
Ups and downs

Author's POV

As Ivy walks into her Den to see her mum and Dad not too far from eachother, they see her enter and says

"Looks who's back" Her mother says

"Ivy, how was your. day" He sighed

" Hey Dad, mum. My day was cool.., kinda rough but ended well."

"Did my little princess find a mate" He said with a happy voice smiling

" Hm, not quite Dad, but I did find a pack" Ivy saids

"Wow, that's good to hear" Her mum said with an encouraging face

" The pack didn't have an Alpha?" Vlad asks

" Yes the pack does."

"Did he know you were an Alpha too?"

" Wel, yes, actually they all did, but I proved myself to be worthy and he allowed me with open hands, but after some ups and downs."

" Nothing's too hard for you to do Ivy" Her mum says with a proud face to Ivy.

" Ups and downs how? " Vlad said

" Wel, I fought off a werewolf pack" She says then Vlad sighs "Twice"

" It truly was an up and down day, but you shouldn't have to put yourself in such danger Ivy"

" Dad..

Why do you fear of if I am in danger when you purely can't be killed, and that should also apply for me too right? " Ivy questions her father.

" Yes my daughter, I cannot be killed, and that's because I was the first and only creature of my God, but you are only a descendant by me I fear that may not apply for you too to be immortal as me.

and there's no way we are testing it" Vlad explains to Ivy.

" Ok Dad I understand" Ivy says

" But I think if you are truly old enough you will heritage my immortality, but just keep it to yourself,let everyone think you can't be killed to keep one from trying." Vlad says.

" Ok Dad,

you once caused war and panic in the world" Ivy says

" Who told you that" Vlad says, Ivy sighs

" It was a long time dear, don't worry about that" He says

" And I had a brother as well" Ivy says

" Yes dear, but he's dead now,"

" And that was why you caused war.". Ivy completes her father's statement .

Sarah, Ivy's mum walks in, and see's father and daughter discussing.

"Can I join in this big discussion" She says while smiling and moving slower to them.

"Yes dear, but it seems it's a rather short discussion". Vlad says

"Yeah, it's late now let's get to sleep, all of us." She said as Ivy move to her side of the cave and all did to which they layed.



Ivy is first to get up from bed,as she looks around and could see her Dad and Mom closely to eachother still sleeping

She wakes them to inform them that she is heading out.

"Dad,Mum, morning I am going to meet my pack just as planned yesterday." She saids

" Okay dear, but just be safe and avoid violence please, let no such thing as yesterday repeat itself."

" Fine Dad, I will try my best to be away from danger." Ivy saids and leaves quickly.


As I move out of my cave,I could feel the fresh air on my skin,it seems that rain storm had fallen lastnight.

I relax in the Green grass once more and take a short rest.

I leaned my ears to hear sounds of voices but this time I couldn't find a connection.

So I dicided to go where I followed yesterday.

As I moved closer I could hear voices now, familiar voices. I move even faster now to get to my destination, after some little walk

I reached their location and I could see my pack members,it seems like the alpha was talking to them about something but there saw me

"Looks who's here Matt" Amber says. It seems like the Alpha's name is "Matt"

"It's Ivy!". Tracy says with a very excited voice

I walk to their exact location.

"You made it Ivy" The pack's Alpha says to me

" Yes I guess I did, as promised" I said with a smiley face.

Everyone except Liam is here.

"We have somewhere going" He said

" And where's that?" I asked

" To the pack's cave, you don't need to ask, let's go" He said

" Wow that's awesome, let's go then" I said.

We walk to the cave now, Matt at the front and me at the back,I could see Tracy stop moving in order to let me caught up with her.