
The Fallen Empire of Maneekh

Amedliver is a Maneekaenian Warrior, belonging to the Maneekh kingdom, who confronted the Zebliarin in a bloody war. Brought back 13 years before the conflict, he was given the mission to destroy his enemies and save the divine race known as... "Akkrians..."

Miguelorneles · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Day It All Ended

A Man, apparently 25 years old, spiky straight and black hair, golden eyes with red pupils, and fair skin, wearing armor composed of 26 metallic segments connected by iron bands, interconnected and fitted, behind, by leather bands, he cut with his cutting sword several long arrows, which were launched against him, at high speed, shattering each arrow in a matter of seconds.

The Archers, who faced him, were simply giant humans, standing 3 meters tall, with purple skin, who wore lion carcasses as clothes, and used elephant skulls as helmets, and were shooting countless arrows in a matter of seconds.

The Man, along with a whole legion of soldiers, advances against the Archers, and as the Archers use finger movements to summon rocky Beings, they cut all the arrows with their swords.

The rocky Beings, from which they had yellowish marks, shoot blasts of energy from their hands.

Each blast destroys the ground as it advances, but The Man defends the vanguard of his army with a wooden shield girded with iron, thus deflecting the blasts in other directions, causing the blasts to reach mountains, and pulverize them.

With only his left arm free, after throwing his shield to the ground, The Man confronts the rocky beings while his legion advances against the Archers, sequentially pummeling them one by one, tearing them to pieces, causing blood to spurt.

But, the main rocky Being pierces the Man's stomach, causing him to spit pools of blood, and then punches the Man's Skull, shooting him miles away with a hole oozing blood from his forehead.

The Man survives, and shouts:

"Do you think you can beat me,....GASHÉRLES!!!!!!", With those words, the Man shoots in a flash of speed, hitting a giant curly blond Man, with gray blue eyes and purple skin, with a Powerful punch, thus impaling the Blond Man's stomach with his fist, from whom he spits blood, and retreats, laughing.

"Are you so desperate that you resort to violence, Amedliver?", the Blonde Man mocked, laughing, revealing himself as the aforementioned Gashérles.

"SHUT UP, YOU SHIT!!!", while saying such a sentence, the Man, now identified as Amedliver, punches Gashérles in the face, shooting him kilometers away.

Gashérles reappears in the same second, and both, Gashérles and Amedliver, clash their fists, generating a shock explosion, which destroys all the trees in the place, and then exchange Punches and kneeling, destroying several mountains with the impact.

With a Hammer Kick, Amedliver explodes the ground, raising smoke and dust into the environment they were in, with that, an Archer from Amedliver's army appears behind Gashérles, and fires an Arrow, piercing Gashérles in the chest, obliterating his heart, However, Gashérles survives, however, the arrow begins to glow, and implodes in energy, generating an explosion that devastates the ground.

Amedliver then draws his sword, and decapitates Gashérles, ripping his head off in a slash, causing blood to explode, and killing Gashérles.

Suddenly, Gashérles' body begins to bubble, and then physiologically changes, becoming a red being, with long horns and purple marks on the skin.

Then, Gasherles, Reborn, charges at Amedliver, and rips his heart out in the same second before Amedliver could even blink to react, killing Amedliver.

With Amedliver dead, Gasherles advances against the Archers themselves, and devours them alive, tearing their flesh and devouring them.

Afterwards, Gasherles, with a macabre smile, advances against Amedliver's soldiers, and tears them into pieces of meat with a simple swing of his hand.

Absorbing the souls of the deceased, Gashérles manages to open an Interdimensional portal, and summon Demons, where he levitates to the sky, and extends his hand upwards, screaming:

"Shrobbanomahe!", With those words, Gasherles generates an orb of darkness in the palm of his hand, thus absorbing the souls of the entire planet, including the souls of the future inhabitants of the planet and human beings who would still exist and also those who no longer existed. either never existed or would soon exist, thus absorbing the souls of the future, present and past.

With such souls, Gasherles feeds the orb of darkness, which shoots a jet of crimson light, which reaches the fabric of the sky, tearing the fabric of reality, and opening a space-time portal, where, a gigantic grotesque and volcanic being appears, which simply devours all the bodies on planet Earth, and the souls that the Orb of darkness collected by simply transiting the planet in a second and devouring the Orb of darkness, thus, Gashérles devours the Being, thus leaving planet Earth according to its size growing to the size of a Gigantic Planet, Gashérles devours the entire Solar System, and then with the energy of everything he devoured, he shapes reality, distorting the entire Universe into a spiraling maelstrom.

When Gashérles disappears, Amedliver resurfaces alive again in a Celestial Environment, where he is faced with beings with golden skin and human appearance and considerably superior to the human physical status.

"Who are you? Zeblioarins?",Amedliver Questioned Alertly, drawing his Sword.

"Calm down, Young One.", the oldest of the beings Spoke, serene and calm.

"We are Gods, worthless human, not ridiculous modified beings, you worm.", the youngest sneered, with a look of contempt and a tone of arrogance.

"Don't pay attention to Enki, he's just acting normally.", the older man said gently, smiling serenely.

"S-So y-you're g-gods?!", Amedliver questioned stuttering, panting, shivering.

"Yes, exactly.", confirmed the woman among the beings.

In a flash, the Man lightly punches the Elder's abdomen, making him howl in pain.

"Ey!!!", He shouted sullenly, huffing.

"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MY WORLD WAS DESTROYED?!!!", Amedliver shouted angrily, cutting the "air", thus shooting an energy blast.

The Elder defends himself with the tip of his finger, defusing the explosion with a simple touch.

"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MY KINGDOM.....", He shouted angrily, cutting the "air" several times, firing countless explosions of energy.

The Eldest undoes them with a flick of his finger.

Falling in frustration to the "ground", crying, Amedliver prostrated himself, screaming.

"Where are you...", he tried to curse, but he coughed in the middle of sobs.

"We are very sorry for your loss, young man.", the second oldest spoke seriously.

"But we can't interfere in the choices of beings throughout existence.", added the older woman.

"That's why we'll give you 1 chance to save your world.", Declared the oldest, serious and cold.

"A Chance?", Amedliver asked hopefully.

"Yes, one.", confirmed the second oldest.

"On the condition, that you will destroy the Zebliarinos and defeat the Demons that invaded Reality.", added the younger one, crossing his arms.

"Try hard, and become stronger, Boy.", Said the third eldest.

"That's the only way you can beat them.", Declared the eldest.

"The choice is yours.", Said the older woman, in suspense.

"Do you accept it or not?", Questioned the Elder, smiling.

"I'm in!!!", Amedliver shouted excitedly, jumping up.

The Elder laughed.

"I like your spirit.", the Eldest said, leaning down, and touching Amedliver's forehead with his finger.

Through this, Amedliver disappears in a flash of light.

"Goodbye, Amedliver....", Said the youngest, coldly.

13 years earlier:

Amedliver wakes up, rising from the grass he was lying on.

"Wait!!! Was this all a dream?",Amedliver questioned himself, confused.

Seeing, in a mirror stuck to a tree, his forehead marked with a crimson seal, Amedliver smiles.

"Incredible!!",Amedliver thought laughing.

"Wait!!! So everything was real!!!", Amedliver realized, crossing his arms.

"So, I went back to the past, it seems.", Amedliver thought, smiling, looking at the horizon.

To be continued.....