
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · 都市
331 Chs

Chapter 215 The Famous Shen Xiujin Completely Collapsed

The things in the u disk, copied into the laptop at hand, Bai Yu Xing was about to open the file, a hand overlay on the back of his hand: "I remind you, you'd better be psychologically prepared."

 Bai Yu Xing was stunned for a while, but, Xi Chen's complexion, rare seriousness ... is really so terrible?

 Bai Yuxing with a trace of disbelief click on the video.

 At first, there is no how, suddenly, Bai Yuxing widened his eyes, exclaimed, "What is this!" He pointed at the video that was playing.

 "This is just the beginning." Xi Chen said indifferently.

 When he first saw it, he also carried disbelief like Bai Yu Xing. Naturally, in the end, like Bai Yu Xing, he also carried disbelief.

 Bai Yu Xing closed his mouth, and in the quiet room, the two big men, not knowing what kind of mood they were harboring, finished watching this image that had obviously been cut out of many shots.

 Finally, the computer screen went dark. Bai Yuxing's heart raced. A cigarette was handed over, "Yu Xing, have a cigarette."

 Bai Yu Xing immediately stretched out his hand to take the cigarette handed over by Xi Chen, lit it, inhaled hard, and after exhaling a large mouthful of white smoke for a long time, he softened on the reclining seat, "Destroy it."

 Xi Chen's hand holding the cigarette, trembled for a moment, then as if nothing had happened, took a puff, twisted it out in the ashtray.

 "I'm afraid I can't."

 "He can't see it, he'll go completely insane." It couldn't be clearer who "he" was referring to. Not to mention Shen Xiujin, it would be a big shock for him, an unrelated person, to see this.

 "You think that without his request, I would spend a lot of time and manpower to find these images? Hehe~ Jane Tong ... has something to do with me?" Xi Chen said with a light mockery, "When I looked for these images three years ago, the images were broken. You don't think that if they were broken, Ah Xiu would really stop looking for them, do you?"

 "When Ah Xiu found me, he discreetly asked for my help, saying that he had limited time to spend on finding his wife who hadn't returned from a momentary playful outing, but that there were some things that he couldn't go on getting by with, that he had to find out.

 Yuhang, you know me, of the three of us, I'm the most playful, compared to you guys, I can't do anything else, but I'm the best at these unseemly sneaky things.

 When Ah Xiu asked me, I thought, it does not matter ah, just find information, this kind of thing, and the past are not the same?

 But I didn't realize that this search would take three years.

 The first year, I found that this thing can not be found, I did not want to give up, Yu Xing, do you know why?"

 Xi Chen didn't continue, pulling another cigarette out of the box and lighting it, taking a drag before dropping his eyes to fall on Bai Yu Xing's face, "Because I've never seen, Ah Xiu beg anyone so lowly."

 He flicks the ashes of his cigarette, "The first year I couldn't find it, Ah Xiu didn't rush it, Ah Xiu said one thing: this thing is not easy to find.

 Yu Xing, you say, when Ah Xiu said this, was it already clear in his heart that the person behind the ghost was not easy to deal with.

 The next year, I still didn't find it. Ah Xiu, however, pleaded even more sincerely for me to keep looking.

 Yuhang, Ah Xiu hasn't even given up, how can I give up?"

 He pulled out the USB drive from Bai Yu Xing's laptop, "This thing, I've been looking for him for three years. For three years, just like that woman, there was no news. Now that I've found ... isn't it also safe to say that that woman, too, will show up soon?"

 Bai Yu Xing couldn't refute that the things in the USB flash drive were more than just an ordinary image for both Xi Chen and Shen Xiu Jin.

 Shen Xiu Jin had been looking for that woman for three years.

 Xi Chen looked for that woman's information in that place for three years.

 These obsessions, and how is he Bai Yuxing light sentence "destroy it", can be easily destroyed?

