
Taira’s Past…

The entire hall could hear Sawyer's heart practically beating out of his chest.

Even if he wasn't already having serious doubts about this, Taira's little display a few seconds ago had firmly implanted a reminder in his brain.

His opponent was not human. He was practically a god that was completely different from anything that he had ever seen.

This was dangerous.

But really, what choice did he even have?

His only saving grace was the fact that he didn't actually have to beat Taira in a fight.

He just had to steal that stupid belt from around his neck.

If it was just that, he could do this easily! As long as he played it smart.

'Alright… if you think a little hazing is going to scare me then you've got another thing coming..!'

Sawyer planted his feet and lowered his center of gravity by bending his knees.

'I can do this..!'