
The family

he has found found his queen

Dhaka_Walker · 都市
50 Chs


how fast they grown

It has been a few days and all six boys are now teenagers Kari and Viktor just had their six daughters, Victoria, Volley, Vicki, Vanessa, Vonica, and Vonnie, the house is now a palace, and their cars are upgraded after they are and feed their daughters, they got in the truck and car, " so sons how the school has been going? asked. Kari, " hate it, I told you mom, talking with wasn't going to do anything. said, Vinatone, " the same thing like was ten, the name-calling, the tease, and the picks, I had enough we all have a mom. said, Volume. " I about to body slam someone through a wall, if it's not a stupid girl and a jealous prick. mom, we are begging you please can we be home school? begged. Venton. " let me and your father talk about sons, is it the same girl and teacher who won't do anything? asked. Kari, and the dodge truck, " boys we been through this when you were ten, again we will talk with your teacher, said, Viktor, " why can you and mom home school us? asked. Vance, "the son, let me see what the women of the house said, right girls if you home school who going to protect them. said, Viktor. " Viktora, Volley, and Vicki we still go your backs, no one is not going to mess with our baby sisters. said, Vandor. They pulled up at the school, they got out of the car, once again and in High school, he pulled her to him, " come here you, I can go for women like you. said. Viktor, they kissed each other, " you already have, let's get a dozen bunnies and talk with this teacher again, said. Kari, " mom she not going to listen, said. Vance, " the only thing she hears is money. said, Vandor. " goes in the other ear and out the other, said. Volance, " why can we just be home school, said. Vinatone, " please mom and dad we are begging you, said. Volume, " this is not going to work mom, said. Venton, they put their daughters in the stroller and walked inside the school. they talked to their teacher and tell her what they told them, " our sons and daughters may be different than any other kids here, they are children of a fitness coach and wrestler, they get their fitness from their mother and their muscles from me, this the second time we had to deal with a teacher like you, do your freaking job! said. Viktor, " they got promising careers ahead of them as wrestlers, and as fit trainers, tell gem to stop bullying my kids and stop putting hands on them, or we will remove them out your school and home school them ourselves, do your job, the right way be a teacher, and stop them from being, boys this is a promise if continue and she doesn't prevent it from starting. said, Kari. " we pull you boys and home school, they hugged their daughters and sons, " have an good day boys, said. Kari, they walked out and put their daughters in the cars, and left the school, pulling up at the Studio where Adam, Mike, Tony, Laura, Alyssa, and Stacie waiting, " you just had your daughters not too long ago, you sure you want to be here, said. Stacie, they put them in the strollers, " see I told her she needs to recover first, said. Viktor, " thanks for your concern baby and everyone, we got a busy day today, the investor is coming, and we got a bunch of express fits and walk-ins, said. Sari, unlocked the door and they walked inside and went to get set up, " okay our speed demons number two, daddy got to go make money, so help mommy out, and you my queen, they kissed each other, " see you later, said, Viktor. they kissed again, he pulled her to her and picked her up, and set her on the desk, " oh, daughters in the office, I thought that you said you got a match, against who? he begin to unbutton her skirt, " like their brother, they need to know how they are made. yeah, I do, but I want some time with my wife. I don't know that why I like not knowing, tonight is our date night, I think, dinner and wine, dancing, and a carriage ride up the Avenue said. Viktor, " how are we going to fund that with twelve kids? asked. Kari, " we feed the kids, see if the speed demons will watch their sisters for us, get P to check on them now and then, why the king take his queen out for their anniversary, " you remember our Annuvesery? asked. Kari, " stop Viktor leave my skirt alone, " I remember the day we met wich was January 29th here in your office, the exact day I has you out, the exactly I ask you to wear my friendship ring and promise ring, this is the anniversary of those days, I got it to work out. " Viktor? he kissed her again. " comes to my family money is not an issue, tonight you are going to get fed, wine, and pampered, she got off the desk and buttoned up and he walked out and left, " your father I guess he is not going to tell how he going to do all this, said. Kari, Viktor got a single match with Diablo, He walked into the locker room to get change, Roger walked up to him, " hey Viktor how your family? asked, Roger, " we are awesome, six beautiful daughters were added to the family, looked exactly like their mother all twelve got their mothers looks, how is your family? asked. Viktor, " we are good having our first son, so we going to sign up your boys? how old are they now? asked, Roger. " congratulations Mr. Rancher, they are now teens, seventeen, we got them enrolled in wrestling camp, we want them to be ready, answered. Viktor,