
end meet the start





I can hear Lucas screaming my name repeatedly but I can't reply I can't even move a finger after I got shot in the chest I can't feel anything, all I know is that I am on the ground a pool of my own blood started to gether underneath me. someone's moved me I come face to face with my brother panicking and teary eyes.

"Stay with me brother stay with me you will be fine stay with me."

I feel him put pressure on my chest and screaming


I tried to say it is ok he doesn't need to be sad but all that comes out of my mouth is gargling with blood coming out of my mouth.

"Nonononono liam stay with me you will be fine you will be fine just breathe please don't go."

My heart broke when I saw his tears running down his face I really wanted to tell him that it's going to be okay and I don't feel any pain.

He hugged me and I can feel and hear his sobbing shaken his body. The last thing I saw was the sky, the beautiful blue shy then a blinding white light my life flashed as a tape in front of my eyes all this happened in a second or a minute more or less I don't know but after that darkness took me.