

In a small somewhat populated tavern situated in a small somewhat populated town, sat a small group of carefree looking men drinking and laughing among one another.

"Did you hear? The grand mage of the Kingdom of Teles has gone missing. And weirdly enough, his entire estate and all its residents disappeared with him."

"I think he took off to one of the other kingdoms. I mean look at the situation the kingdom is in. Who in their mind would want to be here.

"Wouldn't be surprised if one of the neighboring kingdoms decides to launch an attack."

"Heh, they wouldn't dare. Don't forget the royal family still has their personal mage who although is not quite at the same level, is pretty powerful too."

"How about you idiots shut up lest the local garrison overhear you." A staunch dark haired man with two very distinct swords on his back reprimanded the small group before drowning his face back in his mug.

"Overhears what?" Heavy steps could be heard approaching the small group. As they turned their heads, A group of five well built men wearing brown leather armor with swords on their sides approached them.

"F**king hell, do you lot have nothing better to do" said one of the men in the small group irritatedly.

"Watch your mouth forest dweller, unless you would rather I do it for you." One of soldier's replied while grabbing the hilt of his sword.

"No papa please don't hurt me" one of the men pretended to be a defenseless child. The small group exploded into laughter disregarding the intense glares from the soldiers.

"You!" The soldier who initially spoke drew his sword and pointed it at the group to which none of them seemed to show the slightest care or fear. At this point the tavern was almost deathly silent. Onlookers either snuck out in haste or held their breaths so as not to draw the attention of the soldiers.

"Sheath your sword!" The man leading the soldiers thundered causing the soldier to almost drop his sword. He clumsily and hastily put the sword back in his sheath cutting himself in the process.

The group of carefree men began booming with laughter once again even going as far as spilling their drinks.

The face of the soldier who drew his sword was plum red from embarrassment and anger. Ignoring the laughter, the leading soldier turned his gaze toward the man with two distinct swords.

"Roddrick, the king's messenger seeks an audience with you." As though he did not hear him, the man continued to drink from his mug. The leading soldier continued to stare at the man with two swords as though he did not mind being ignored. Suddenly, the table began to shake, then the chairs, then the entire tavern. Everyone in the tavern seemed to take notice of the abrupt quake except the leading soldier and the man with two distinct swords. The quake seemingly got stronger causing the people in the tavern including the soldiers and the other carefree men to show panicked expressions.

After what seemed like an eternity to the people in the tavern, the quake stopped and the man with two swords put down his mug and got up as though nothing had happened. Without saying a word, the leading soldier turned and headed toward the exit of the tavern.

"Wait here for me." The man with two swords said to the other carefree men as he followed the leading soldier out the tavern.