

IN A world where people are divided into three classes; Dominators, Submissives and The Wanderers, with this third class fighting to not be swallowed up by the other two.

Ivanovich3721 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

You Know You Lost the Bet

In the darkness of the night, extensive fields of undergrowth called Beaux do Norte are on the edge of the planet Pollux, a region surrounded by rustic medium-sized cities whose population values ​​the cultivation of plants and the preservation of nature.

Two moons gaining the fields that orbit the planet, whose tons of gold receive, forming a carpet of beautiful terrain of dense fields that surrounded by mountain at their feet dominated a forest.

In the midst of these fields a young boy was running away. He looked back, panting, and what he could see was the lights of the bustling small town of Beaux and in the sky, cruiser airships arriving and departing from the main harbor belonging to various groups of mercenaries, pirates and merchants of the world. The city of Beaux was just a pit stop, although for such travelers it was a small place with all the perks of a big city, but of small proportions.

The guy ran desperately towards the forest a few meters ahead, although he didn't see his pursuer, he could feel his virtus (vital power) approaching.

With heavy steps he continued.

Wearing typical Beato clothes, shiny black resined leather leggings, super glued that highlighted his volume and crotch. Wearing knee-high leather boots. A utility belt encircled his waist with various electronics and weapons.

His torso was bare, combining a mesh of beluga leather that covered his arms ending with metal bracelets and gloves with rigid fists that served for melee fighting, in addition to facilitating the release of energy in attacks.

As soon as he reached the first trees he placed small bombs along with the electric webs on the ground and launched himself deeper into the woods to hide and drew his pistol and positioned himself behind a tree trunk.

It didn't take him long to hear the sounds of branches breaking nearby.

A tall, carefree fellow looking around serenely releasing an air of satisfaction.

He was dressed all in leather, chunky jacket, tight pants that hugged his crotch and thighs, light leather boots, and gloves. On his head was a cape with the insignia of the blue wolves, his appearance and was organized of someone of an old, mature rigid, face shape matched his voluminous beard and gray hair with streaks combed and arranged under the cape.

- Boy. You are an amateur. - Said the guy.

Suddenly bursts of white light shot towards him and with reflex he reacted, raising his hand that released an impact wave that exploded them in the air before hitting him and with the power of his emanated aura produced a force that protects him from the shrapnel.

He continued to walk until he activated the electrical mesh that detonated bombs in his direction that made him kneel in agony.

- We are of the order of wolves, boy. manipulating electrical energy is one of our specialties. - He said in a sigh.

And turning to an open area and moving at hyper speed, he was soon right next to the boy hiding behind a tree that just didn't catch him because he wanted to have more fun and kept talking in his ears.

- We can talk?

With a leap the boy lunged forward and turned to fire several gamma rounds, but he dodged them all and with one swipe kicked the weapon away.

The boy clenched his fists to fight hand to hand and facing each other it was possible to notice the difference in size.

The leather guy was tall, reaching his 79 in corpulent and adult appearance, while the slender young man was defined, much shorter by his 67 in who appeared to be quick for some defenses and attacks but farther from having the strength of the man. big guy.

- I just want to talk to you. No need to run away. I haven't introduced myself yet. - Said the guy in leather. - My name is Felix. What is your?

- Adrian. - said the boy suspiciously.

- Adrian. Beautiful name. I see you have good skills but your fighting power is ridiculous for me to face, Adrian. It's better to let your guard down.

- What does that have to do with it? Why are you comparing me?

- Maybe you reach 5k power level. It's still below a perverted rabbit. in the end... you know you lost the bet.

- Yes. I know that. - Adrian replied, already raising his aura.

- You know you owe me.

- Yeah, I fucking know!

- Then. You know the payment is you being my slave. The proposal you agreed to participate in.