
Lorient empire's last siege

The sky was dark and gloomy, smoke had choked every last ounce of sunlight from reaching the ground. The wall that once was the greatest defense to the city had been brought down leaving the city defenseless. The capital to Lorient empire,Saphire the last standing city of once an unfathomed dynasty was slowly crumbling to its knees the loyal royal knights were hard at task trying to stop the forseen invasion.

Inside the throne room the king seated on his throne looked at the knight beside him and with a heavy sad tone said, " Ben my most trusted aide, my time has come and even though it is quite early than I thought it would be i have one final order to give you," he sighed not knowing how the one armed knight would handle his last request.

The king stood from the throne and removed his ring from his finger and placed it on the handle of the throne. He then put on aserious face and turned to look at Ben with the most serious face he could muster, " I Lorient here by pass the decree to Benfort Langnester to abandon the duty of my personal knight and is to protect the crown prince. You are to leave immediately." The old knight could not believe what he heard without waiting to hear what the King had to add he interjected,"Brother..." he was lost of words not knowing what to tell his most trusted brother. The king knew that Ben wanted to reject the offer and without any hesitation he dropped to the ground, "Please Ben I know you want to fight with me side by side like old times but this is a war, this war is not like old times, we are bound to lose sooner or later and it appears to be sooner than i thought it would be. I your friend and brother not anymore as your king beg you to keep my son safe. The expedition this time has come for my head they are not interested in anything else if they reach the castle and realise I am not present it would be disastrous by all means they will hunt me down to the ends of the world and if they realise I have a son it would also implicate him in this that's why it has always been a secret. I feared a day like this would come. "

Ben was already teary as he was afraid of leaving his old friend behind he also dropped to his knees but one knee down, "My king I shall see the task off with my life." he then choked and before he could continue an arm wrapped around his body and the king whispered something to his ear.

They remained at the position for about a minute before a guard entered the room unannounced seeing what was transpiring in the throne room he could not be bothered and he dropped to the ground,"My king they have arrived at the castles gates." The king slowly stood up and reached for the sword on Ben's waist and unsheathed it, a smile was plastered on his teary face and he reached into his cloak and removed a letter from within and placed it on Bens hands he then took the ring and and followed suit by placing it on Ben's hands. Ben then knew that this was all the king could prepare for the departure.

Outside the castle, a man in deep azure uniform was standing outside looking at the castle, "Hmm... Bring me his head I hope this can appease her but I at least know she will be happy for the small present I am about to hand to her. "

Troops flooded into the castle slashing everyone they met on the way until they reached the most inner room of the castle and waited for the commander's instructions. The commander breathed out a heavily before pointing his sword forward showing to advance they opened the room and found the old man on his throne, a smirk slowly developed on his face. The commander saw the expression on the king's face and though the king must have gone mad as he never expected the siege to be carried out so swiftly.

"Welcome to Lorient my friends, but it is wrong to keep a man waiting don't you agree ? "The smile on the king's face turned into a frown as he finished his words. All he hoped was that he could stall for time at least until Ben could be safe. The room became silent as the troops were worried of what was on the kings mind, he was a renown war veteran he had built the whole empire by his own strength and not inherited it like most of the royalty of the current regime on the continent had.

A blue haze started spreading from the king and enveloped the whole room the commander already knew what was going on and without hesitation he shouted" Its the Icelandic domain everyone pair up and be back to back." The king was amazed by the commanders keen eye sight it was true this was his infamous magic domain but he did not expect anyone to know how it works all who ever fell into the domain never left alive and it had become a mere rumour yet unproven if it actually did exist. The domain allowed him to create ice golems and move them swiftly to any location in the domain it may seem a simple trick but the ease for the golems to appear behind one's back made the domain terrifying accompanied with his own sword skill his fighting strength was immeasurable. The king took a look breathe in and charged at the troops creating a fray. Ice golems could appear in various points of the room and the man at the back of all this troops could still not believe what he saw."Even after preparing for the domain we still cant contain him"

The king was like a mad man tearing his way through the troops leaving only a trail of corpses behind many of the corpses were frozen or cut into two from the distant the azure dressed man could see the king moving from one troop to the other. It was definitely a massacre.He sighed and took a step forward all the ice in the room began melting immediately and was replaced with warm air the soldiers in their amour felt like they were being boiled alive. They all understood "he" was taking charge of the fight the first time since the war started. The golems started melting and were only left as puddles as the exhausted king could not muster more magical energy to sustain them in the heat. He felt all his body become sore. The azure man then looked at the paused war before he said " I will take it from here, letting you keep going will be a waste of my subordinates' precious lives" but all he meant was 'You are taking too long' he looked at the troop beside him "Give me your sword" the trooped quickly gave out the sword.

"Real sword skills look like this" he said as he slashed the sword. The king could feel the menacing presence in the sword as it approached and without delay he tried backing away from the slash but to his astonishment it felt like the sword had become longer and decided to try and parry it but it still got imbedded in his shoulder through, cutting through Bens sword. The sword then broke" Hmm cheap sword couldn't even handle the lightest of skills don't worry you will be refunded with a sword of your choice. Anyone with a better sword ? " the commander rushed forward presenting his sword as it was the best of the present troops

The man checked the sword and smiled the king was already terrified of the first strike and was now weaponless. Slash! An arm of the king that wielded the sword plopped on the ground. The terror on the kings face was evident but instead of screaming in pain he started laughing the azure man was shocked and decided to pull the king closer with a grip on his neck. He looked in the eyes of the king and saw he was truly happy, 'Madness'.

Without hesitation he flung the head off the kings body. The "azure" man then sighed before he started laughing hysterically. It was finally done.

New to writing...The story may not be up to par with your expectations but i will try my best... English is neither my first nor second language so sorry for the grammar mistakes...



chicken_legscreators' thoughts