
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · ファンタジー
341 Chs

Declaration - Liberation of Chibi Sai - Contract - Departure - Realm of Deities

Philip looked down on Chibi Sai's sleeping face that he's holding on his arms

"Meh, I'm just admiring her cuteness. It's pretty intriguing how pure divine beings are born like this. It's fascinating and quite beautiful"

"I know right!"

Valkarrie struck a triumphant pose like she was the reason that Chibi Sai was cute

"Anyways, the Goddess of Destruction's sister is the World Goddess of Disaster... Do you have any more sisters?"

"Yes, I have. They are Catastrophe, Calamity, Cataclysm, and Ruination. Only Disaster is a World Deity"

"I see... Quite powerful family"

"We are called the Endbringers in the Divine Realm"


「 A grand name! They're definitely very powerful to have that kind of name 」

'This just makes me think that Sai's potential isn't unlocked yet and she's actually more powerful than me'

「 Well, there's a difference between potential and power. In both aspects, your abover her 」

'Yeah, but Valkarrie on the other hand...'

「 She overpowers you in every way 」

'More than the True God of Worlds?'

「 Yes. Even if he's a True God, Valkarrie is a Goddess of Destruction. She can destroy the True God of Worlds if she made an effort to completely eradicate him 」

'In terms of potential?'

「 No comment on that 」


"Hey, Philip! Looks like we're done here, what else do you want to say or do?"

Valkarrie called out to him and he looked around first. He then saw Fyusi and Apoy still cowering in the corner


He pointed at the two divine beings

"Rebuild the Council with them two at the top! You know what I'm trying to say?"


"The Divine Realm will fall without the guidance of the Council. Fyusi and Apoy would be fitting to lead the Council after bearing witness to the false identity of the upper divine beings and the manipulation of a higher power. With you backing both of them, the Council will be reinforced and it can't be infiltrated again. This will also for the Divine Realm and yours own good"

"Hm, I'll take note of it. But of course, I will report to the one who tasked me this mission and talk to the Mother God and the Echelons of Divinity"

"Alright then... Therefore, I will be making a declaration. Be sure to spread this throughout the Divine Realm when I leave"

"Hm, go ahead and I'll think about it"

Valkarrie already know Philip's goal in coming to the Divine Realm. He never wanted to fix the problem in the council and it was a coincidence that she met him. It was by mere luck that Philip overheard the Council's plans and destroyed them in the process. It wasn't his plan to unroot the mystery, it was to make his name known


But for Philip, coincidences doesn't exist. There was a reason why Origin Seeker placed Philip in the middle of the Divine Starship. It was for Valkarrie to sense his presence and follow him

There was also a reason why he had to sneak and roam around to hear the rumors and hearsay of the folk divine beings. It was to learn the oddities of the Council and why their divine authorities are not felt by the residents

There was a reason why the giant double doors wasn't completely closed. It was because Fyusi and Apoy were hopeful that someone would eavesdrop and overhear the fake divine beings' twisted plans that has happened for several millennia

But of course, Philip will not say that to Valkarrie, only because he's lazy and he wanted to immediately leave. He already saved Sai's past and changed his fate by stopping the Sacred Baptism of Divine Existence and naming her with three names

All that's left was to name her properly and liberate her, just like what he originally planned

"I, Philip, the new God of Darkness will assume the position of the Founder God!"

「 !!! 」


Emily was surprised and Valkarrie's eyes widened from shock

"I, the God of Darkness, will name the World Goddess of Disaster"


Valkarrie calmed down and put her right hand gauntlet on her waist and then smiled

'I guess it wouldn't be too bad for a Noble Divinity to name my sister'

"I name her..."

Chibi Sai slightly opened her eyes because she was awaken from the intense energy that was pouring on her. Her vibrant violet eyes looked at Philip's eyes and he looked back

Philip could see the former world of Saykrandae in her eyes with its two revolving moons, Res and Pol, and the star Sol just behind the planet as it slides past across her iris. Below the planet is a pool of violet liquid and droplets rotating around her iris. The scene is beautiful enough for Philip to keep staring for hours

He smiled at the sight of Chibi Sai and she also gave an innocent smile


In this moment, the World Goddess of Disaster was named as Sai by the God of Darkness and acting Blood God

Chibi Sai's body glowed and wrapped in violet light. Philip grabbed her back from the air and held her around his right arm. He then raised his left hand and pointed at the sky

"I declare that peace will remain in the Divine Realm until I order all divine beings by my will! I am the God of Darkness, I will be watching from the shadows!"

