
Realm of Nothingness - Loneliness - Different Personalities - Test

Several minutes ago, when Philip pulled Tenshi into the ⟨⟨ World of Absolute Nothingness ⟩⟩, she instantly absorbed the only concept that exists in this black world

Absolute Nothingness

The moment her body absorbed the Absolute Nothingness Catalyst, her body was undergoing change. She began to shake and tremble

The feeling was unbearable that Tenshi was about to puke, like her insides were being torn apart. But she had to endure it because Philip needed her the most at that time

Now that Tenshi's birthday surprise for Philip has went smoothly, she had to deal with the Absolute Nothingness Catalyst and she had to focus to hide it from Philip because of Soul Link

She doesn't want Philip to get distracted on his special day

'But this is so painful! Ugh!'

Tenshi was internally fighting the catalyst that's forcing her to transform. She wanted to call for Amatsuka, but she decided not to because it might lead to more problems

She also refrained from transforming into her other forms because ot won't do anything for her

In the end, as time went by, she couldn't handle it anymore and she transformed into the Absolute Angel of Nothingness

『 ... 』

The system didn't respond nor gave any alerts that Tenshi unlocked some condition requirements. Instead, it was quiet and unresponsive, like silence is needed

In just a blink of an eye, she found himself in a world of pure gray. There was no light and no darkness. The concept that's close to the appearance of this place is similar to the new concept that she created a few hours ago


But even though this world has an abundance of Fluxewright, there was absolutely nothing here

As there is no light nor darkness, there is also no gravity, no energy, not even time nor space, much like the ⟨⟨ World of Absolute Nothingness ⟩⟩

But the difference of this world is that it also tries to remove thoughts, memories, and every mental and thinking capacity of a being that was unfortunately sent here

Another difference is that nothingness exists here, as well as Fluxewright. Other than that, only Tenshi is currently existing here


"W-where am I?"



Tenshi's voice echoed across the vast grayness


Tenshi paused and took a moment to assess the situation

"I was in the mansion before I found myself here... What happened?"




"I don't know... I don't even know where to start..."


"Ah! I know! Soul Link!"



Tenshi tried to reach Philip via Soul Link, but to no avail. Philip doesn't seem to be responding

"Is this a trial of some sorts? Why was I put here anyways?"


"Ah, I have an idea... Hup!"

Tenshi transformed into her Holy Angel form

"Second Heavenly Prayer: Judgement!"

Tenshi swiped her right hand from her left side across towards her right. A thick beam of yellow light swiped across the grayness yey nothing happened


Tenshi was silent

"Should I try to roam around?"


"Might as well... There's nothing left to do anyways..."

Tenshi began to hover forwards, until she began flying forwards at high speeds


A lot of time has passed for who knows how long, Tenshi abruptly stopped flying. She didn't feel exhaustion and she just observed while flying

"I think I know what this place is..."


"I've seen it when Philip pulled me into his own black world... The World of Absolute Nothingness..."


"But something's strange... Everything is entirely gray, not black. Why?"


"Maybe Amatsuka knows... But I can't intentionally summon her. She just comes out whenever she wants or when I'm in grave danger. Which tells me that me being here in this gray world is not so bad after all!"


"But the question remains... Why am I here?"


"Did I absorb some kind of catalyst and unlocked a core memory of Amatsuka?? I don't know, I should've known if that's the case..."


"I hope I can leave this place..."


More time has passed and Tenshi has her body curled up in the middle of the gray emptiness

"Hm... I feel incredibly lonely, yet not at the same time. So much time has passed that I lost track of it..."


"Amatsuka, please help me..."

Tenshi finally tried to call for help, but there was no response


Instead, she received a different response

"Do you feel despair or hope?"


Tenshi abruptly turned around her and saw an identical version of herself, but different

This Tenshi has gray hair and red eyes. She also has chains as her Ring of Light and ten gray discs float around her

This is Fallen Angel Tenshi


"It's because we're in this realm..."


"Realm of Nothingness..."

Fallen Angel Tenshi spoke in a depressed tone, like this is her personality

"Why are we here?"

"I don't know myself... Perhaps she knows about something?"

