
Chapter 34

Helga wasted no time to sit and cultivate like Astrid taught her. Even though both bodies were severely damaged their essence still remained. While Helga did this Mika took time to recover. Alexias was still scouting the forest but found nothing. Akando and Astrid were walking around through the forest.

"So you like Mika don't you? I've seen the way you stare at her. Don't tell me the big strong warrior is scared of a little affection." Astrid teased.

"It's that obvious huh? Ever since she visited the sanctuary, and we spent time as kids I've cared for her. She is just so much stronger than me. So I don't think she will find me worthy enough." Akando replied.

"You just need to grow a pair. Everyone has lust and desires. What's the harm in trying to reach out? If she doesn't agree then move on, its simple. You are a human which means your life span is extremely limited. Do you really wanna waste it waiting around? Sven could very well take your women. I don't mind she's very gorgeous and looks like fun." Astrid teased him attempting to push him into action. Not out of the kindness of her heart but because Astrid didn't want another woman taking time away from her, and Sven.

"Aren't you being scared to? I hear you, and Helga are both close to him. You tell me to make a move yet you do the same." Akando replied.

"What we do is different. We all share the same bed. Just this morning we were starting to have fun before getting called out here." Astrid said with an intense look of anger in her eyes.

She understood the importance of what they were doing. It's just she had waited almost two weeks total, and finally was gonna get what she desired. Akando noticed the intense bloodlust in her, and choose to walk quietly now. Two harpies were watching them from above. They were twins both with long brown hair, and green eyes.

"The aura radiating from that woman is powerful. If we were to devour her we could maybe overthrow him." When the other one hears this it smacks her across the face.

"Do you forget what happened to the last who tried?! Let's get this over with." The harpy said as she jumped down.

'We are engaging two of the harpies now.' Akando quickly reported to everyone.

Her sister quickly following behind her. Astrid and Akando were getting ready to fight. Akando had no weapon in his hand so he immediately began chanting while charging in. Before he could even get close Astrid disappeared, only to reappear in front of the two harpies. She immediately kicked one in the stomach sending her flying into the forest and followed it by immediately grabbing the other woman's neck slamming her into the ground.

"You bitches interrupted a very special moment for me this morning. I will make sure you suffer accordingly." Astrid threatened as a powerful killing aura was admitted.

This was a look Astrid never shown anyone till now. Normally she likes to play around, but she truly was furious after waiting almost two weeks to get with Sven. Not to mention she didnt even have time to feed this morning. The harpy was momentarily stunned by the aura before she used her claws to cut the hand wrapped around her neck. Astrid grabbed it before kicking the woman in the stomach causing her to skid along the ground. She placed the hand back as it quickly healed back together. Taking off after the woman.

Akando saw this and felt an intense fear sweeping over him. He had no idea Astrid was so powerful, and her bloodthirst was sending tingles down his spine. Akando being a warrior didnt let it distract his chant. He raised his hands into the air as two tomahawks radiating an immense heat similar to the sun formed in his hands. Even though he was a level four magic-user Akando was never good at launching offensive spells like the others, and did not have the talent for carving glyphs.

So he spent all his life honing his skills in conjuring these two weapons. The quality of the weapon was astounding. Cultivating the one technique all his life, and then honing his skills as a warrior. He took off towards the direction Astrid kicked the first one. She was still recovering from being kicked into a tree. Akando threw one of the tomahawks towards the woman's head. She dodged it but her face began to burn. Acting on pure fear she leaped away as fast as she could. After a few seconds of it sitting in the tree. It burst into flames from within, and it rapidly rendered the tree to ashes. If she were to take a direct hit from this weapon it could prove to be fatal. She started to use the wind to launch refined daggers at him. He started dodging as his tomahawk flew back to his hand. The harpy fled back into the forest to separate him from his comrade.

The harpy Astrid chased after got up and started causing intense winds. She was trying to keep Astrid from getting close to her. The wind was raging at 80 mph, but Astrid continued walking to her slowly. Astrid grinned at the woman before closing in piercing her hand through the stomach. The harpy swiped Astrid across her face before jumping into the trees to recover. Astrid's hand was drenched in blood as she sampled the blood. The wounds on her face were already healed.

"Such foul-tasting blood, or maybe I'm getting spoiled lately. You can run, but nothing with save you from my wrath. The only thing left for you decide is if you wanna die fast, or slow." Astrid taunted as she began whistling wandering through the woods to find her prey. Now that she's tasted her blood she won't lose her. Even the smallest drop will lead her.

The harpy could hear her closing in. Her wound just barely healed. She knew that this woman was to powerful to handle in human form. Before Astrid could get close she felt the pressure of the harpy awakening.

"This is finally gonna get fun," Astrid said with a devious grin.