"Haaah?! What does that mean?!"

Valkarrie approached Philip closer to ask to clarify what he meant on his declaration

"Well, I'll leave all the matters here for you to deal with, okay?"



Philip suddenly disappeared in a warp in space

"Huh?! Where did he go?!"

Valkarrie looked around to see where he went. Destraborne then broke the roof and peeked his eye from the hole

[I'm sensing the ripple in space-time]

"Wait... My sister! Bring her back!!!"

Valkarrie raised her Dragonite Gauntlet and a maroon colored energy wrapped around her hand. She then slammed her hand on the air where Philip was in. The space started to get destroyed, along with time. Given a few seconds, she would be able to destroy space-time continuum and destroy the time line that Philip's traveling through

Just then, Valkarrie's maroon destruction energy disappeared like it was cut


[The trace origin was cut off]


Valkarrie screamed at the top of her lungs after a multitude of work was slammed on top of her the moment Philip suddenly just left her. Not to mention, her sister was just kidnapped to another timeline

She quickly became worried and uneasy, but all she could do is wait for the future they will meet again, even if Philip's timeline has shifted away from her timeline. Surely, her status as the Goddess of Destruction will allow her to meet him and his sister


"Twin Blades Concept: Origin Severer!"

「 The trace origin from the Divine Realm on the past has been severed. Valkarrie won't be able to trace you anymore 」

"Good... I wouldn't want her to follow me back to the future"

「 I actually didn't expect you to bring Chibi Sai back to the future! I thought you would leave her after naming her with one name and let Chibi Sai grow, changing Sai's fate back in the future. You know what will happen after you bring her into the future and letting two Sais exist in one timeline, right? 」

"Yes, I'm aware... I'll be looking in the Fate Timeline now..."

Philip closed his eyes while travelling through the kaleidoscopic hyperspace

He opened his eyes and he saw the usual Fate Timeline. The only difference is that the Absolute Golden Timeline has shifted and skewed further away from the Golden Timeline and the Absolute Universe is moving away from its usual course. Previously, the angle was just five degrees, now, it's approximately 25 degrees. This means that bringing Chibi Sai into the future has caused this much change

Philip then opened his eyes back in the kaleidoscopic hyperspace

"Even if I'll be skewing and shifting the Absolute Golden Timeline... More danger will come anyways... I'll use that chance to gain more power and nurture and empower the closest people to me"

「 Understood. That's a given... 」

"Well? You have something to tell me, right? Regarding the Divine Realm and a few information that I have unlocked by eavesdropping in the Council Room?"

「 Yes! First of all, the Divine Starship... 」

"What of it? You seem alarmed about it earlier"

「 Yes, you know what starship means, right? 」

"A spaceship used for interstellar travel"

「 That means that the Divine Realm moves. It either drifts through space or it was once a starship and it broke down. The divine beings weren't able to fix it, fuel it, or power it. Thus, they just made it their home base 」

"Huh... The system doesn't know about this?"

「 I personally don't, but the system itself might... I know a lot of things that you don't know, but the system itself know more than I do 」

"Hm... So the divine beings might just be an alien race or civilization?"

「 That might be the case... Which leads us to the difference between divine beings, gods, and deities 」

"Right, that's what I'm curious also... There were no Concept Gods in the Divine Realm, which leads me to believe that they are actually different? Also, World Gods and Goddesses, or Deities, are an existence that's rare or uncommon to them!"

「 That's right. Based on what I've learned and based on what you've learned or unlocked, there are five different realms for beings and existences to stay, with the the additional of sixth for the True Gods outside of the universe 」

"Tell me"

「 First is the Divine Realm, created and founded by the Founder God and ruled by the Divine Conqueror. The beings that live here are called divine beings and each of them follow a set of rules by their existence. Gender also separates them and an aspect or concept can have a god and a goddess 」

"I learned a lot of those rules..."

「 Yes, like the naming rule for them, divine beings... If the divine being is the first one born with an authority, their name should only consist of one name. Succeeding divine beings will have the number of their names increased. More names hold more power, but the divine being who holds one name has endless potential. The locked power from more names are also difficult to breakthrough by ordinary divine means 」


「 Also, all divine beings are born from a shard that has manifested from the desire and wish of mortals. They will always come as a chibi version before maturing into a humanoid version after several thousand years 」

"How about the difference between Purity and Divinity?"

