
14, Revelations of the Prophecy

I was tired. Training had been taking a toll on me, but I promised myself that I wouldn't give up. I needed to be strong for my people. Valeria didn't waste any time teaching me how to use my fire powers. She had explained to me that she wouldn't have taught me how to use my fire until after two or three months of physical training. The body has to be prepared for the magic that will flow through it. When we use magic, more of our physical strength is exerted. She told me that if I fought someone now, I would probably get exhausted and hurt easily. But I didn't have a choice.

It had been two weeks since the meeting with Junaid and all the members of the council. I had barely seen Malik since our getaway last week, but I didn't worry much. We all had to prepare for the war that was coming. Zahra would sometimes come train with me or keep me company, but other than that, I've really just been with Valeria, which was not fun.