
THE FALLEN by: AnnaKaterinaLafayette

When Angels were banished, not all of them changed. Some, remained pure, and still walks with us, up to this day.

AnnaKaterina89 · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Chapter V

The sound of rippling water filled the cottage at dawn as Penelope wrings one towel after another, attempting to bring Ameriel's temperature down.

"How is she?" Zach asked.

"Still burning up." Penelope answered.

Suddenly, Ameriel's veins glowed from underneath her skin. Red and yellow, like a scorching lava, started crawling up her veins. Penelope moved away in one swift motion, shocked.

"Look!" - said Penelope.

Orionne and Gordon, both looked at each other, as if reading each other's minds.

Orionne then rushed to Ameriel's side and held her in his arms. His skin burning in the process. Burnt skin and flesh can be smelled in the air. Carrying Ameriel, Orionne then rushed towards the door, taking Ameriel outside.

Penelope, Zach and Gordon, followed Orionne until they reached a beautiful waterfall. Orionne then took Ameriel into the water, chest - deep, the water boiling each time it touches Ameriel's skin.

Tears filled Penelope's eyes as she laid eyes on Orionne. He is badly burned. She could tell he is just barely holding on.

As soon as Orionne placed Ameriel at the middle of the water down the waterfall, his tears fell from his eyes, not losing sight of Ameriel, then he closed his eyes, and collapsed in the water near her. The water kept boiling, surrounding Ameriel.

Gordon then pulled out a blank ball, teleported over Orionne's sinking body, pulled him up, and brought him on Penelope's side. He was totally unconscious, no pulse. He was just laying there, lifeless, burnt.

Then the water below Ameriel's body glowed, a blinding light, they all had to shield their eyes from it. Then tiny lights appeared above the waterfall like tiny fireflies, and from it, a creature appeared. Hee legs like a moose's , her upper body a fusion of both animal and human, a very pretty face, big branching antlers, adorned like crown, so beautiful everyone was in awe of it. Gordon, throwing a sharp gaze at Penelope as she noticed him, his cheeks flushed.

Then the creature let itself down in a smooth gliding motion, hovering in the water just above Ameriel's head. Then it looked at Orionne's body.

"She's so beautiful."

Exclaimed Penelope. Zach's gaze, was absolutely fixed on her too. He literally could not take his eyes off her, like it was glued there.

"She is." Answered Gordon.

"Be careful though."

He then pursed his lips, and pointed it towards Zach.

"She charms everyone. It could be hard to snap out of it."

Orionne's body then slowly floated in the air, then moving towards Ameriel and the beautiful creature.

Beautiful little round lights then covered both Orionne and Ameriel. Then she plunged in the water, touched Ameriel's forehead, and the light, glowing in Ameriel's veins slowly faded.

Then she moved over to Orionne, she held both sides of his head between her palms. Very bright light radiated from her and enveloped Orionne's body.

A few moments passed and the blinding light radiated slowly faded. Orionne looked as good as new. His wounds and burns were healed. He looked way younger too.

The creature then walked towards them, both Orionne and Ameriel floating, barely touching the waters by her side.

As she nears them, Gordon then introduced her to Penelope and Zach, and them, to her in return.

"Folks, this is Amrrhayah, the Goddess of nature."

Penelope stares at Gordon, making him feel a bit uneasy.

"You're stuttering has gone."

Penelope said.

Gordon acknowledged with a smile.

"Glad you noticed. In this realm, I'm pretty normal."

Answered Gordon, cheeks still blushing from the sight of the beautiful creature.