
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Varex's Duel 2

In the arena, the air crackled with tension as Kendell squared off against Slalia. Both were known for their unique approaches to combat, and the crowd was on edge, eagerly anticipating a thrilling match.

Kendell activated his Form Demon 1 ritual, drawing the circle in front of him in one swift motion, his physique subtly shifting to a more combat-ready state as he grew small bumps on his head that emanated a slight golden glow.

Slalia, with a determined look, followed suit, revealing her own ritual's effects. A tattoo on her upper arm began to glow blue, and her body was wreathed in a subtle, glowing aura, suggesting a deep mastery of whatever body enhancement ritual she was activating.

The duel commenced with a flurry of motion. Slalia, with her mysterious arts, grew a set of blue claws from her hands and launched a series of rapid attacks, each strike aimed with precision.

As she swung a trace of blue light was left behind as a trail following each of her attacks.

'Her Body Enhancement was neither Form Demon 1 nor 2 so she must have some sort of familial arts that was passed down to her.' Thought Kendell as he tried to analyze the arena before him.

Kendell, on the defensive, managed to dodge and weave through her assaults, his movements a testament to his agility and reflexes.

Slalia then flexed her hands and the claws on her hands began to glow the now familiar blue light. She leaped back and began to pace around the outside of the arena while focusing on her ritual. As she concentrated the blue light morphed and expanded from covering her hands to covering her arms.

As the duel progressed, it became apparent that Kendell was analyzing Slalia's fighting pattern, waiting for the right moment to strike. The crowd watched in awe as Kendell's tactical approach began to unfold.

Once her arms were fully covered she leapt back into the fray and began swinging with renewed ferocity. The ritual appears to have enhanced the agility in her arms allowing her to strike at an even faster pace.

The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves.

'Isn't that the Stronglaw family technique?'

'The Blurry Claw Body Enhancement Ritual? No way!'

Professor Varex nodded, impressed by the showcase of a formidable ritual art and the mastery Slalia showed at such a young age.

In a sudden shift of strategy, Kendell feigned a stumble, luring Slalia into a false sense of superiority. As she moved in, slicing downwards with both of her claws for what she thought was a decisive blow, however, Kendell deftly activated the full extent of his Form Demon 1.

He had started the duel by only using enough energy to use Form Demon 1's first level of mastery. This was something he thought about after watching Riven's combat and noting that it did not seem like he was using his full potential.

When Kendell had fought him before, it was clear his technique was at the very least in mastery 2 range. However, during his fight against Coli, Riven only used mastery 1 shown by the very small bumps on his head as opposed to the mini horns he grew before.

Luckily, he happened to guess how to use this technique correctly. By pulling only the energy used for the mastery 1 level of the ritual, he was able to adjust the form accordingly.

This not only used less energy but allowed him to catch his opponent off guard.

With a sudden flow of ritual energy, the bumps on Kendell's head grew into mini horns and he countered, exploiting a brief opening in her defense by dashing to the left only to slam her with a deafening blow.

The impact of Kendell's strike was precise and forceful, causing Slalia to stagger in both shock and pain. Seizing the moment, Kendell launched a swift combination of blows, each one landing with increasing strength and accuracy as he pulled in more and more energy.

Slalia, now on the back foot, struggled to regain her composure. She attempted to retaliate, but Kendell's momentum was overwhelming. With a final, powerful strike, Kendell sent Slalia tumbling to the ground with the full might of his Form Demon 1, mastery level 2.

The arena erupted in cheers as Kendell was declared the winner. His blend of tactical acumen and physical prowess had won him the duel, earning him respect and admiration from his peers.

Professor Valex, watching intently, gave Kendell an approving nod. "Excellent work, Kendell. You've demonstrated remarkable growth and strategic insight, using a technique like Riven did is quite a feat since you are not from a fighting family. Slalia, you fought bravely, but remember, adaptability is key. Learning from your opponent's tactics is as important as executing your own, don't just expect a win always proceed with caution."

With Kendell's victory, the anticipation for the final first-round duel of the event rose. Celia, who had been observing the matches closely, stepped up for her duel against Corgin, a challenger with a reputation for his raw power and unyielding determination.

As Celia and Corgin faced each other, the energy in the arena shifted. This was more than just a competition; it was a clash of contrasting styles and strengths. Celia, with her refined techniques and exceptional control over her body enhancement rituals, against Corgin's sheer brute force and relentless aggression.

The crowd leaned forward in their seats, their eyes locked on the two duelists as Professor Valex signaled the beginning of the final match.

The tension was thick as Celia faced off against Corgin, her gaze sharp and focused. Corgin, towering and imposing, activated his body enhancement ritual, his entire form enveloped in a pulsating red light. His muscles bulged, expanding beyond their natural limits, showcasing the raw, brute strength he was about to unleash.

Celia, undaunted by Corgin's intimidating display, initiated her own ritual. She activated her Form Demon 1, the familiar golden horns emerging, accompanied by a surge in physical prowess. But she didn't stop there. She called upon her family's unique body enhancement ritual, a technique passed down through generations of the Dargonov lineage.

As she activated the Dargonov ritual, a distinct, swirling pattern of blue and silver light emerged, wrapping around her arms and legs. The pattern, intricate and ethereal, seemed to enhance her agility and strength even more, complementing the original strength boost from her Form Demon 1. The ritual was specifically designed to amplify other body enhancement rituals, pushing their effects to new heights.

The arena fell silent, the crowd watching with bated breath as the two combatants circled each other. Celia's movements were fluid and precise, a stark contrast to Corgin's powerful, albeit less refined, approach.

Corgin charged forward, his movements like a raging bull, aiming to overpower Celia with sheer force.

But Celia, empowered by her dual enhancements, nimbly dodged his initial onslaught. Her enhanced agility allowed her to move with a speed that was almost a blur, leaving near afterimages in her wake.

Celia's strategy was clear; she intended to tire Corgin out, using her superior speed and stamina to her advantage. She darted around the arena, her movements unpredictable and elusive, striking at Corgin's defenses with precision.

Corgin, growing increasingly frustrated by his inability to land a solid hit, began to lash out with even more ferocity. His strikes, though powerful, were becoming reckless, leaving him open to counterattacks.

Seizing an opportunity, Celia darted in close, delivering a swift, powerful kick to Corgin's side. The impact resonated through the arena, a testament to the enhanced power she wielded. Corgin staggered, but quickly regained his balance, his eyes burning with determination.

The duel continued, a dance of speed versus strength, as Celia skillfully evaded and countered Corgin's relentless attacks. It became evident that Celia's tactical approach and mastery of her rituals were giving her the upper hand.

In a final, decisive move, Celia used the full extent of her enhanced agility to outmaneuver Corgin, slipping past his defenses to land a series of rapid, precise strikes. Corgin, overwhelmed by the onslaught, finally succumbed to the accumulated blows, falling to his knees.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Celia was declared the winner. Her exceptional display of skill and mastery of the Dargonov family ritual had proven to be the key to her victory.

Professor Valex, observing from the sidelines, nodded in approval. "Celia, you have demonstrated exceptional control and strategic use of your family's ritual. Your ability to integrate it with Form Demon 1 is commendable. Corgin, you have shown great strength, but remember, raw power must be tempered with strategy."

The students all cheered Celia's victory, as the two combatants stepped off the stage. Corgin glared at Celia as if wishing her a fierce and slow death.

She just smiled back in response and headed for her friends.

Professor Valex then took the central stage, "Now it is time for the final battle. Celia, Kendell, and Riven, please step forward."