Fallen Angel Tenshi pointed to her left with her right hand and Tenshi abruptly looked to where she was pointing

"Fufufu~ I've returned! But not how I expected to be~"

It's another clone of Tenshi, but she has black hair and the red version of her outfit. She looks like the evil version of Tenshi. She has her Inferno Ring and 13 red discs floating around her

This is Cursed Angel Tenshi and she has a tone of voice that's almost seductive, but has some malicious intent


"Yes, I'm also Tenshi, the same as you and her~"

"Wait wait wait... Can we give names to each other so that we won't get confused?"

"Are you sure? Usually Philip is the one who gives names and he gives more power"

"That's fine... I think it will be more meaningful if it were me"

"You think so?"


"Alright, we agree..."

"Of course, we could all agree that Holy Angel Tenshi will stay as Tenshi Hikaru, right?"

"Yes, there's no refuting that~. I don't want to incur the wrath of Philip if I were to steal Tenshi's identity~"

"Good decision!"

"So, what will be our names?"


Tenshi clutched her chin with her right hand and thought of names that are suitable for the two. She wants to make the names special because these Tenshis are like a different personality of her

Even if they are the same, but different, she would like to accept them and love them equally. That's how Tenshi is after all

"Fallen Angel Tenshi... Your name shall be Ochita Uto..."

"Ochita Uto... I like it"

"It directly translates to Fallen Angel"

"Pretty straight forward"

"Cursed Angel Tenshi... Your name shall be Aka Noroi"

"Aka Noroi... Is there a meaning to this~?"

"It directly translates to Red Curse... I think that's suitable"

"I see~! That's good~"

"So, Ochita and Aka... Is there going to be more of me?"

"Hm... We're not sure"

"It depends~. Others might have a personality like us, some transformations might not~"

"So, where's Amatsuka then?"

"We don't know!"

"Should we wait~?"

"Why are you talking in such a seductive tone?! Is that a part of me?!"

"Maybe~? Know that I'm different from you, but also the same~. I wonder how Philip would react if you acted this way~"

Aka floated around Tenshi and swiped her right finger around Tenshi's chin and hugged her from behind with her left arm

"Mhmmm... So daring. I wouldn't do that to Philip... Besides, he's already in love and obsessed with me without me seducing him. I could seduce him, but I think things will go messy from there..."

Tenshi fidgeted in place

"Ooohhh~~! How naughty~!"

Aka let go of Tenshi and went back around their circle

"How bout you, Ochita~?"

"What about me...?"

"You're so depressed~!"

"I couldn't help it... It's just the way I am... I'm a Fallen Angel after all"

"Though, if Im right, Ochita is powerful in her own way, right? Like I know Philip whenever he was depressed, he would like to destroy things... Is that how you feel, Ochita?"

"Perhaps... I just don't want to be bothered and I would like be back alone, but I was forced to come here in this gray world"

"Right... If I know a depressed person, they want attention, warmth, and comfort! Come here you!"

Tenshi went ahead and hugged Ochita. She just let Tenshi hug her without responding to her. Though, it's apparent that she's blushing slightly as she appreciates Tenshi's consideration

"So, what do we do now?"

"Have you tried calling for the system~?"

"Hm, I don't think the Omega System answers to me though?"

"But you, we, are the First Messenger of Fate... Surely the system could deem us important in some way..."

"You're right! Perhaps this ring will be able to call him!"

"But are you sure that he'll answer~?"

"I'm sure he will, if not, then there's something more to this gray world... It could be a test that only I can pass. Philip's help won't be a help in here... I have to figure this out!"

In this moment, both Ochita and Aka smirked

"You have passed the first test~~!"


"The test of companionship and reliance..."

"Companionship and reliance??"

"Being one with the Fate Controller will lead to countless unexpected situations~"

"The worst test that both of you will experience is being separated by unknown means... That scenario will be out of control... Even for the system, the Bounded Rings of Fate... Even the Totality Catalyst itself and Philip's Fate Control..."


"This is a test on how you will fare being alone in this dangerous universe without Philip's help and guidance~"

"You have shown us that you are willing to confront being alone... Rather than asking for constant help"


"You're not done here~"

"You have bigger challenges to do here..."

"What do you mean?"



In this moment, Ochita and Aka disappeared, leaving two crystals of tinted gray and tinted brown-red


『 You have received the Fallen Crystal Catalyst! 』

『 You have received the Cursed Crystal Catalyst! 』

"Huh? The system?"


"What do I do with these?"

Tenshi reached out her hands and grabbed the two crystal on her palm


More time has passed for who knows how long and she just stood in place, constantly floating across the gray world