
The Femboy Queen (+18)

This is just a story for my fantasy, it's just for +18 content

Alex_Asphalt · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Birth Of Deallow

The God - no- Lynyx stopped for a

moment when a question arose. After she

had been kicked out of the Celestial Realm

by her holier-than-thou older sister, she

remembered that her beloved's soul was

set to always be in the body of a woman,

not to mention how she would bear the

mark of the Maiden or a curse as the mark

would grant an eternity of tragedy upon

her beloved. Those two curses, she

remembered very well as it was none other

than the same sister that had cursed her,

along with her eternal lover.

Yet, here he was. In the body of a male - a

very beautiful one but a male's body

nonetheless. She had managed to touch his

flesh right now without anything

happening. Usually, the same curse would

activate, causing him to die in some

horrible way, separating them apart until

the next incarnation, ensuring that Lynx got

her punishment for her heavenly atrocities.

When her hands travelled from his cheeks

to the swell of his hips, she knew then that

this might be the timepoint in which she

finally gets her happy ending - seeing his

belly fat with her child. Another stroke of

her hands past his body, and she found

herself entranced - obsessed even.

"Just in a few hours you would be giving birth to our children, my love" Lynx said.

"You are safe with me," The God muttered into his ears. "Look at our adorable little child. Hm, yes, I shall name him Deallow - an amalgamation of our names. Wonderful, don't you think?"

After a few hours a child could be heard crying and giggling playfully, hearing this Aeros wakes up

"Look at our child, my beloved, she is cute isn't she? " Lynx said with one hand around Aeros's wait and another holding their child.

Aeros felt something, he didn't know what but it was good feeling, exclaimed "It's out child? What is the name" Aeros smiled.

"It's Deallow, my beloved " Lynx said handing the child to Aeros.

Aeros was playing with the child happily with Lynx watching them, suddenly the baby grabbed Aeros's Nipples making him moan as he looks at Lynx.

"Looks like he has taken over me" Said Lynx while chuckling softly and calling forth a concubine of her, "Take Deallow and make sure she is happy a good time, we have some unfinished business"

The concubine only nodded and went away with the child .

Aeros looked at Lynx to know what was happening just to find Lynx smirking as signalling her downstairs

Aeros followes her eyes just to find out that she was hard again, He wanted to jump out of bed wanting to escape from here but couldn't do so.

This was now his duty since he just gave birth to their child he knew he was now Lynx's wife, while kneeling against the hardest cock, focusing on the Raging hard-on.

Lynx informed "Not your mouth, my beloved but you're ass" she ordered sternly.

Aeros obeyed unfortunately, turning around and gripping the bedsheets before putting up his ass to the God, she slid right in him with a breathless moan.

The cold touch of the God's hands were a stark contrast to the bubbling heat meandering down his neck. She was big,

very, very big to the point that Willow

would think it impossible to take all of her as he was yet to even take half of her in,

if he didn't know what the constitution of

the Maiden stood for. Quite easily, his anus

loosened, allowing himself to take half of

her demonic cock down his ass, earning

him a quick jerk of the hips by the Demon

God letting out loud screams, that can be heard from far away.

"Just as soft," She started to become

rougher with him. "Just as tight."

In a while, the God had become so rough that Aeros literally had to stabilize himself so that he didn't fall, by wrapping his legs around her huge ass, which unfortunately only served to bring her more pleasure. Time may be frozen but if you managed to venture into the area, you would be able to hear the clear 'SPURT' 'PAK' and 'THRUST' lewd sounds.

Aeros simply came everytime she thrust in or out so he allowed her to do whatever

she wanted, passively.

"worship me, love me, my beloved" The God said as she started thrusting harder and faster making her way in him, but he was only able to take half of her yet, Suddenly, Aeros's head was mush.

Nothing mattered anymore, other than

satisfying his love and goddess of evil. A

pink cloud was all there was in his mind. He

needed to worship the Demon God, he

needed to love Nyx. He couldn't even bear

to break eye-contact with her as she

looked down on him, watching how his

Ass worked over her slit, how his cheeks

kissed each throbbing vein on her cock —

how he looked like a whore right in front of


Right now, there was just him and his

goddess. Nothing more, nothing less.

"My little slave," she called his dirty, little

nickname, one hand travelling to his

breast, eagerly playing with his nipples.

Aeros didn't know why but being called a

slave scratched an itch he didn't know he

had. For minutes the only sound was a

sweaty, lustful slap of his ass on crotch, her

hips butting his back as he was forced to

receive a fucking that was one of the

most degrading, and yet exciting

experiences of his life.

When she slowed down, crawling to a stop,

and retracted her dick from his ass, a

sheen of sweat now lay across her chest,

nipples so hard they looked like they could

drill through walls. Her cock looked like a

swamp monster, covered in goo.

There was only one thought running

through his muddled mind. 'Why did she

stop?' His dick was aching, as he looked at

the God with a quizzical look on his face. Had he done something wrong?

But instead, he only received her eyes

lighting up in a low, dark red gleam. She

was so gorgeous, a dangerous beauty that

seduced you to your death. Funny thing

was, people would gladly kill themselves

just to earn her attention.

The God was thinking the same thing when she saw the fucked-silly, sweaty look on Aeros's face. Oh, he may be a virgin in this body but the Maiden, her lover's, skill was certainly ingrained into him. Who else would manage to make her orgasm with just a simple fuck?