
The fallen hero was returned!

Do you believe power can do anything as long you desire it? Lin mofu successfully kill the demon lord and completed his task however is it worthy to become a hero?His comrades died in front of him,his only parents that adopted him died because of war,if you ask him it's all pointless thing that he's the one survived then suddenly a holy light lighten the darkness of lin heart a hope the goddess given him "As long you become a god powerful enough you can get your dear comrades back."even its a lie lin hope that it was true and he goes climbs up the ranks however his goal was erased by 'someone'as if someone want to make a monster from the deepest darkness hell.

ScaredCrow · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4.5(Clarice POV)

Ten years passed.

-As usual..I'm sleeping and then...I hearing shouts outside of the house and I saw Ray standing and smiling at me.

"Clarice Twinblood! I have something to tell you come on go down!"ugh his voice quite loud today aren't it?Well im already used of it after 15 years of him bothering ....

"What is this time now Ray?"I asked politely while covering my ears...while my eyes closed.

"He he..there's a tournament happening today let's go participate it!"Ray asked.

"What?Tournament?no I won't participate it goodbye."I coldly replied him.

"What?They you don't mind,I will shot your dark past hehe ..."


"Is that a threat Ray?you grown a lot aren't you?"

"Oh he he...."He smile and laugh..(idiot! thats not a compliment!)

"Ugh my head..seriously...and?what time the tournament starts?"I glare him and ask.

"Ohh,it will start at 9:00 am its 8:00 am right now we have at least an hour to prepare your stuffs.."

"My stuffs?how about yours?"how come he already prepared his?

"Ohh don't worry about mine,I already did it was on my dimensional pocket.."

"I see wait for a moment then"

A little later..

I open the door wearing a leather armor

I already say that on my parents,I will go somewhere and they didn't ask more they just smile and said "go on join your friend"

"He's not my friend!he's like my-...little brother"(murmur)

Then I saw Ray already wearing such heavy armors I ask him why he was wearing such a thing and he said 'Its a protection from my precious treasures..."

"Whatever..."I gave my hand on him and surprisingly he was confused

"Why you giving your hand like that?"

"The Scroll of Teleportation "

"Oh thats what you meant..here.."

I then rip it and we teleported on the capital..

" So this is capital was like..."I murmur.

"What?your first time visiting the town?"Ray asked

"No its not..."

"I see I already seing the where the tournament will start let's hurry up and register on there..."Ray said


We arrived on the place and we see the counter and the person in-charge registering people..

"Hello there you will you both be joining this tournament?"

"Yes."we both say.

"Then your name please."

"Ray Larelfol!"

"Clarice Twinblood"

After we both telling our names the receptionist fell quiet and the people behind us suddenly having a cold sweat..

"Twinblood...you mean that family of sadistic holy knights??"

"Shh shut up..if you don't want to get torture and dry alive don't say anything about them."

"The other kid also what was his name again?"

"Ray Larelfol only royalties know what 'Larelfol'true nature I heard when someone mess up with them because of status will get you killed.."


"Shhh shut your mouth if you want to live."

I and Ray heard of that murmur we decided to ignore it and left after we got registered.