I picked up the phone and saw it was from an unfamiliar number. I'd never get a call from anyone aside from Reese since I wrote my number on the note before I left so I answered the call right away.

"Hello?" I answered, "Devy Jane speaking."

There was only silence on the other side making me doubt if I did press the answer button or not. Maybe this isn't Reese?

"Who is this, please?" I asked a little irrate.

"It's me." The man on the other side said with a low voice, but is less attractive compared to Reese's.

Besides... "Who is that 'me'? I need a name, Sir." My patience's running thin. This won't be a client since all my works pass through my manager. Who the fuck is that 'me'? Am I a fortune teller or a divine person able to predict names of the people who'll call me?

"It's me, Tim."

Ohh, his name is Tim.


I forgot that I have a boyfriend.

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