 "Do you really ... want to take this to Ah Xiu?" Bai Yu Xing tilted his head and looked at Xi Chen against the light, unable to see Xi Chen's expression clearly, but saw Xi Chen's nodding motion.

 He abruptly stood up, "Okay, I'll accompany you." Who can't say how Xiu thought after seeing this.

 The two of them headed to the Shen family mansion.


 Shen family

 In the study

 Three men, two holding their arms leaning against the corner of the desk, the other one full of alcohol, blood in the eyeballs all over the place, but full of iron face sitting behind the desk, dead staring at the computer screen on the desk.

 Cackling ...

 The sound of teeth grooves clenching.

 Don't look at Bai Yuxing and Xi Chen who seemed to be standing on the sidelines full of concern, but the two of them were very concerned about every move of the person behind the desk, even every subtle expression.

 Shen Xiujin stared at the video for a long, long time, his face turning blue, his lips pursed, but his lips were incomparably pale.

 These ... are what!

 What he thought was "giving her a small lesson" is to push the person personally to the end of the world!

 The ear is the video of the woman's voice is so small that almost can not be heard shouting "pain" and "cold", while other people abuse and humiliate and loud laughter.

 The video was limited, but just seeing it already sent shivers down his spine!

 His hands were shaking, and for a long time, he couldn't hold the mouse. He clicked repeat over and over, watching it over and over again, his eyes terribly red.

 "Stop looking." Bai Yu Xing couldn't watch.

 But Shen Xiujin acted as if he couldn't hear it at all, going to watch it over and over again, over and over again, in pain.

 "Stop looking at it! Stop torturing yourself!" Bai Yu Xing yelled.

 But the latter pressed the repeat button once more.

 Shen Xiujin's face was a ghastly white, and his thin lips had already taken on a deadly gray color, but he was very stubbornly staring at the screen in death.

 Bai Yu Xing couldn't bear it anymore, and with a "bang" sound, his fist slammed heavily on the table, and this fist slammed on the desk, and the pens on the desk were all shaken by the slam: "Ah Xiu, don't look at it! She's been gone for three years! Three years, you don't even know where she is, even if you see a hole in the computer, what's the use!"

 Bai Yuxing's intention was that he didn't want Shen Xiujin to continue looking at it, but it backfired.

 Bai Yuxing's words poked and prodded the most unnameable pain in Shen Xiujin's heart!

 It's been three years! That woman has been gone for three years, with no news at all!

 She really no longer has any thoughts of him, right ... And the ears still keep keep echoing the repressed cries of the woman in the video.

 Finally, was crushed! No longer able to hold back, fiercely covered her face with both hands and let out a suppressed low roar!

 Bai Yuxing's face changed, immediately and quietly took out a tranquilizer, he followed Xi Chen, just afraid of the scene of the man in front of him losing control of his emotions!

 Bai Yuxing's syringe was already hanging over the top of the head of the man whose entire body had been crouched on the desk, and suddenly, "Also right ... what have I ever given her?

 It's all painful memories. And why does she still want to stay by my side? Haha, hahahahaha ..."

 "My fault, my fault, all my fault ..." the man's lost soul murmured voice, "I'm guilty, I'm guilty, it's all my fault, it's all ... ..."

 He seemed to be delirious.

 Bai Yu Xing face solemn, no longer hesitate, the hand of the syringe, sharp into lying on the table in the flesh of the man's sanity is not too clear.

 "Well ...," the man's body stiffened, his back elongated stiffness, a few seconds later, suddenly a soft.

 Xi Chen eyes flashed intolerance, red eyes, skimmed his head can not bear to see again.

 "I said that this thing should be destroyed. Now are you satisfied?" Bai Yu Xing sent a belly full of evil fire at Xi Chen: "If this thing is not destroyed, it will destroy Ah Xiu. Now, are you satisfied?" Bai Yu Xing looked on with cold eyes:

 "The famous Shen Xiujin, completely collapsed!"