
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · 都市
6 Chs

Tripping over myself


Have you ever been hurt so badly in life when you were able to become happy, you started to wonder and it come to realise whenever you seemed happy their always came to be something bad had to happen or come along soon enough.Like life and karma herself weren't happy that you have began to be happy again " Sorry Stella time to hurt" was the feeling i knew quiet well.So now I have finally decide it's just better to not be happy ever, don't judge me for my thoughts and feelings before you know more!

When I'm not happy and inlove everything seemed to become right in my life as if destiny herself decided I must not be happy in my life to live a happy life.Yeah that's mentalily sick why of thinking like their is a neddle in my head.

And I started to believe it myself my destiny was already set inside in my blood for me not to be happy.That's like not having air in your lungs with the only weakness being you can't be happy ever.

That's what scared me the most, everytime something bad ever happend in my relationship I would always cry and have mind alltering thoughts that I would never be happy I will end up alone and unloved by everyone.

My kind of suffering I was going though were my mind torturing me with thoughts that I can't be happy ever to live a happy live.

Those kind of thoughts can keep you up thinking heeps of stuff for hours at end without sleeping at all, until your mind speakings it's true by putting thoughts inside your soul.

Well my name is Stella Airos and I have been diagonosed with CHEROPHOBIA since I was 14.Yes you have probably google'd it a couple of times right, well by now you already know it's the fear of being happy.I've been diagonosed since I turned 16 in my high school days.These kind of thoughts have been plaguing me since I were 9 years old.

I have a great loving, supportive family but their were always a side of myself I couldn't figure out no matter how much endless nights I stayed up.

End of chapter

*Sorry it was so short but it's the intro chapter*


The shining of Stella Airos's life next