
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


Kakashi's scroll didn't record much, it was all about some relatively key words.

For example, Natsuhiko was not sure about Kakashi's situation, and he told Kakashi that "Hokage-sama's actions may be misunderstood."

Namikaze Minato is not stupid. Although he is kind and friendly to others, this does not mean that he is a 'silly sweetheart'.

He has a high IQ since he was a child and can understand and think about many things clearly.

Especially after being tempered on the battlefield, his judgment and thinking ability have grown tremendously.

Kakashi arrived at the ANBU and was immediately sent on a mission, if it was not based on what he thought, 'Kakashi is strong enough', but what Natsuhiko said.

So this is a powerful move, a powerful move aimed at Kakashi.

In addition, the sentence saying that what he did might be misunderstood made Namikaze Minato think of many things.

He had just come to power. Although he was the Hokage in name, he couldn't command many things at all.

Just like ANBU.

ANBU is one of the core rights of Hokage. In essence, the third generation abdicated, so as the fourth generation Hokage, he should fully control the ANBU.

Then I just put Kakashi in without any other ideas, and this problem arose...

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Namikaze Minato suddenly realized that his idea seemed a bit dangerous, and he immediately suppressed the urge to continue thinking.

He glanced at the scroll in his hand, and after sensing the ANBU still hidden around him, he sighed slightly.

Putting the scroll away, he decided that it would be better to take the scroll back. Leaving it here would probably cause some unnecessary trouble.

"Natsuhiko Fukami, or Natsuhiko Senju, this kid seems to have some meaning..."


Natsuhiko didn't know what happened in the Hokage's office. At this time, he had already returned to his room.

He really needs to think about some of his next plans, such as how to gain more benefits for himself in the future.

In fact, a long time ago, Natsuhiko already knew that what he could get in Konoha in the future would definitely far exceed that in other places.

The first is competitiveness!

Natsuhiko still has some fresh memories of how worrying Konoha's future is.

In fact, the signs of Konoha's decline began to show up from the generation of White Fang and Sannin.

They are either dead, will defect in the future, or have already left Konoha.

Even Jiraiya did not choose to stay in Konoha in the end.

There really aren't many Kage-level ninjas in Namikaze Minato's generation. Maybe he and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, his wife Kushina, are the only ones who can count.

As for the others, whether they are Hinata Hizashi, Uchiha Fugaku, or the patriarchs of large families such as Ino Shika Cho, although they are very powerful, they can completely stand alone.

But I'm afraid it's still a little short of a real Kage level.

Of course, if Uchiha Fugaku did have a Mangekyou Sharingan, that would be a different story.

As for Natsuhiko's generation, it can be said to be a pretty good generation, and there are endless ninjas who can stand alone.

But if we really calculate it carefully, in the future, in addition to Kakashi, who will be 50-50 with everyone, there will also be Guy, who almost killed Madara in the finale.

The others are really far behind. They are elite Jonin, while Kakashi and Guy are Kage-level or even super-Kage-level beings.

The talents of Konoha are out of stock, this is something that will inevitably happen in the future!

For Natsuhiko, this is definitely a rare opportunity.

He doesn't think that if he is given more than ten years in the future, he will not even be able to reach the Kage level. In any case, he is a person with cheats.

Although it took a bit of hard work to plant trees in the early stage, he has already reached the level of a jounin.

And he can be sure that once he enters sage mode, he will definitely be at the elite jounin level.

It is worth mentioning that his Sage Mode is only the primary state, and there will be intermediate and advanced states later. He even thinks there may be some complete state and six-path state.

It's a pity that he didn't get the seeds and was not qualified to plant them, but the future is promising.

The Sage Mode in its elementary state is already so powerful. Once his intermediate Sage art seed matures, Natsuhiko feels that he can also be regarded as a quasi-kage level.

At worst, it is a quasi-kage level existence in terms of comprehensive strength, even if its duration is a bit short.

Not only that, he also has the option of bloodline development, although he is not sure how to expand his development model.

But he is not that worried. His basic attribute seeds, chakra attribute seeds, Sage art seeds and chakra stock seeds are actually randomly extracted from plants.

Of course, if you can find plants that better match certain attributes, the probability of getting them will be greater.

He felt that he might be able to extract seeds to improve the development of his bloodline in the future.

"Strictly speaking, my competitors are actually only Kakashi and Guy.

And this guy Guy is a training freak, and he will not participate in the struggle for power at all.

Maybe he didn't have this awareness at all, otherwise he wouldn't be so foolish as to save Sarutobi Hiruzen in the future.

As for Kakashi, he may be more passive than active, and his Hokage..."

Natsuhiko silently thought about the situation in the future when Kakashi became the Sixth Hokage. In fact, his Sixth Hokage title was simply given away for nothing.

The position of Hokage does not mean that you can take it if you are good enough.

It's that you must be excellent and at the same time conform to the choices of various interest circles in order to become the Hokage!

As a disciple of the fourth generation, Kakashi can be regarded as a well-rounded disciple.

In addition, he had a good relationship with all the Jonin of the same period, and they were even classmates.

His rise to power was also supported by the absolute backbone of Konoha at that time, and the core of the older generation of power happened to be killed by the Ten-Tails and the Fourth Great Ninja War.

The reshuffle of the high-level power circle, coupled with the fact that Kakashi has good relationships in all aspects and is strong enough, he was naturally pushed to the front desk.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the two people who can be called the saviors of the ninja world are all his disciples!

For Natsuhik, Kakashi's ascendancee is a type that can be copied, and Natsuhiko even thinks that he can do better.

But it's a good idea, and some things may not be the same as you think.

Of course, this is much better than going to the Akatsuki organization.

Not to mention the competitors, just the level of involution among the organization members makes Natsuhiko scared. He is just delivering food!

"At this stage, we should mainly focus on improving our strength, attracting various talents, and further promoting the already established characters."

Natsuhiko quickly made a decision. Naturally, the way to improve his strength was to 'plant seeds', and he could only wait slowly.

Winning over talents is a headache, but he must try and do it.

In fact, he knows that there is a 'talent base' there, and he can try to find it.

But once you come into contact with them, there will be a lot of trouble in the future...