「 Purity means the ability for a divine being to control their authority. Divinity, on the other hand, means the amount of power that they can exert. A divine being can only be either pure or divinite, they can never be both, they are inversely proportional. Although, the moment a divine being is born, they are pure and their divinity is high, but both extremity increase or decrease after a few seconds. No divine being in history or any record has achieved perfect purity and divinity, or what is called Puredivinity 」

"But Sai can achieve it, right? Puredivinity?"

「 Yes, by certain conditions 」

"What are those?"

「 I can't say it, you have to discover it yoursef 」

"Of course..."

Philip shook his head since he expected that answer from Emily. It was worth a shot

「 Also, yeah, offsprings that was created from an intercourse between divine beings or towards mortals will drastically decrease their purity permanently, but the limit of their divinity is exponentially increased for some reason 」

"Hm... What if both god and goddess of the same concept had an offspring?"

「 They can't 」

"They can't?"

「 For some reason, both gods and goddesses of a certain aspect or concept have the unquenchable thirst and unstoppable urge to fight each other until someone dies. It's like their final stand or they couldn't coexist at all 」

"But if by chance they had intercourse..."

「 There are no records of that... But if it did happen, an Absolute God or Goddess will be born... Their purity and divinity will be on maximum and they will become the Diabolus ex Machina. They will bring the end to the Divine Realm, that's why they separate or avoid each other so much if by a sliver of chance they had intercourse 」

"I see... That's also interesting..."

「 I know what you're thinking! Don't try to find the Goddess of Darkness or it will turn extremely bad for you. You won't be able to have intercourse anyways since both of you will try to kill each other as much as possible, as soon as possible 」

"Damn, so it also applies to me, huh?"

「 You might not be able to since you can manipulate your emotions, but what about the Goddess of Darkness herself? 」

"What about her? There's God Submission"

「 ... 」

Emily became quiet. If she had a physical body, she would stare straight at Philip's eyes with dead eyes and expressionless face

「 You're thay downbad, huh? Wha-- I can see the images manifesting within your thoughts, you know!!!! 」

If Emily had a physical body, her face would be entirely red because of Philip's imagination

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry... It's not that I'm downbad... It's just that my offspring will have that unimaginable power, right?"

「 Maybe! But you're still a mortal, who is also a god, and many else. Who knows what will happen? 」

"Hm, you're right... I think it's best to avoid having a child, and I mean it"

Philip was actually afraid of the thought of having a child. He couldn't bear the responsibility of raising them and he is afraid that he might not raise them properly. What more is that his abilities might be transferred to the child and they might turn against him when they become more powerful than him

Gaining power is one thing, but uncertainty and uncontrollable variable are another thing

「 Right, right... That's good... Well, the second realm is the Heavenly Realm. This is a realm home to Deities, Deities of Concept and Concept Deities. They are much like the Divine Realm, but they have different rules that I could tell you 」

"Right, of course... The World Deities come from there?"

「 Not at all, I'll tell you later 」


「 The third realm is the Holy Realm, governed by the Faction of Light and Dark, home to the Angelic Triad, Demonic Ranks, and Hierarchy of Darkness. They are responsible for the morality of all mortals in the universe and they directly affect them. The Holy String is located in this realm 」

"Huh... Personally, I would like to avoid that realm as much as possible"

「 Why is that? 」

"That realm exists because of religion, right?"

「 Correct. The Divine Realm exists from mortal's desires, the Heavenly Realm from mortal's wishes, and the Holy Realm from mortal's faith 」

"That's exactly why... I don't want to dabble into anyone's faith. The least that I want is for them to portray me as an evil god or place their faith on me instead"

「 But doesn't that mean more power? 」

"No? If those faithful members would just die in one fell swoop, the power that they place on me through their faith will instantly disappear. I can't protect them always... But, I haven't thrown out the possibility to execute it... It's just too troublesome right now"

「 Hm, I understand... So, the fourth realm will be the Mythos Realm, created from mortal's stories. They are the collection of all folklore, tales, and myths from all tribes and civilization across the universe. The deities here are so diverse that it's not worth to learn about them 」

"Are they at the bottom of the barrel?"

「 Kinda? It's a yes and no situation 」

"Ah, alright... Let's also stay away from that"

「 Alright... Then the final realm is the Mastery Realm. I think you already know what this means 」

"Yes... The Concept Gods. There's nothing to say more about them since it's self-explanatory. Mortals could reach this realm by cultivation"

「 Correct, the only rule is that if a female is able to achieve the God Stage, they will stay as God, not Goddess, to not defy the mastery naming rule 」

"That makes sense... So, about the World Deities?"

「 Yes, they are deities only exclusive to the will of the universe... 」
