
The fiery storm

Have you ever heard of a Luna that lost her memories and hates wolves? That was what happened to 18th year old Astoria who found herself in a human world trying to adapt to the thrills when she finds herself attracted to the new guy in town. But when Astoria faces a near death experience with her greatest fears, she comes to realize that there was so much out there, than being normal.

PricelessMasson_ · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter Nine

Casey thanked the lady that sent them over to the teacher before they all headed to dance teacher. Casey hoped in her heart to get a good answer from the lady she was currently going to talk with. She was like their last hope.

"We are so sorry to disturb you ma'am but we are looking for the lady in the picture." Casey showed her the phone. "So what about her?" The teacher asked. "She is my sister and I haven't seen her home yet." Casey said she was going to break down in tears any moment.

"She left about a few minutes ago." The teacher spoke up. "Oh okay." They turned around and went out of the studio. Casey broke down in tears immediately as they stepped out of the studio. "Where could she be now?" Casey yelled as hot tears poured down her cheeks. "Please stop crying, we have to continue searching for her. We can't give up now." Lia advised. "What more can we do? Where are we going to search for her?" Casey asked as she increased the tune of her voice. "Casey, please stop crying, this is not helping right now." Leo added. Just then Casey's phone started ringing. "Your phone is ringing Casey, you should take your calls." Lia said but she didn't answer she just continued crying. The phone kept ringing over and over again. But Casey still refused to take the car despite all Lia and Leo plead to take her calls they all fell on a deaf ears. The phone started ringing again and Lia forcefully grabbed the phone from her and answered the call without checking the caller ID.

"Hello Casey." Was what Lia heard when she put the phone on her ears and she immediately recognized the voice.

"Astoria is that you?" Lia asked, trying to confirm if she heard right. "Yes Lia, where is Casey? And why are you with her phone?" Astoria asked. "We are at your rehearsal studio," she said and continued."Where are you?" Lia asked. "Lia, stop joking around, I'm not buying it." Casey said annoyed. "Give Casey the phone please. I want to talk to her." Astoria instructed. "Casey here Astoria wanted to talk to you." Lia said handing out the phone to her and she took it slowly and checked the caller ID to be sure. She placed it on her ears. "Astoria, where are you? Are you Ok? Did anything happen?" Casey asked her series of questions without giving her time to answer. "Slow down please, I will only answer just one. which is I'm at home so come home, I'm waiting." Astoria said. "Ok then." Casey replied and ended the call.

"Did she tell you where she is?" Leo asked."Yes she is at home let's go." Casey said and stood up from the floor she had earlier sat and dusted her body before they proceeded to get a cab. There was not a long traffic jam on the road, so they got to Casey house early enough. They paid the cab driver and hurried in. The door was open when they got there and they just walked in to see Astoria sitting on a couch.

"What happened in Astoria? We have been worrying and sick." Leo asked as he walked closer to her. "Nothing actually happened, I was caught up in a traffic jam." Astoria said. "So that was what happened?" Lia asked. "Yes." Astoria sighed. "But I called you several times but your number wasn't connecting, which made me worried." Casey said. "Oh about that my battery was actually down, so I just boasted it up a few minutes ago when I got home before calling you up." Astoria said. "Please and please don't ever make me this worried ever again." Casey warned. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to." Astoria apologized. "It's fine." Casey sighed in relief.

"Ok guys it's good you are ok,so we will take our leave now." Leo said. "Alright, thanks guys I really appreciate it." Astoria thanked them. "It's nothing, see you guys tomorrow at school." Lia said. "Alright bye." They both waved at them as they both walked away. Casey locked up the door and went back to sit beside Astoria. "So what are we eating tonight, since I couldn't cook because of you?" Casey asked. "You don't need to worry, I'm already making dinner."

"You are cooking and yet you are here." Casey said. "Yes, the food isn't ready yet." Astoria said and stood on her feet and went into the kitchen. She dished out the food after cooking and they both had dinner before going to their various rooms to pass the night.

It was early the next morning and they were already prepared to leave for school that morning and we're seated in the dining room having their breakfast. Casey's main focus was going to school and looking for a way possible to start up a conversation with that new cute guy in school. "Casey!" Astoria called to her, jerking her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Astoria." She turned towards her and fixed her glance on her. "I actually wanted to ask you, what have you actually decided about the sleepover that we talked about last time?" She asked. "I haven't really decided yet but I will give it a thought." Casey answered. "What do you want me to tell Lia and Leo, they are so eager to know when we will be having it." Astoria said, glancing at her. "Ok just tell them I will be the one to announce it to them." Casey said. "Ok that's fair enough."Astoria smiled and they continued their meals.

Casey has the same class with Tanner as she had planned to stay out and wait until he would go into the class and sit, so she takes the seats next to him. She waited outside for a while and glanced around for any sign of him but she couldn't see him anywhere coming. "Could it be that he is not in school today?" Was the question that came into her mind. She waited for a little longer but didn't see him and decided to walk into the class but her eyes caught sight of him coming from afar and a smile found its way into her face. She s

Just moved back and stood aside until he had finally gone into the class. She watched him as he walked over to a seat and sat and she hurried in to sit beside him but before she could sit closer to him another girl that also had a crush on him had already occupied the space. Casey frowned seeing that, all her time and effort has gone to waste. She took a seat far away from him but she silently wished she could just go over there and pulled the girl out of that chair.

During the lecture she could hear the guy whispering something in his ears but he wasn't interested in whatever she wanted to say. She kept trying to get him to talk to her but she could have him saying. "Why can't you just focus on the teacher and leave me the hell alone to also focus on mine." Which annoyed the girl and she stood up and left the seat. Casey smiled and wished she could just go back to the seat she had been aiming for but that won't be possible because a lecturer was already in the class and that man doesn't tolerate any random movement in his class. Casey tried to focus her mind on the topic being thought and told herself to ensure she takes to him today in any way possible.

After the close of class she walked up to him as he was about to leave for his next class. "Hi," she smiled at him. "Hey," he replied. "I'm Casey and you?" She asked with all smiles. "It's nice to meet you Casey and I'm Tanner." He replied. "It's also so nice to meet you Tanner." She smiled. "Ok but I get to go, I have a class now and I don't want to be late for my class, so see you around." He said and grabbed his books and walked out of the class. She hugged herself with smiles. "At least, I was able to talk to him, even if we didn't have a long conversation." She thought as she grinned from ear to ear.

"Casey, don't you think she should be at your next class by now." Her subconscious told her. And she hurried out of the class heading straight to her next class. At least she had successfully fulfilled her today's desires and plans.

After the close of the day the four friends gathered at their usual spot where they normally meet before heading out of the school premises together. They started heading out together as they were all complete. They never leave the spot as long as they were not complete four.