
The Fallen Deity

A war had broken out in the heavens and the mortal realm. The war in the heavens was quickly ended with the deaths of all but one Deity known as Alex. During the war in the heavens Alex was injured and found themself in the mortal realm. The only downside was that their power was nearly gone. Follow Alex on their journey through the mortal realm, eventually gaining their power, and deciding whether to ascend back to the heavens or to stay in the land of the mortals. (Everything in this novel is original. If found anywhere else it is advised to remove it due to copyright.) (P.S. might get a little gruesome at some points... not all mortals are kind.)

FreddyDeathBear · ファンタジー
4 Chs

A Strange Child

As the golden glow appeared in the sky, a villager happened to notice and started to run towards it after grabbing a sword.

This was the first time anything like this had happened so it wasn't any surprise that he would arm himself. There of course had been meteors that fell, but none of the recorded ones were golden.

In a forest about a mile south from where the villager was, the deity was unconscious. Since deities never slept, a defense mechanism kicked into play and the body of the deity turned into that of a young child around the age of seven. The child had long black hair with bright blue eyes. It was impossible to tell the gender of the child.

The deities were a strange race as they didn't really have genders, though some chose to appear one way over the other. Alex wasn't too bothered by this fact and never really changed the way they looked. In this case, the child took the appearance of a younger version of Alex. Since Alex never chose a gender, they never had the features of either sex.

The glow around Alex faded almost immediately upon impact. Although they hadn't died, due to the lightning that had struck them, they were weaker than normal. Until they could fully heal, their power would not return to its previous state. They were almost as weak as the weakest of the mortal races.

The villager stumbled his way through the dense forest looking for the source of the golden streak. There were no lights aside from the torch he held in his hand which barely illuminated the area around him. Although it wasn't night, the forest was a dark place and home to many dark and twisted creatures.

The man had searched almost the entire area where he had assumed the impact was, yet found nothing. He started to walk away but came to a stop when he noticed a crowd of creatures nearby. The villager was alert and prepared to be swarmed any moment, but the creatures just sat there staring at something, growling every now and then. The Man approached the crowd cautiously, attempting to see what had their attention. As he neared, instead of attacking him like he assumed the beasts would, they simply parted to make way for the man. 'This is the strangest shit I've ever experienced, and that's saying something.' The man thought to himself as he lowered his weapon. Then he saw it. 'What the hell is a kid doing here?! More importantly, why are the creatures nearby so passive?! The fuck is going on?!' As he looked around to get a better feel for the situation and determine what his next actions should be, he noticed the small crater surrounding the child. 'By the heavens… is this what I think it is?... No way right?... No, surely not… that'd be improbable.' The man stared at the scene in front of him wide eyed, trying his best to think of an explanation.

The creatures surrounding the area started to disperse slowly, returning to their usual aggressive behavior. Although none of them dared to attack anywhere near the child, they still continued their predative ways, stalking the smaller creatures that had yet to leave the radius. They deemed the area too threatening due to the aura emitted by the strange small creature(deity) they stumbled upon.

The villager noticed the gradual change in behavior and decided to leave the thinking be until they were safe. He walked closer to the unconscious child in front of him and picked them up before darting towards where he had entered the forest originally.

The child wasn't heavy, in fact they seemed almost light for the age they looked. They were extremely fragile from what he could tell, although what he could understand was far less than what he couldn't.

Approaching the edge of the forest the man started to slow his pace. Only the weakest creatures lived towards the edges of the forest. As such there wasn't really much of a reason to continue running.

The child as far as he could tell wasn't actually in a life threatening state, although blood covered parts of their clothing.

The only visible wounds were a few scratches and even those were quite small.

Compared to the child, their clothing was in worse condition.

They had been burned, had cuts in them, were covered in blood, and had dirt embedded into the side the child was laying on.

'Just what on Gilandrea happened?! You know what, no more questions till they wake. My brain's gonna melt at this rate.'

The duo arrived at a small village where many wandering eyes fell on the child. "Virgil, who's the kid?" Asked a female guard. Since she was a guard that had worked there since the village was founded, she naturally knew every face. "Trust me, I'm just as confused as you are Sara." Virgil replied. Not really knowing what to say, Sara just followed Virgil to the resident lord's manor.

When they reached the manor two guards stationed near the front gate saluted to Virgil and Sara as they passed. After passing through the gate, they walked up a path leading to a large door.

Upon opening the door, they came into a room filled with lavish decorations and intricate paintings.

On both sides of the entryway room there was a staircase curving up towards the center of the top floor. The place wasn't as grand as a palace or a mansion but it did have it's value.

Virgil walked further in and entered a room with a fireplace, a bed, two comfortable chairs near the fire, and a few various plants in seemingly random corners of the room.

There was a man sitting in one of the chairs who turned when he heard the shuffling of feet and the opening of the door. Upon seeing Virgil the man gave a soft smile. Then his eyes fell on the child covered in burned, bloody clothes and he frowned. "Virgil. Could you please explain to me why there's a child on the verge of death in your arms?" Virgil looked around trying to figure out what to say. "Sir, I found them in the forest. They were surrounded by beasts in the middle of a crater, yet none of the beast attacked them, even though they were unconscious. The child was already in this state when I found them. Even more confusing sir is that there was a bright golden streak in the sky just moments before. I assumed it was a meteor with strange properties. Knowing the value of such a thing I went to search for it in hopes of improving our settlement. But instead I found the kid." The man looked at Alex, then back at Virgil. "You're telling me the child fell from the sky?" The man said in a confused tone. "Virgil, I've known you since I was a child and I know you wouldn't lie to me… but don't you think that story is a little far fetched? Maybe you hallucinated or maybe it's something to do with magic. Gods, only those mages could pull something like that off!" He sighed. "Set them on the bed and we'll figure out what to do with them when they wake." He turned to Sara. "Go get a healer, and make it fast. I don't want a child's corpse in my manor."

"Actually Lord Dean, sir, the child seems fine. From what I can tell they're unharmed." Virgil announced. Lord Dean stopped and thought for a moment before replying. "Get one anyways… There's no way to know the condition of the child for sure. Better to be safe than sorry, as it is my duty as the Lord of this village." Sara saluted then proceeded to follow her new orders.